pre 9 meseci
Šta misliš da treba da uradim? Molim vas pomozite mi... Upravo sam dobio ovaj odgovor danas.
What do you think I should do? Please help me....I just got this response today.
Šta misliš da treba da uradim? Molim vas pomozite mi... Upravo sam dobio ovaj odgovor danas.
What do you think I should do? Please help me....I just got this response today.
Hej, to je ono što bih sada očekivao...
Pa, ako povučem sve emocije i uzmem ovo kao pravi izvor problema, bojim se da zaista ništa ne možemo učiniti osim čekanja. Nadam se samo da sistemi kazina nisu zaraženi nečim tako ozbiljnim. Hajde da za sada preskočimo te teorije o katastrofama.
U svakom slučaju, ako sistem isplate ne funkcioniše, šta drugo da rade? Šta je sa čekovima? Međutim, nisam upoznat sa procesom. 🤔
Hey, that's now what I would expect...
Well, if I pull back all emotions and take this as a real source of the problem, I fear there is really nothing we can do aside from waiting. I only hope the casino's systems have not been infected by anything so serious. Let's just skip those catastrophe theories for now.
Anyway, if the payout system does not work, what else should they do? What about checks? I'm not familiar with the process, though. 🤔
Zaprepašćen sam kada vidim da i dalje verujete ovim prevarantima, očekujući od njih da ispune svoje obaveze plaćanja. Već 5 meseci jurim za skoro 1000 dolara koje mi duguju, samo da bih naišao na gomilu laži i izgovora. Sada je jasno da je njihov poslovni model izgrađen na obmani; osnivaju kazino koji je dizajniran da uzima novac bez ikakve namere da isplati značajne dobitke. Pazite, njihova spremnost da plate rezervisana je samo za trivijalne iznose.
I'm astonished to see that you still place trust in these fraudsters, expecting them to fulfill their payment obligations. For 5 months, I've been chasing nearly $1000 they owe me, only to be met with a barrage of lies and excuses. It's clear now that their business model is built on deceit; they establish a casino that's designed to take money without any intention of paying out significant winnings. Beware, their willingness to pay is reserved only for trivial amounts.
Zaprepašćen sam kada vidim da i dalje verujete ovim prevarantima, očekujući od njih da ispune svoje obaveze plaćanja. Već 5 meseci jurim za skoro 1000 dolara koje mi duguju, samo da bih naišao na gomilu laži i izgovora. Sada je jasno da je njihov poslovni model izgrađen na obmani; osnivaju kazino koji je dizajniran da uzima novac bez ikakve namere da isplati značajne dobitke. Pazite, njihova spremnost da plate rezervisana je samo za trivijalne iznose.
I'm astonished to see that you still place trust in these fraudsters, expecting them to fulfill their payment obligations. For 5 months, I've been chasing nearly $1000 they owe me, only to be met with a barrage of lies and excuses. It's clear now that their business model is built on deceit; they establish a casino that's designed to take money without any intention of paying out significant winnings. Beware, their willingness to pay is reserved only for trivial amounts.
Potpuno razumete svoju tačku gledišta, posebno ako vam kazino ponavlja istu stvar tako dugo? Mogu li da znam šta je bio pravi razlog, kazino nije bio voljan da vam plati? Odlučili ste da se tada ne žalite, što je, naravno, bila vaša odluka. Samo mislim, možda bi ipak trebalo da pokušaš. 🤔 Samo ako osećate, ili imate neku čvrstu veru, da vas to nikuda neće odvesti, nema smisla to činiti.
Nadam se da će igrači uzeti neke beleške iz vašeg posta, kao i da budu oprezni gledajući našu recenziju Lucki Ovl kazina 👈, a zatim odluče gde da igraju ili bolje ne. 🤷♀
Totally understand your point of view, especially if the casino is telling you the same thing over and over for so long? May I know what was the actual reason, the casino was not willing to pay you? You have chosen not to file a complaint back then, which was your decision, of course. I just thing, maybe you should try anyway. 🤔 Only if you feel, or you have some strong believe, that it will lead you nowhere, there is no point of doing that.
