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MoreSpin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

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pre 11 meseci

Da li je neko od vas ikada pokušao da povuče novac? Ako jeste, da li je ikada stigao?

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pre 11 meseci

Hi there.

To address another player, kindly use the reply button.

Otherwise, your chances of getting an answer are lowered significantly 🙁

pre 11 meseci

Zdravo, mislim da je kazino u redu. Izgleda da ima licencu, ali ako kliknete na nju, pojavljuje se crna slika sa malom rečenicom u gornjem levom uglu, što je netipično za licencu, ali druge zemlje imaju druge običaje koje ne znam.

Međutim, ono što smatram veoma zastrašujućim su oštre optužbe u kazinu zbog dizajna po imenu. Kako možeš uopšte da pomisliš na tako nešto, molim te? Da li sada treba da pretpostavim najgore za svaki simbol? Onda ne bih mogao ni da otvorim oči. Insinuacije koje se zasnivaju isključivo na vašim pretpostavkama su veoma nepravedne i štetne za poslovanje! Možda razmislite pre nego što ovako nešto javno izrazite, dragi kreatoru komentara.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 11 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Ahja pre nego što zaboravim da pričaš o nečem lošem za posao???

Oni dozvoljavaju kupcima da igraju lažne slotove tako da dajem 💩 njihovoj kompaniji.

Sa svom ljubavlju, ali niko ne mora da ponudi tako nešto.

A šta misliš o mišljenju drugih je tvoj problem, hvala bogu, jer mene nije briga.

Sada gledaj svoja posla.

Mislim da će vaši besplatni okreti u lažnim slotovima dugo doći.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Zdravo, mislim da je kazino u redu. Izgleda da ima licencu, ali ako kliknete na nju, pojavljuje se crna slika sa malom rečenicom u gornjem levom uglu, što je netipično za licencu, ali druge zemlje imaju druge običaje koje ne znam.

Međutim, ono što smatram veoma zastrašujućim su oštre optužbe u kazinu zbog dizajna po imenu. Kako možeš uopšte da pomisliš na tako nešto, molim te? Da li sada treba da pretpostavim najgore za svaki simbol? Onda ne bih mogao ni da otvorim oči. Insinuacije koje se zasnivaju isključivo na vašim pretpostavkama su veoma nepravedne i štetne za poslovanje! Možda razmislite pre nego što ovako nešto javno izrazite, dragi kreatoru komentara.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hello 🙂

I'll probably regret my curiosity, still, I must ask for a further explanation of this statement:

"However, what I find very frightening is making harsh accusations at the casino because of the design by name. How can you even think of something like that please?. Should I now assume the worst for every symbol? Then I shouldn't even be able to open my eyes. Insinuations that are based solely on your own assumptions are very unfair and damaging to business! Maybe think about it before expressing something like this publicly, dear creator of the comment."

Honestly, I have no clue what you are referring to or what you found to be so wrong, I'm sorry.

This is an open forum, everyone is welcome to share experiences, exchange ideas or advice. I hope you understand this.

pre 11 meseci

Ona govori o problemu koji sam imao sa podrškom kazina u vezi sa njihovim logotipom 😂 što ona zapravo NE MOŽE znati jer sam o ovom pitanju razgovarao samo sa kazinom.

Izrazio sam to ovde, ali nikada nisam rekao o čemu se radi i ponovo obrisao na zahtev jer, kao što sam rekao, nije se radilo direktno o slotovima ili slično.

Ukratko, tema koja vas se apsolutno ne tiče i ne možete da znate o čemu se radi, ali ako nemate šta da radite ili radite za kazino ili dobijate poslastice onda kazino samo pokušava da lepo razgovara i odvrati pažnju od tema .

A MADEA-i ako ste sa Morespina prosleđeni na SlotHUB (HUB KRENI PORNGRAFIJA) imate pravo da postavite takvo pitanje i samo kao napomenu.

Govoriš o zatvaranju očiju? To ljudi poput tebe rade svaki dan, ionako, jer je tako lakše ići kroz život i ne moraš ništa da dovodiš u pitanje i kada neko kao ja iznese svoje mišljenje ti propovedaš moral?

Traži hobije, draga Madea, i ne mešaj se u stvari koje te se ne tiču jer to nije tvoj problem.

Neki ljudi zaista nemaju ništa bolje da rade.

I dalje sam mišljenja da je to sumnjiv kazino i toga ću se držati.

Nikada bez razloga loše ocenjujem kazina, to znaju svi koji me poznaju.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 11 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Now I see! Thanks for the hint!

Is this still happening? 🤔

pre 11 meseci

Ne, sve je u redu.

Lično, ja sam van diskusije ovde u Morespinu jer je besmisleno 🙂🫡

Želim svima prijatan dan.

Mislim da svi imamo bolje stvari da radimo 😛


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

This casino has the exact same casino license as but only changed the name to their 'company'. However, their license does look fake given the following.

