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iWild Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 10)

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Post od Dobronx Sakriveno od Radka
Razlog: Uvredljiv sadržaj

Dobronk, mislim da ne vredi izgovarati grube reči na koje Romi pokušava da ti pomogne na najbolji mogući način, pa smatram da je nepoštovanje što ti odgovaraš na ovaj način. Ne tiče vas se da li će dobiti od rejtinga ili ne. Čak i danas pokušavaju da budu što iskreniji u svojim ocenama, ako vam se ne sviđa, imate mnogo kazina da birate i naučite da bolje pročitate kriterijume svakog kazina pre nego što dođete ovde da se žalite kao da je Guru kazino okriviti. U jednom od problema koje sam imao, uvek su bili od pomoći i rešili ga. Opet pružaju pomoć i ništa ne naplaćuju. Razmislite sledeći put šta pišete ovde jer oni su tu da nam pomognu a ne obrnuto i budite ljubazniji!!!

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Smeješ mi se? Moj nalog je odavno verifikovan, uplatio sam depozit za povezivanje novog piastrik novčanika, podigao 20 evra i dobio blok sa natpisom „kazino ima pravo da blokira bilo kog igrača bez objašnjenja po nahođenju administracije". Da li vam smeta što kazino ima takvo pravilo? Ovim pravilom se može manipulisati na bilo koji način, u svakoj situaciji. Kazino mora biti na crnoj listi, posebno s obzirom na povećane kritike za bonuse i broj žalbi! Takva pravila mogu biti samo u projektima prevare! Ako neko tamo osvoji 100 hiljada evra, igrač nikada neće dobiti dobitak i biće blokiran sa istom formulacijom kao ja!

Vaš resurs je korumpirano đubre, siguran sam da vam ovaj projekat prevare plaća svoj rejting, nikada mi nećete dokazati suprotno. Svaki pravi igrač ovog kazina se ne slaže sa ovom ocenom, jednostavno je smešno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there.

I have to say your response is out of the context completely. Shall we keep it decent, please?

Romi is actually trying to understand the problem so she can suggest the best advice, though your approach seems quite rude to me.

Even though I understand you feel the casino has not treated you well, we on the other side have not heard the casino's opinion on the same situation, by the way. It's your version of what has been wrongly done to you, plus your opinion. Frankly, the administration's decision is a common rule, almost every casino has it stated in the terms. Are you sure you were a polite customer all the time? After what you just showed us, I can imagine why the casino decided to exclude you from its services.

I imagine this is hard to understand, but this is a forum, and we just can't adjust the Safety index every time someone asks us to do so here. At first, a fair investigation must take place; are you up to that?

Furthermore, you said: "Your resource is corrupt garbage, I am sure that this scam project pays you for its rating, you will never prove to me otherwise. " I suggest you find other platforms worthy of your qualities.

However, take this as a warning. Any more offensive, inconsiderate, or abusive posts will be removed or hidden.

To prevent having your account banned, please try to be courteous.


U normalnim kockarnicama ne postoje takva pravila. Ova pravila uvode isključivo projekti sa malim kapitalom u slučaju osiguranja, kako se ne bi isplatio veliki dobitak.

Zatim, komuniciram tačno onako kako zaslužujete. Zainteresovani ste za promociju ovog projekta prevare; ne mogu imati toliki ugled sa ovakvim kašnjenjima u plaćanju. Povukli su mi 20 evra za nedelju dana; moje prethodno podizanje 200 evra pre godinu ili 2 godine je takođe napravljeno samo uz uloženu žalbu. Takođe, nakon što sam napravio povlačenje, nisam ni otišao na sajt.

Vaša nagađanja na osnovu ličnih zamerki liče samo na patetičan pokušaj da me optužite za nešto kako biste očistili reputaciju ovog „kazina". Izgleda patetično. Možete li mi dati argumente iz kazina zašto sam blokiran? Ili ćete proricati sudbinu sa tarot kartama? Odavno sam dao sve podatke. Napravili ste cirkus ovde, pokušavajući da kazino izgleda kao dobra ustanova, a ja kao užasan klijent. Ti samo dokaži da sam u pravu. Da je procena ovog kazina plaćena, a vi pokušavate da zaradite ovaj novac!

I pišem žalbe na nekoliko izvora, život se ne završava na vašem portalu. Kao znak kvaliteta, odavno ste prestali da ulivate poverenje ovakvim ocenama za projekte prevare! Polovina vaših najboljih kazina ima mnogo pritužbi i negativnih kritika. Ne možete čak ni razlikovati lažnu recenziju od prave.