I hope the players will take some notes from your post, as well as be cautious by looking at our review of Lucky Owl Casino 👈, and then decide where to play or better not. 🤷♀️
Pokušao sam ponovo da prikupim iste probleme, ali sam upravo sada podneo zvaničnu žalbu. Želim da se zahvalim svima koji su dali savete i ohrabrenje. Nadam se da će svi dobiti novac koji im pripada
Attempted to again collect same issues but I did file a formal complaint just now. I wish to thank everyone who has offered advise and encouragement. I hope everyone gets the money due them
Ti si 100% dao sam do znanja da je pitao damu na ćaskanju kako je mogla da se pogleda u ogledalo i lagao je ppl Rekli su da su počinili prevaru i da svi treba da idu u zatvor jer nisu imali nameru da plate
You are 100% I made that known asked the lady at chat how could she look in mirror lying to ppl Said they were committing fraud and should all go to jail because they had no intention of paying
Da, video sam da ste zatražili žalbu kod nas i mislim da je to dobar korak jer još uvek niste nigde stigli svojim povlačenjem. Pa ćemo videti kako će sve ispasti.
Ako želite da znate šta možete očekivati u vezi sa žalbom i njenim procesom, pročitajte ovaj vodič .
Držaću fige za pošteno rešenje. 🤞
Yes, I saw that you requested a complaint with us and I think that is a good step as you still haven't gotten anywhere with your withdrawal. So we'll see how it all turns out.
If you would like to know what you can expect regarding the complaint and its process, please read this guide.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for a fair resolution. 🤞
Maslina iz ćaskanja podržava da oseti bol igrača, držite fige... koja je svrha svega ovoga? Zašto je kazino još uvek na listi? Uklonite te prevarante ili ih označite velikom crvenom oznakom. African Grand kazino je pokušao da sarađuje sa njima, ali su posle nedelje pregledali sav Rival softver kao najveće prevarante u industriji onlajn kazina
Olive from chat supports feel players pain , you keep fingers crossed... what's the point all this? Why is still casino on the list? Remove that scamers or flag them with big red mark. African Grand casino is tried to cooperate with them, but after obe week they reviewed all Rival software as biggest scammers in online casino industry
Ona oseća tvoj bol?! OMG kakvi prevaranti...
She feels your pain ?! OMG what a scammers...
Maslina iz ćaskanja podržava da oseti bol igrača, držite fige... koja je svrha svega ovoga? Zašto je kazino još uvek na listi? Uklonite te prevarante ili ih označite velikom crvenom oznakom. African Grand kazino je pokušao da sarađuje sa njima, ali su posle nedelje pregledali sav Rival softver kao najveće prevarante u industriji onlajn kazina
Olive from chat supports feel players pain , you keep fingers crossed... what's the point all this? Why is still casino on the list? Remove that scamers or flag them with big red mark. African Grand casino is tried to cooperate with them, but after obe week they reviewed all Rival software as biggest scammers in online casino industry
Čim budemo imali još upozorenja, sigurno ćemo ih dodati u našu recenziju. Ovaj kazino takođe ima prilično srednji indeks bezbednosti , tako da mislim da to govori sve.
U svakom slučaju, nema razloga da ga ostavimo sa naše stranice, dobro je da igrači vide da ovaj kazino verovatno nije najbolji za igranje.
As soon as we have more warnings to give, we will surely add them to our review. This casino also has a pretty mid safety index, so I think that says it all.
Anyway, there is no reason to leave it off our page, it's good for players to see that this casino is probably not the best to play at.
