U pravu si! Negde sam pročitao o elitebet.pl, ali IT Global nije podružnica/ko-kompanija EGMIT Elite Ltd? Sajt (elite24bet.com) je u kvaru oko dve nedelje i postao je nedostupan oko nedelju dana. Neki od nas su od tada dobili mejl da ćemo dobiti novac u narednim nedeljama, ali nismo mirni. Cartel_07 je rekao, mi smo u istoj situaciji kao i vi.
Malo ažuriranje: Danas sam na njihove sve dostupne adrese poslao mejlove, gde sam im rekao da sam preduzeo neke korake kod nekih organa i nadležnih da će ih kontaktirati, a mi još uvek čekamo svoj nezakonito zadržan novac.
You did right! I have read somewhere about elitebet.pl, but IT Global not a subsidiary/co-company of EGMIT Elite Ltd? The site (elite24bet.com) has broke down for about two weeks, and has become unavailable for about one week. Some of us got email since then that we will got our money in the following weeks but we are not calm. Cartel_07 said, we are in the same situation like you.
Little update: Today I sent to their all available addresses emails, where I told them that I took some steps at some bodies and authorities so they will contact them and we are still waiting for our unlawfully withheld money.
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