NaslovnaForumKazinaLeon Casino - opšta diskusija

Leon Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

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Velika prevara 4 meseca Pokušavam da dobijem svoj novac i ne mogu da nađem način, ali sa moje visa kartice su ga uzeli za minut.. Kada je bilo za povlačenje, dali su mi samo izbor drugih prevaranta

Automatski prevedeno:

Wow, that sounds serious! Have you ever tried to opt for a different payment method? I would certainly try that.

Has the casino suggested a solution? Let me know, please!

Probudite se svi vi kazino igrači....sva kazina su postavljena da izgubite novac, jednom sam upao u kockarske zamke, ali sam to preboleo. Oni su postavljeni da vas nateraju da izgubite novac.... Daj mi vaš novac ljudima kojima je zaista potreban, a ne ljudima koji sede na stolici i bogate se

Automatski prevedeno:

That's true. Casinos make you lose your money. It's always been like that, but some people still like to try their luck. That's why the gambling industry persisted through centuries.

Moj nalog je u potpunosti identifikovan, podneo sam zaһtev za povlačenje 950 € 25.5.2023, za koji će, kako me je kazino uverio, biti potrebno najviše 3 dana da se završi, međutim još uvek je na čekanju.

Više puta sam kontaktirao kazino servis i dok su me prvobitno obavestili da će isplata biti završena 29.5.2023, zatim su mi rekli da će biti završena 30.5.2023 i sada mi kažu da ne znaju kada to će biti završeno jer postoji teһnički problem i ne znaju kada će biti otklonjen, a da mi ne daju nikakve druge informacije i to mi deluje veoma sumnjivo.

Da li se ovo dešava još nekome i kako ste se nosili sa tim?

Automatski prevedeno:

I check currently opened complaints briefly, and there are indeed similar cases.

I'm sorry to say it, but when it comes to technical issues, no one aside from the casino can solve them.

It's extremely annoying to be waiting without further notice, still, I understand that to give you a decent guess, one must be informed first - this also applies to casinos.

You know, all payments are usually handled by a 3rd party company - the payment provider, not by the casino itself. Sadly, since the payouts are outsourced, the casino is in the same position as you. Probably waiting for an update. 🙁

Do you think changing the payment method would be a solution, though? I would wait a few more days then ask the casino, I guess.

Hopefully it won't take too long.


Hello Radka,

Thank you for your answer, i understand the points that you refering, but in my eyes its at least unprofessional when a customer asks you details about his withdrawal your answer to be i don't know.

You have to give a responsible answer especially when you have on your terms and on your withdrawal section the information that the withdrawal will be completed from 1-3 days.

The payment provider is a partner of the casino so i guess that they have the right to ask him for the reasons of the delay and not saying that its not our problem we did our part.

If you believe i am wrong on that please by all means let me know so we can discuss it further



I agree with you, and I'm also happy you know how it works.

I was just explaining the process because from what I've learned here on the forum, many players have never heard about payment providers.

I didn't mean to excuse the casino - no way!

Sadly, it won't change the fact casinos rely on their partners, and can't handle their issues. 🙁


Ovo što kažeš delimično nije tačno....nije stvar sreće nego krađe, jer neko reguliše sumu, sisaće pare i raspodeliće se, svi zajedno jedu

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, i još nešto, postoje kazino sajtovi koji vam pokazuju iznos koji svaki igrač osvoji, naravno više od 10.000 evra, očigledno lažna vest, zar ne bi trebalo da se ti ljudi kazne po zakonu?

Automatski prevedeno:

I wouldn't say it is a theft. Take the slots for example: you know the RTP (return to player) is below 100% meaning - you'll lose. If you pick up a game with a lower RTP, and high volatility, and apply a not-so-good strategy, your chances get even lower.

This is a common situation.

I have never heard about casinos manipulating games provided by licensed dame providers, streamed from original servers. Fake games, on the other hand, were designed to lower the chances by setting an unofficial RTP. Be aware of such practices.


I think you first need to prove there is some sort of fraud first. No one gets punished without decent inquiry if you ask me.

Some players were convinced the results were somehow manipulated though in several casinos - not there. Like the winner was not an actual player. But I have never got any feedback.

Hvala vam puno nisam rekao da su prevaranti.....ali svejedno proverite slotove hvala budi dobro ne uznemiravajte me više samo neću ponovo da igram hvala vam puno

Automatski prevedeno:

No problem at all. Sometimes it happens while the auto translator is used, so don't take it harshly, please. 🙂

I honestly do not want to bother you further, but just on occasion another complaint has arisen, and it's about the tournament manipulations. Check it out if you are interested:

This is the associated forum thread if you like.

Stay well!

Dana 30.08.2023.

Vreme: 20:22 Napravio sam piks u Casino Leon u vrednosti od 54,00 R$ nije uplaćen na moj račun, podneo sam nekoliko žalbi sa Casino Leon i ništa nije rešeno, tako da prijatelji ne polažu ništa tamo, ovaj kazino će progutati vaše novac, su nepošteni

Automatski prevedeno:

Casino Lion prevari igrače

Automatski prevedeno:


I understand you're upset! To help you through the submitted complaint, however, we need you to provide further answers. Check it out here:

I am especially interested in this:

"Could you please advise if it was your first deposit in this casino? Have you contacted your bank already? Ideally, they should be part of the investigation."

Dobro veče, nov sam na leon platformi i želeo bih da pitam, pokušao sam da podignem novac transferom bankovnog računa i pokazao mi je problem sa identifikacijom računa. Izabrao sam brojeve kartica, ali su bili tačni. Šta radim pogrešno?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I've moved your post under this particular casino. Regarding the problem you are having, do you have a fully verified account with the casino ? Have you tried asking the support what the problem might be when it gives you an error ? I think it would be best to ask there and they will be able to give you the best answer. It would definitely be good to post it here as well, so that I and other players have a better idea of the situation.

Would that be possible ? 


Sve je bilo u redu, moj problem je rešen, odmah su mi odgovorili. i pomogli su mi, hvala vam puno na vašem vremenu!!

Automatski prevedeno:
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