Dakle, koliko ja razumem, oni „osećaju moj bol", ali ne nude da ga ispune. Kako mogu da nastave da šalju ponude sa visokim nivoom bez igre. Bojim se da će drugi juriti i napraviti dodatni depozit i izgubiti još novca. Igrači treba da budu upozoreni. Da li sam u pravu kada pretpostavljam da sve što mogu da uradim je da strpljivo čekam dok moj bol ne počne da ih boli lol. Nadam se da će im igrač dati isti tretman i određeno pivo koje je dobilo u SAD koje je kompanija "osetila bol" u vrednosti od 27 MILIJARDI dolara. Potvrdiću da je ovo problem u celosti sa Rivals. Bliskom prijatelju duguju 1600 dolara iz dva njihova druga kazina. Ta dva mesta ne samo da se ne plaćaju, već su joj isključila ćaskanje i ona ne može čak ni da ćaska. Nisu dali izgovor samo su je zatvorili i čekala je od decembra na isplatu. Ta dva imena će biti otkrivena u narednih nekoliko dana nakon što joj kažem da podnese žalbu. Hvala vam na pomoći po ovom pitanju
So as I understand it they "feel my pain" but are not offering to make it whole. How can they continue to send offers with high no play through. I am afraid other will chase and make additional deposit and lose more money. Players should b warned. So am I correct in assuming all I can do is patiently wait until my pain begins to hurt them lol. I hope player give them the same treatment a certain beer received in the US that company "felt the pain" to the tune of 27 BILLION dollars. I will confirm this is a problem across the board with Rivals. A close friend is owed $1600 from two of their other casinos. Those two places not only aren’t paying they shut her chat down and she cant even chat. They gave no excuse just shut her down and she been waiting since Dec for payment. Those two names will be revealed in the next couple of days after I tell her fo file a complaint. Thank you for your assistance in this matter
Verovatno će biti kako kažete i moraćete da budete strpljivi. Definitivno bih pokušao da budem informisan o svom povlačenju i da dobijem neka ažuriranja. Međutim, ako kazino neće komunicirati i reći bilo šta relevantno onda ćemo morati da sačekamo sledeći razvoj žalbe.
Što se tiče vaših prijatelja, ako imaju problem, pošaljite ih nama i mi ćemo se potruditi da vam pomognemo, jer što duže čekate to može biti teže.
Tako da ću ostati sa nama.
It will probably be as you say and you will have to be patient. I would definitely try to keep informed about my withdrawal and get some updates. However, if the casino will not communicate and say anything relevant then we will have to wait for the next development of the complaint.
As for your friends, if they have a problem, send them to us and we will try to help, because the longer the wait the harder it can be.
So I will stay tuned.
Lucki ovl club casino su najžalosniji od najžalosnijih. Ja sam u oko 70 kazina i nikada mi se ovako nešto nije dogodilo. Pronašao sam njihov sajt i samo sam hteo da se malo promenim u odnosu na sve rtg i pragmatične igre jer sam video druge sajtove gde su rivalski video slotovi mnogo plaćali. Zato sam tražio i tražio i našao nekoliko koji su bili „trenutni povlačenje". Ušao sam u ćaskanje i pitao ih o njihovom povlačenju i verifikaciji. Rečeno mi je najviše dva dana o verifikaciji i trenutnim povlačenjima nakon toga. Ćaskanje je uvek bilo tu u trenutku i od velike pomoći. Tako sam položio nešto malo. Litecoin 27$. Uspeo sam da osvojim malo 125. Pa, sada je 110, ali još uvek nisam imao bonus koji je povezan sa mojim depozitom s obzirom na to da njihovi bonusi bez pravila morate da osvojite ludih 160 puta veći bonus ili nešto slično. Dakle, gomila pravila bez pravila. Ali nisam koristio nijednu i kada sam otišao na ćaskanje uživo, poslali su mi link e-pošte da se verifikujem. Tri dana kasnije idem da proverim status svog naloga i ništa ne dobijam. Nema odgovora iz ćaskanja uživo. To je bilo 7. maja kada su počeli da me draže. Ulazim u ćaskanje svaki dan više puta dnevno i ne dobijam ništa. E-poruke ni ja ne dobijam ništa od njih. Upravo su mi ukrali novac i uopšte neće da mi odgovore. Oni su prevaranti i ko god da ih stavi na listu kao dobar kazino treba da se ispita. Ne mogu da se setim gde sam ga našao, ali su rekli da je dobar kazino. Čak sam ušao u njihov razgovor kao gost pre nego što ste se prijavili i pitao agenta za ćaskanje uživo kako da uplatim. Nisko i gle, odmah su odgovorili. Tražim moju e-poštu povezanu sa njihovom veb lokacijom. Dao sam im ga i agent za korisničku podršku je odmah prekinuo razgovor. Želim da upozorim sve koje mogu jer samo kradu novac. Koliko ljudi će to učiniti pre nego što više ne dobiju depozite? Ne razumem to i stvarno sam frustriran. Pročitao sam druge recenzije u kojima su uradili istu stvar drugima. Samo nam uopšte neće odgovoriti. Podneo sam žalbu kazino guruu i pretpostavljam da će, kada se završi odbrojavanje, kontaktirati kazino? Nadam se da će pomoći, jer bih voleo da vidim zašto neće odgovoriti. Imam snimke ekrana na kojima odgovaraju na razgovor uživo, a zatim završavaju ćaskanje čim im dam svoje podatke. Snimci ekrana na kojima nikada ne odgovaraju u redovnom ćaskanju uživo. Ne znam šta da radim, ali nadam se da će se nešto dogoditi kada se završi odbrojavanje sa mojom žalbom.