Automatski prevedeno:

Čak su mi uključili i premoderaciju da ne bi bila ni jedna poruka da je ovaj kazino prevarant, hahahahahahahahaha.

Automatski prevedeno:

U normalnim kockarnicama ne postoje takva pravila. Ova pravila uvode isključivo projekti sa malim kapitalom u slučaju osiguranja, kako se ne bi isplatio veliki dobitak.

Zatim, komuniciram tačno onako kako zaslužujete. Zainteresovani ste za promociju ovog projekta prevare; ne mogu imati toliki ugled sa ovakvim kašnjenjima u plaćanju. Povukli su mi 20 evra za nedelju dana; moje prethodno podizanje 200 evra pre godinu ili 2 godine je takođe napravljeno samo uz uloženu žalbu. Takođe, nakon što sam napravio povlačenje, nisam ni otišao na sajt.

Vaša nagađanja na osnovu ličnih zamerki liče samo na patetičan pokušaj da me optužite za nešto kako biste očistili reputaciju ovog „kazina". Izgleda patetično. Možete li mi dati argumente iz kazina zašto sam blokiran? Ili ćete proricati sudbinu sa tarot kartama? Odavno sam dao sve podatke. Napravili ste cirkus ovde, pokušavajući da kazino izgleda kao dobra ustanova, a ja kao užasan klijent. Ti samo dokaži da sam u pravu. Da je procena ovog kazina plaćena, a vi pokušavate da zaradite ovaj novac!

I pišem žalbe na nekoliko izvora, život se ne završava na vašem portalu. Kao znak kvaliteta, odavno ste prestali da ulivate poverenje ovakvim ocenama za projekte prevare! Polovina vaših najboljih kazina ima mnogo pritužbi i negativnih kritika. Ne možete čak ni razlikovati lažnu recenziju od prave.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi again.

This forum's most crucial function is to give players as much specific information as possible to prevent them from, say, repeating their own or other people's mistakes. By talking about every scenario, we hope to keep the players safe. Therefore, it would be utterly careless to overlook that on this particular occasion. However, you have made the callous decision to be harsh and make us only agree with you. This is not how it works here.

It is okay that you keep saying what you think. However, you also need to show others respect.

For example, this is a thought-provoking concept:

"In normal casinos there are no such rules. These rules are introduced exclusively by projects with small capital in case of insurance, so as not to pay out a large win"

I can guarantee that, absent a clear justification or an administrator's determination, any casino "has the right" to refuse service to players. The way the casino implements this rule for players is what matters.

It works like that in certain situations, but I am not saying this is the best way to handle players. As I mentioned earlier, we do not know why they chose to impose restrictions, and I would also like at least some clarification.

In any event, I recognize that you believe a casino with a high Safety Index has to offer lightning-fast withdrawal times, but that assumption is incorrect.

By definition, the Safety Index shows your chances of getting the winnings, but it does not indicate how soon. Please look through user complaints and reviews for this kind of information. I imagine this is not obvious at first glance, so we put together a detailed guide explaining how to understand the Safety index and how to get the maximum amount of information out of the website - it is all explained in the Guide Section 👈

"As a sign of quality, you have long ceased to inspire confidence with such ratings for scam projects! Half of your top casinos have a lot of complaints and negative reviews. You can't even tell a fake review from a real one."

I acknowledge that numerous casinos with a higher Safety Index also have a high number of complaints and unfavorable user reviews. A few things about that topic:

  1. Since more players prefer to play at large, foreign casinos, there will probably be more complaints filed against them. These casinos also favor working with the Complaint Team in order to increase the likelihood that the complaints submitted against them will be resolved. Players gain from such casinos' simple desire to avoid giving the impression that they do not care. Stated differently, it is imperative to take into account if the complaints have been resolved or not. Because they are penalized for each unresolved case, casinos with a high number of unresolved complaints will end up with a lower Safety Index.
  2. User review are unproven information provided by players. Having said that, we do not include the user rating in the Safety Index. But let me use you as an example. Imagine writing what you have experienced in the casino. Everyone who plays is welcome to read your review and determine what it means to them. Not everyone would understand why you werexpelled from the casino, and the information about slow withdrawals would not include all the details explaining the delay (we would definitely need someone from the casino to understand that). We are unable to quantitatively determine the value of this type of information as long as it cannot be categorized, but it is accessible to others and does not fall under the Safety index rating. I agree that it is not an ideal solution, it is the best we currently have though.
  3. "You can't even tell a fake review from a real one." To be completely honest, these days, nobody can. We are limited in what we can do as long as individuals are compensated for submitting phony user reviews generated by artificial intelligence. Still, we review each user review with the utmost care. If you know of a practical solution, please share your expertise.