Their company name Trades Zone Ltd is not mentioned on this website from PAGCOR:

If you take a good look on their casino license it expires on May 1st 2024 but the second page show an expiry date of November 1st 2026.

Also on the second page you read Winherld and Pagorite but no Trades Zone LTD which is very odd.

pre 11 meseci

I appreciate your feedback, but please, use the "update us feature" - this is the way to acknowledge the data team. I will forward your concern, of course. 🙂

Allow me to say that some casinos are owned participially by several companies or by a group, so it's not like all such casinos use fake licenses because the company name differs or varies - especially if those are valid.

pre 11 meseci

I am aware of that and have used that feature several times. Thats why I also dropped it here as players might read here too.

Regarding the license PAGCOR did inform me that I should be aware of scammers and given the circumstances od this casino changing its company name multiple times in a few months time sound sketchy. 😉

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 11 meseci
pre 11 meseci

I'm glad you have and thank you for that! 😉

Ok, this changes the situation! Maybe you found other thorns among the PAGCOR's roses after all.

Without further delay, I moved this hint forward!

Thanks again, and have a sunny plus funny Sunday 😎!

pre 10 meseci

About 2 weeks later and this casino already removed their Pagcor license seal from their casino.

This does sound sketchy doesn't it?

At least the latest info on Casino Guru is accurate about their license.

pre 10 meseci

Well, that would not be the first case, for sure. 🙁

Sounds sketchy. The casino might be applying for a "better license" meanwhile - how does that sound to you? 😁

Seriously, thanks again 😉.

pre 10 meseci

Zdravo Radka, zdravo kazino guru,

Pre dva dana sam deponovao ukupno oko 900 evra u morespin kazinu i nije išlo tako dobro na početku, a onda sam imao sreće da vratim svoj novac u razor shark i doneo sam 1150 evra za isplatu bankovnim transferom, ali ovo je bilo odbijen i dobio sam mejl za verifikaciju juče 15.06.23. oko 13 časova. Direktno sam poslao tražena dokumenta, fotografiju za pasoš, selfi sa kreditnom karticom i dokaz o adresi, telefonski račun je takođe odbijen i vraćen na moj nalog. Onda sam se požalio u ćaskanju uživo i rekli su da proces verifikacije još nije završen.. i pitao sam zašto toliko traje, a ćaskanje kaže da nema kontrolu nad tim.. Onda sam malo smanjio, ali opet na kraj dostigao 1200 evra i hteo ponovo da isplatim da više ne igram ali ovog puta se pojavila poruka da nemam pravo na isplatu..plašim se da neću dobiti svoj novac i da ne dobijem želim da ga izgubim...i radi više sam uplašen jer nisam pročitao ništa gde je neko imao uspešnu isplatu....može li neko to da komentariše...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Upravo ste juče predali svoja dokumenta, to zaista nije dugo.

Ja lično ne mislim mnogo o ovom kazinu, ali verifikacija ponekad može potrajati 3 dana.

Ne brinite, oni će vam sigurno platiti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Hello there.

The best way to pass the verification is to fully cooperate with the casino. Well, it may sound kind of weird, but it usually works.

I'm a little concerned about the part saying: "I am not eligible to make a payout" - could you provide a further explanation? Because it may or may not reflect the ongoing KYC verification so I want to be sure I understood the situation correctly.

Let us know, please.

pre 10 meseci

Hey radka thanks for your reply.

I said that the first time I did a withdrawal via sepa to my bank account it worked and was pending until they sent me an email that it was rejected and that I need to send the documents I mentioned above. Then I did send them right away.. after sending those documents I thought now it should be okay to withdrawal and so I did and it was pending again .. but only a little time later the withdrawal was rejected and money back to my casino account ..I thought because kyc is still ongoing.. then I tried a third time to withdrawal so the money is out of my sight and not in the casino balance but this time i couldn't and received a pop up message that I'm not allowed to do this action or something like that.. since then I left the money in the balance and wrote an email to Diana from morespin asking about my verification progress.. that was Friday afternoon as more than 24 hours passed.. but I got no answer and now is weekend ...I hope it's clearer now ...

pre 10 meseci

do not play your money away!these are heartless criminals who dont want to pay not play wait for what ever time dont let them win cost me 900€ same happend to me .it is a scam casino .

pre 10 meseci

Thank you very much. I was asking whether the casino explained why you are not eligible for the withdrawal. The ongoing verification (the second or third - I know) still may be the issue here. It would be so much easier for players if the casino addressed the issues properly... wouldn't it?

I fear we won't get much further without the casino's response. 🙁

pre 10 meseci

Hi radka,

Now 5 days passed and I still have nothing new from the verification team of morespin casino.. and no reply to my email from Friday.. as I asked the life chat they said my account is undergoing kyc and they will contact me .. and he is only operator and not involved in this issue and can't tell specific time... why does this take that long I don't understand it's only 3 documents..


That's what chat says..

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