Lucky owl club casino are the sorriest of the sorriest. I’m on about 70 casinos and I’ve never ever had something like this happen to me. I found their site and just wanted to change up a bit from all the rtg and pragmatic games because I seen other sites where rival video slots were paying a lot. So I searched and searched and found a few that were "instant withdrawal". I went into chat and asked them about their withdrawals and verification. Was told two days tops on verification and instant withdrawals after. Chat was always there in an instant and very helpful. So I deposited something small. Litecoin 27$. I managed to win a little 125. Well it’s 110 now but still I had no bonus attached to my deposit seeing as their no rules bonuses you have to win a crazy 160 times your bonus or something like that. So a bunch of rules on no rules. But I didn’t use any and when I went to live chat they sent me the email link to get verified. Three days later I go onto check my account status and I get nothing. No response from live chat at all. That was on like may 7 when they started ghosting me. I go into live chat every single day multiple times a day and get nothing. Emails I get nothing from them either. They have just stolen my money and will not respond to me at all. They are frauds and whoever put them on a list as a good casino needs to be looked into. I can’t remember where I found it but they said it was a good casino. I even went onto their chat as a guest before you log in and asked the live chat agent how do i deposit. Low and behold they responded instantly. Asking for my email associated with their site. I gave it to them and the customer service agent immediately ended the chat. I want to warn everyone I can because they are just stealing money. How many people will they do that to before they actually get no more deposits? I don’t understand it and am really really frustrated. I’ve read other reviews now where they have done the same thing to others. Just will not respond to us at all. I filed a complaint with casino guru and I guess once the count down is done they contact the casino? Hopefully it will help because I’d like to see why they will not respond. I have screenshots of them responding to the guest live chat then ending chat as soon as I gave them my info. Screen shots of them never responding on regular live chat. I don’t know what to do but hopefully something will happen when the countdown is over with my complaint.
Upravo tako su me uradili. Odbijaju čak ni da potvrde moj zahtev za ćaskanje. Takođe sam otišao pod nalog moje devojke i na jednom sam identifikovao svoje ekransko ime. Nikada nisam dobio drugi odgovor.
Sada što se tiče guzica, šalju mi veoma dobre promocije koje očigledno ignorišem do sinoć. Bio sam na mreži kada mi je moj „domaćin" David poslao e-poštu sa još jednom sjajnom promocijom. Snimajući u mraku, poslao sam e-poštu i rekao da volim tu stranicu, ali sam imao mali problem što nisam bio plaćen. Rekao sam da mi platiš i vratiću se i uplatiti veliki depozit (šta je vredelo pokušaja). Pa naravno da nije bilo odgovora.
Samo da ljudi znaju da je moja devojka naišla na isti problem u Ovo je Vegas i Novi Vegas. Njoj se duguje oko 2000 od ta 2 sajta.
Između nas imamo oko 2700 dolara koje ne možemo da prikupimo. Ja sam kao ti zašto ovaj sajt nije označen velikim crvenim slovima na svim forumima. Previše osoba ima iste probleme i to nije ništa drugo do krađa. Igrači moraju biti informisani jer pričaju o dobroj igri, ali bez plaćanja definitivno nije izuzetak, već je način na koji oni rade. Zato ću savetovati sve igrače koje ste upozoreni da su prevara
This is exactly how they done me. They refuse to even acknowledge my request to chat. I also went under my girlfriends account and one I identified my screen name I never received another response.
