NaslovnaForumKazinaMalina Casino - opšta diskusija

Malina Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 6)

pre 2 godina od anapaul5023
19.200 pregleda 337 odgovora |
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pre 3 meseci

Još uvek nisam dobio svoj iznos a prošlo je mesec dana, problem je što sam sada na godišnjem odmoru i ne mogu da odem na sajt da vidim kako ide obrada!

Ali dosadno je što još uvek nisam dobio svoj novac!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hey, it's not the best if you can't log in to your account. I can see that the complaint should continue soon and I hope we can help you to get your money. 

Nevertheless, the casino only told you to wait and nothing more? Did they need documents from you or not?

Let me know, please.

pre 2 meseci

Napisao sam vam pozdrave, nakon 14 dana sam uspešno primio 2 od 3 povlačenja. Nadam se da sledeća povlačenja neće oduzeti toliko vremena kao prošli put, hvala svima na pomoći!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hello, great news, I'm happy for you... hoping that the rest will come soon 👍👍👍👍

pre 2 meseci

Hello, they have a new request each time, the last one was that I send them an email saying that I had no complaint!!! , and then I could only wait to know if he would like to unblock my account so that I can request the withdrawal of the money that remains in my player account... seriously

pre 2 meseci

Napisao sam vam pozdrave, nakon 14 dana sam uspešno primio 2 od 3 povlačenja. Nadam se da sledeća povlačenja neće oduzeti toliko vremena kao prošli put, hvala svima na pomoći!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

You're welcome, I'm very glad to hear the good news. I also really hope that the withdrawals won't be as long as last time, but of course you'll have to deal with it if that's the case and you know it won't surprise you anymore. 

If it bothers you, you can wait until you get all the money and go somewhere where it won't take so long. 

Fingers crossed. 🤞

pre 2 meseci

Hello, they have a new request each time, the last one was that I send them an email saying that I had no complaint!!! , and then I could only wait to know if he would like to unblock my account so that I can request the withdrawal of the money that remains in my player account... seriously

pre 2 meseci

Okay, so what did you write to them? In my opinion, these things should not determine whether or not a player can withdraw money. 

I have seen that your complaint remains unanswered and if you don't provide Nick with an answer, then the complaint will be closed. So I would think about whether you will leave it alone and deal with the casino or whether you want our help. Don't let it backfire on you in the end, because as I say, whether you have a complaint shouldn't have a direct impact on whether you get the money when you've won it fairly.🤷‍♂️

pre 2 meseci

Zdravo, moje uplate su otkazane nekoliko dana bez razloga. Ne daju mi odgovor. Uvek uz izbegavanje tehničkih i bankarskih problema koji ne postoje. Plaćao sam Mastercard karticom, što znači da mi isplate ostavljaju samo isti način plaćanja koji ste uneli. Imam 5060 evra da podignem, a ne mogu da zaradim čak ni 800 evra dnevno koliko traže sa svojim skrivenim sistemom prevare povlačenja.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hello, I'm sorry for you, I got the same one and it's still not paid, still the same answers, always the same requests, but nothing moves, I've been waiting for 15 days that I've been waiting for the money I won, the last "excuse" they gave me is that there is a lot of payment to make?!?!? I advise people not to play at this casino, I hope it works out for you, but I think it's going to take a lot of time

pre 2 meseci

Neverovatno je, i dalje sam isti za sićušnih 800€ dnevno... to je prevara! Ili oni to poprave ili ću to prijaviti komisiji za igre na sreću i policiji.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Pozdrav, dobio sam 2k 800 evra posle 18 dana, kao što rekoh, vreme transfera je 2-3 nedelje, dobićete svoj novac, samo morate dugo da čekate.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Pa, potrošiću do 5000 za dva meseca.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hello, 18 days !! For me it makes no sense... absolutely no sense, but I'm glad for you that you got paid 👍👍👍

pre 2 meseci

Who knows... This is terribly frustrating with them... What we don't 🤔🤔🤔 know, I sincerely hope that you will have all your winnings 👍👍

pre 2 meseci

dobar dan,

Pokušao sam da podignem svoj novac iz kazina sa njihovom apsurdnom VIP politikom da mogu da podignem samo 800 € dnevno, a oni me uvek otkažu tako što su mi dali zaobilaznicu. Tehnički problemi, problemi sa serverom, moja banka. Proverio sam u svojoj banci i nema. Ako to ne reše, moraću da prijavim policiji. Pošto mogu da uplatim odmah i povlačim danima i danima bez odgovora.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Zdravo, moje uplate su otkazane nekoliko dana bez razloga. Ne daju mi odgovor. Uvek uz izbegavanje tehničkih i bankarskih problema koji ne postoje. Plaćao sam Mastercard karticom, što znači da mi isplate ostavljaju samo isti način plaćanja koji ste uneli. Imam 5060 evra da podignem, a ne mogu da zaradim čak ni 800 evra dnevno koliko traže sa svojim skrivenim sistemom prevare povlačenja.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Did they tell you when the technical problem will be resolved, at least?

We usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the payment, and only after this period can our complaint team intervene.

So, if you feel that it is really going nowhere, please let us know and we'll have a look into this.

I hope they will be able to fix everything soon, and you'll get your money.

pre 2 meseci

Zdravo, ovo je bilo pre nedelju dana.

Sada mi osoba koja vam lično pomaže, VIP, kaže da će biti odsutna do utorka. Da je to ubrzala velikim slovima. Pa, jutros je opet otkazala. Kada možete zatražiti 800 dnevno. Sramota je i zato što nemaju para da plate jer nije normalno...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

In my opinion, this is quite rude behavior. In my opinion, the VIP manager should provide a VIP approach...

Would you agree to submit the complaint eventually?

It will not hurt to be prepared, I suppose, but I hope it will not get that far.

pre 2 meseci

Ovaj „kazino" je sramotan, Malina.

Ali da, naravno, ako ne primim uplatu ove nedelje, podneću zvaničnu žalbu. Ne moram da čekam da mogu da naplatim kada nemaju ograničenja koliko mogu da dobijem.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Nema odgovora, već sam poslao 6 e-poruka i nema odgovora.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Please let us know if you need any help to file a complaint whenever you wish then.

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