NaslovnaForumKazinaCoins.Game Casino - opšta diskusija

Coins.Game Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 6)

pre 1 godinu od drksux
18.250 pregleda 116 odgovora |
1...5 6
pre 5 meseci

bez brzog popunjavanja ličnih podataka, imate li sve na umu?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

I'm sorry - what is that suppossed to mean, please? 🙂

pre 4 meseci site is fraud

I deposited 423 XRP on the site and won about 300 XRP through hundreds of games. I requested a withdrawal to end the day's game, but it was stopped for security reasons and that it violated policy. I have submitted all requested information and ID, but it is stopped regardless of the reason. This is a very unfair and vicious site, so please do not use it.

pre 4 meseci

Hi there!

Though I imagine it must have been a terrible experience, and I truly appreciate the effort you just showed. I still have a question, if you don't mind.

What policy the casino claimed was violated?

It almost sounds like you did not pass the KYC verification for some reason.

Can you please be more specific? We might be able to assist once the problem is more obvious.

pre 2 meseci

Zdravo, ovaj kazino je smeće. Sve igre su uspele. Igram dugo i ne znam kako da pobedim. Oni su prevaranti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hi, do you mean that the games seem to be fake or that the RTP is not high or not as high as the casino indicates for the games? Are you able to see it somewhere or not?

pre 2 meseci

Yes it is a big pile of crap filled with thiefs. I promise to you I will not rest until you'll loose your license since you stole a life changing amount from me. You trying to wrong barbarian ( I don't think I can use the word that usually is used ) and now I'll f..k you... remember no lube no diner is coming

pre 2 meseci

I have seen that it is a complicated situation and also that the complaint has been reopened. I hope that this situation can be resolved somehow and it will turn out well. 

Anyway, now we will have to wait for further developments.

pre 2 meseci

I don't think it is complicated at all I believe it is very easy case since I have all of the evidence required to confirm my statements and they have nothing. Before sending my "bad proof of address" I asked if it will suffice otherwise I can go get something different and since I didn't get negative answer I did proceed with what I had. I don't want to trash them and call names since I still like it irregardless this unpleasant situation but sometimes one has to do what one has to do.

pre 2 meseci

I understand what you are talking about. So we'll let our team take a look at it all again and hopefully it can be fixed somehow.

pre 1 nedelje

Ne možeš da igraš u ovom kazinu, oni su lopovi, svaki dan je ovaj kazino sve gori, pre neki dan sam napravio 2 transfera po 30€ i sada ne znaju gde su pare, nikad ne možeš da dobiješ, sve igre su im uspeli, niko nikad ne odgovara, ako kažeš nešto u mačku blokiraju te je usran kazino

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Oni su prevaranti i niko ništa ne radi. Nikada nisam igrao u puno kazina, ali ovo je prevara. Pošto imaju licencu, to je veoma retko.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your bad casino experience. 

When we talk about transfers, do you mean that you tried to withdraw or deposit? When you write them what happened to the money, they don't write you anything at all? 

Try to tell me a little more, please. 

pre 1 nedelje

Lažni kazino ne isplaćuje dobitke, igrači ne igraju u ovom kazinu. Nećete dobiti svoje dobitke. Igrajte na bilo kom drugom mestu gde postoje dobre kritike ili statusi. To su prevaranti, znate, oni ne isplaćuju ni mali iznos.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Ovo je lažni kazino koji ne isplaćuje dobitke, postoji potvrda banke. Čet za podršku je užasan, ne odgovara, ali status je gotov, kada nema sredstava na saldu, ne daje dobitke. Igrači ne igraju ovaj kazino !!!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje


I imagine you feel very frustrated. I hope you don't mind if I help others with a few details I found in the complaint: "The player from Ukraine attempted to withdraw 10,000 UAH, but the funds were sent to someone else's account. Customer support is unresponsive, and the player has not received any funds in their gaming balance or bank card, suspecting deception with a fake receipt."

(full complaint here 👈)

First of all, I can assure you Natalia is a great resolver and she won't stop pursuing every inconsistency in the case. Therefore, please relax; she will diligently work to advance the case with the casino representative. Luckily, the person is responsive.

pre 1 nedelje

Hvala vam na pomoći, nadam se da će moje pitanje biti rešeno. Želim da igrači znaju kako kazino vara i ne daje dobitke, samo u kazinu da uplaćuje depozit, a ako osvojite neki mali deo depozita, oni vam ga ni ne daju. Nisam se susreo sa takvom prevarom, neizdavanjem dobitaka više od mesec dana, varaju sa tim nevažećim računima, služba podrške ne odgovara.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 nedelje
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

Thank you for bringing this issue up to the forum. It has been such a long time, and yet the problem has not been resolved, which is serious, and others will be informed thanks to you.

Right now, I would not rely on casino support very much. If at all possible, spare your nerves and let Natalia handle that.

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