Now for the ass kicker they have been sending me very good promotions which I obviously ignore until last night. I was online when my "host" David sent me an email with another great promo. Taking a shot in dark I emailed back and said I love there site but had the small problem of not getting paid. I said pay me and I will be back and make a large deposit (what the hell was worth a shot). Well of course there was no response.
Just so ppl know my girlfriend has encountered the same exact issue at This is Vegas and New Vegas. She is owed about 2000 from those 2 sites.
Between us we have about $2700 that we cant collect. I am like you why is these site not identified in big red letters on all the forums. Too many ppl experience the same problems and it is nothing but theft. Players need to be informed because they talk a good game but no paying is definitely not the exception but is how they operate. So I will advise all players you have been warned they are a scam
Hvala vam što ste podelili... pročitajte o meni... Imao sam isti problem.... i dalje me ignorišu
Thank you for back on me... I had the same issue....and they still ignore me
Apsolutno jadno mesto....imam 1600 samo na računu zbog "tehničkih problema" ....Apsolutno najgore
Absolutely wretched place....I have 1600 just sitting in my account because of "technical issues" ....Absolutely the worst
Osećam tvoj bol, brate, kao što sam naznačio između moje devojke i mene svojih 2700 dolara. Vidim da su drugi ljudi dužni desetine hiljada. Ne mogu da zamislim taj osećaj. Spremam se da podnesem tužbu protiv još 3 mesta. Pročitajte moju recenziju o Slots of Vegas jer su svi u vlasništvu iste kompanije.
Iznos koji mi duguju sa različitih mesta počinje da se zbraja i kazino guru mi pruža mesto da pokušam da budem ceo i nameravam da
iskoristi to.
Srećno u potrazi za svojim
I feel your pain brother,as I indicated between my girlfriend and I its $2700 I see other ppl are owed tens of thousands I can’t began to imagine that feeling. I am getting ready to file against 3 other places. Read my review on Slots of Vegas as they are all owned by the same company.
The ammount owed to me from different places is starting to add up and casino guru provides me a place to try to b made whole and I intend to
use it.
Good luck in you quest to get yours
Lucki ovl club casino su najžalosniji od najžalosnijih. Ja sam u oko 70 kazina i nikada mi se ovako nešto nije dogodilo. Pronašao sam njihov sajt i samo sam hteo da se malo promenim u odnosu na sve rtg i pragmatične igre jer sam video druge sajtove gde su rivalski video slotovi mnogo plaćali. Zato sam tražio i tražio i našao nekoliko koji su bili „trenutni povlačenje". Ušao sam u ćaskanje i pitao ih o njihovom povlačenju i verifikaciji. Rečeno mi je najviše dva dana o verifikaciji i trenutnim povlačenjima nakon toga. Ćaskanje je uvek bilo tu u trenutku i od velike pomoći. Tako sam položio nešto malo. Litecoin 27$. Uspeo sam da osvojim malo 125. Pa, sada je 110, ali još uvek nisam imao bonus koji je povezan sa mojim depozitom s obzirom na to da njihovi bonusi bez pravila morate da osvojite ludih 160 puta veći bonus ili nešto slično. Dakle, gomila pravila bez pravila. Ali nisam koristio nijednu i kada sam otišao na ćaskanje uživo, poslali su mi link e-pošte da se verifikujem. Tri dana kasnije idem da proverim status svog naloga i ništa ne dobijam. Nema odgovora iz ćaskanja uživo. To je bilo 7. maja kada su počeli da me draže. Ulazim u ćaskanje svaki dan više puta dnevno i ne dobijam ništa. E-poruke ni ja ne dobijam ništa od njih. Upravo su mi ukrali novac i uopšte neće da mi odgovore. Oni su prevaranti i ko god da ih stavi na listu kao dobar kazino treba da se ispita. Ne mogu da se setim gde sam ga našao, ali su rekli da je dobar kazino. Čak sam ušao u njihov razgovor kao gost pre nego što ste se prijavili i pitao agenta za ćaskanje uživo kako da uplatim. Nisko i gle, odmah su odgovorili. Tražim moju e-poštu povezanu sa njihovom veb lokacijom. Dao sam im ga i agent za korisničku podršku je odmah prekinuo razgovor. Želim da upozorim sve koje mogu jer samo kradu novac. Koliko ljudi će to učiniti pre nego što više ne dobiju depozite? Ne razumem to i stvarno sam frustriran. Pročitao sam druge recenzije u kojima su uradili istu stvar drugima. Samo nam uopšte neće odgovoriti. Podneo sam žalbu kazino guruu i pretpostavljam da će, kada se završi odbrojavanje, kontaktirati kazino? Nadam se da će pomoći, jer bih voleo da vidim zašto neće odgovoriti. Imam snimke ekrana na kojima odgovaraju na razgovor uživo, a zatim završavaju ćaskanje čim im dam svoje podatke. Snimci ekrana na kojima nikada ne odgovaraju u redovnom ćaskanju uživo. Ne znam šta da radim, ali nadam se da će se nešto dogoditi kada se završi odbrojavanje sa mojom žalbom.
