NaslovnaForumKazinaCosmo Casino - opšta diskusija

Cosmo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Panders
14.174 pregleda 40 odgovora |
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Zaista sam veoma zadovoljan sa Casino Rewards, igrao sam u različito vreme (godine) u različitim kockarnicama grupe, sada u luksuzu, istina je da je otvaranjem različitih naloga i integrisanim sistemom lojalnosti bilo problema povremeno od strane različiti korisnici, nazovite se ID kodom ili unesite moj email ili korisničko ime... ali live chat 24x7 a1... oni to riješe.

A ako pristupim promociji sa svoje e-pošte i ne aktiviram je u aplikaciji, oni je također riješe.

Sada je teško održati status, moraš igrati... A ako je frustrirajuće spustiti se na nivo.

Ali rekao bih da je to jedan od najboljih kazina.

Prilično je kompletan.

Plaćaju brzo i imaju nekoliko načina plaćanja i isplate.


Chat u luksuzu se takođe prevodi na španski.

Upravo sam vidio recenziju koju imate iz tog razloga moj komentar.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Hello and thank you for your information.

Do you know you can write your own user review here? 🙂

Registrovan sam u Cosmos kazinu od 2017. 2022Ali danas nisam dobio isplatu dobitka, sva dokumenta su poslata i potvrđena na mejlove, bez odgovora. Ćaskanje radi samo na mobilnom telefonu i na engleskom. Sve što je objašnjeno sa servisnim ćaskanjem želeo je da proveri moj nalog, ali ništa se nije pojavilo.

Smešno je šteta što kazino tako loše tretira lojalne kupce.

Automatski prevedeno:

As I can see in the complaint there should be some update today.

I must say the worst thing the casino can do to any player is ignorance. Let's see what happens next, though.

Pozdrav svima,

Kako se igra na Kosmosu ako igrači iz Nemačke nisu dozvoljeni? VPN ? Imaju samo Microgaming (najbolji ikada)? A to iz Nemačke ne ide, zar ne?

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, as far as I can see, the casino does not accept players from Germany at the moment, so it would not be a good idea to try to get around it by using a VPN, because according to our information they do not support its use. However, I found a list of casinos for you, which might be interesting for you, plus they also include microgaming as you requested. However, the game provider may not be available for all countries, so I recommend that you read the Terms and Conditions or ask the operator. 🙂

Is there anything else you would prefer when choosing a casino ? Do you like any other game providers ? In the context of what is microgaming the best for you ? Let us know.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Da, to će biti moguće i u Nemačkoj od 2017, ali ne znam da li će to još biti moguće 2023.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, osvojio sam nešto u cosmo kazinu posle toliko vremena, ali moj dobitak je bio na listi za isplate više od 48 sati, ali nije obrađen. Može li mi neko pomoći?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there.

I can understand that you are a bit frustrated, although we allow casinos 14 full days to verify players and process the payment. Cosmo Casino has got a good safety index, as you can see here, what in this case is a positive thing and it could lead us to a good result for you.

Have you already passed the verification? Sometimes this process can take a little bit longer as the casino has to do all the checks needed so the withdrawal can be processed.

Let us know please whenever there is any update.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Naravno da sam verifikovan, rekli su mi da moj nalog ima zaostatak od 84 evra, ali mi nisu obrađivali isplatu, ali zar to nije tačno? Proverio sam svoj bankovni račun i nije bilo povraćaja novca, ali još uvek moram da platim, naravno cosmo kazino uvek pokušavaj da poništim dobitak i nastavim da igram i izgubim! To je njihov način (veoma jeftino) sada moram da čekam još 48 sati na isplatu... Ako nađeš nešto ponovo posle 48 sati

Automatski prevedeno:

You know what? I would ask your bank whether there is a pending chargeback operation reserved in the system. This is the least you can do. I would certainly try that. Then, you can present the official response to the casino.

How bad could that be?

Hvala 🙏, ne treba da pitam banku, sve se vidi na izvodima računa, cosmo kazino uvek pokušava da me natera da poništim dobitak i nastavim da igram, sad čekam da mi isplate

Automatski prevedeno:

I was just a thought. 🙁 I'm sorry to say that; it seems you should complain instead. There is little else to come up with. Are you familiar with the process?

This guide focused on complaints might help. I'll be here if you have questions, ok?

Ažurirano od strane autora

I think sometimes getting informed is not a bad idea but whatever you think. 

However, the way you write it makes me think that it didn't happen for the first time, so how is it, have you had a similar experience in this casino ? I would also like to add that a few days is not a disaster yet, so we will see how the whole thing will turn out.

Be sure to keep me updated with more information, because if there are issues and the casino doesn't pay you out after 14 days, our team will try to help you. 🙂


Hvala vam puno 😊

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, pokušavam da dobijem izvod o mojim depozitima u Cosmo kazinu najmanje jednom mesečno pola godine od kada sam se registrovao, ali jednostavno ne dobijam odgovor od podrške ili nešto slično. Iako je kazino obavezan prema GDPR-u da mi pošalje takav izvod na zahtev. Kada pogledam svoj kazino račun, vidim ga samo godinu dana, ali ga želim od poslednjih 5-6 godina. Šta još možete da uradite da biste dobili informacije?

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there. Sorry to hear that the casino support is not responding to your requests. Unfortunately we won't be in any help with this kind of issue. Have you tried to contact them thru live chat and by email as well? They should give you this kind of information, as you said, and also inform you, if there was some kind of change in the casino, let's say, and therefore they do not have any older list of this kind.🤷‍♀️


Hvala na odgovoru. Još uvek nisam dobio mejlove o svom problemu, jedino što dobijam od njih je koje nove igre ili bonusi postoje. Onda ću verovatno morati da nastavim da tražim kako da dobijem izvod sa svog računa, što je za mene veoma važno. Poslednje rešenje bi bilo da angažujem advokata, što zapravo želim da izbegnem.

Automatski prevedeno:

I realize that you want to have as little trouble with this as possible and you would prefer to resolve it all smoothly. As Romi wrote, in this case the casino itself will have to provide you with such information, but I'm not sure if they keep such documents for 5-6 years. It might be a good idea to ask. 

Also, as suggested, the most sensible thing to do would be to write an email and explain your situation and hopefully the casino will write you back and tell you whether or not they can provide you with something like that. 

Would you try it ? 

Da, naravno da bih pokušao poslednji put. Obično takve dokumente treba čuvati kao dokaz 10 godina.

Automatski prevedeno:
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