I propose that we set aside our emotions and come to a gentleman's agreement. Avoid making hurtful personal remarks, make an effort to be understanding, familiarize yourself with our processes and procedures, and then politely voice your opinions. You know, it is so much easier to criticize something you do not know about than to try to learn enough to contribute to the conversation.

I have learned so much from people with your perspective. I hope you realize that this is a friendly place where I am not trying to hide anything. Everything else is up to you.

Čak su mi uključili i premoderaciju da ne bi bila ni jedna poruka da je ovaj kazino prevarant, hahahahahahahahaha.

Automatski prevedeno:

Sorry, but could you please clarify? At best, the translation from your language is hazy. Please file a complaint if you believe the casino is a scam. We shall all hear what the casino representative has to say about, I'd say it's worth a try.

This casino does not comply with the terms and conditions stated, you make a total withdrawal of €1200 and they don't credit you, they only give you €400 after 2-3 days each time, unacceptable.


Hey, does it happen that you try to withdraw 1200 at once and the casino somehow splits it up and you only get 400 ? Have you tried asking them why this happens when they have a daily limit of 1200 ? I find it a bit strange but it's always good to know the reason. 

On the other hand, if the casino pays you the money, at least it's good news and you don't have to wait so long for it, but I understand that if I had the courage to follow the Terms and the casino didn't explain anything to me, I would be upset. 

So please let me know how it is.

Igram nekoliko meseci i imam problema da podignem svoj prvi dobitak. Nalog je blokiran i KIC ne odgovara na imejlove. Prošlo je više od nedelju dana. Ako dobijem svoj dobitak, ažuriraću sve ovde.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, do you have to go through additional verification according to what you wrote ? Maybe that's why the account is currently blocked and maybe the system detected something unusual, so the casino wants to verify it. Did you supply the casino with any documents ? I suppose if so, they have to check them first and then they should contact you. 

Anyway, since you have a complaint, let's see where it goes from here and what happens.

If you have anything new, be sure to let us know.


Moj nalog je blokiran iz razloga -povrat sredstava-. Ova odluka se ne može poništiti kaže "> .

Automatski prevedeno:

So, did you actually request a chargeback? Also, Veronika in your complaint would like to know the answer. Could you update her, please?


Ne. Nisam znao da je to moguće sa mojim načinima plaćanja

Automatski prevedeno:

Alright. Let's see now how everything will unfold.

Može li mi neko reći koliko će dugo trajati isplata? Bankovnim transferom?

I zašto morate da se verifikujete dva puta? Prošle godine sam već jednom bio verifikovan i sada moram ponovo.


Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I don't know exactly how long your withdrawal should take. Obviously it will depend on whether you successfully re-verify. I would say that it is not unusual for casinos to ask you for some documents to verify yourself again. It does happen from time to time, but have you gone through the process successfully or not yet ? You should be able to withdraw after that, so it may take some time. 

What documents did the casino ask you to provide ? 🙂

Ponovo je urađena KIC verifikacija sa ličnom adresom i selfijem.

Ipak sam malo iznenađen. Imam za isplatu 1200€, od kojih je 400€ uspešno prebačeno na moj račun jutros. Preostalih 800 je u obradi. Ako cela stvar traje toliko dugo, pitam se kako bi neko mogao da očekuje da dobije 1200 evra dnevno.

Pa sačekajmo i vidimo 😁

Automatski prevedeno:

Obviously they would wait a bit for the money, but if the players don't mind, then I don't see any major problem. For me personally the most important thing would be that the casino pays, but of course not everyone is like me. 

So I see that you have already received some of it and I hope that the rest will not take long from now on. 

Feel free to let me know when you get the remaining balance. 😀


Dakle, isplata nije obećanih 1200€ po danu već 400€.

Smatram da je to veoma slabo. Da sam platio 7000€, trebalo bi mi 3 nedelje.

Šteta, potražiću drugi kazino u budućnosti 😉

Automatski prevedeno:
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