Lucky owl club casino are the sorriest of the sorriest. I’m on about 70 casinos and I’ve never ever had something like this happen to me. I found their site and just wanted to change up a bit from all the rtg and pragmatic games because I seen other sites where rival video slots were paying a lot. So I searched and searched and found a few that were "instant withdrawal". I went into chat and asked them about their withdrawals and verification. Was told two days tops on verification and instant withdrawals after. Chat was always there in an instant and very helpful. So I deposited something small. Litecoin 27$. I managed to win a little 125. Well it’s 110 now but still I had no bonus attached to my deposit seeing as their no rules bonuses you have to win a crazy 160 times your bonus or something like that. So a bunch of rules on no rules. But I didn’t use any and when I went to live chat they sent me the email link to get verified. Three days later I go onto check my account status and I get nothing. No response from live chat at all. That was on like may 7 when they started ghosting me. I go into live chat every single day multiple times a day and get nothing. Emails I get nothing from them either. They have just stolen my money and will not respond to me at all. They are frauds and whoever put them on a list as a good casino needs to be looked into. I can’t remember where I found it but they said it was a good casino. I even went onto their chat as a guest before you log in and asked the live chat agent how do i deposit. Low and behold they responded instantly. Asking for my email associated with their site. I gave it to them and the customer service agent immediately ended the chat. I want to warn everyone I can because they are just stealing money. How many people will they do that to before they actually get no more deposits? I don’t understand it and am really really frustrated. I’ve read other reviews now where they have done the same thing to others. Just will not respond to us at all. I filed a complaint with casino guru and I guess once the count down is done they contact the casino? Hopefully it will help because I’d like to see why they will not respond. I have screenshots of them responding to the guest live chat then ending chat as soon as I gave them my info. Screen shots of them never responding on regular live chat. I don’t know what to do but hopefully something will happen when the countdown is over with my complaint.
Zaista mi je žao zbog ovog problema koji imate. Srećom, kao što ste rekli, iznos koji ste uplatili nije bio toliki. To govorim samo zato što su zaista male šanse da naš tim za žalbe uspe da reši vaš slučaj , jer nažalost, ovaj kazino uopšte nije voljan da komunicira. 🤷♀
Kada vidite recenziju ovog kazina, videćete i ove informacije:
Na ovaj način se trudimo da sve unapred upozorimo, kako bi znali za ovu situaciju u ovom kazinu.
Da li ste možda do sada imali neke vesti iz kazina?
I am really sorry about this issue you are having. Luckily, as you said, the amount you deposited was not that big. I am saying that just because there is a really small chance that our complaint team will be able to solve your case, because unfortunately, this casino is not willing to communicate at all. 🤷♀️
When you see the review of this casino, you will also see this information:
This way, we try to warn everyone beforehand, so they know about this situation at this casino.
Have you had any news from the casino by now, perhaps?
Dobio sam 400 dolara na čekanju, poslao sam sve svoje podatke, ali nisam mogao da isplatim gotovinu. Agent mi je rekao da sačekam. Pomozi mi da dobijem svojih 400 dolara. Hvala vam.
I got $400 pending, I sent all my information but I could not place the cash out. The agent told me to wait. Help me to get my $400. Thank you.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.