NaslovnaForumKazinaNomini Casino - opšta diskusija

Nomini Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od leonpreiser00
15.186 pregleda 81 odgovora |
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Povlačim se 20 dana

a nisam video ni groša

ovaj sajt je prevara

ne šalje mi čak ni mejlove za verifikaciju dokumenata

novac se uvek vraćao

Hteo bih svoj novac

Automatski prevedeno:

I hope we will be able to help you, it's good that you submitted the complaint.

Hvala nadamo se

da bih želeo svoj novac, hvala

Automatski prevedeno:


I will keep tracking your complaint for further updates.



I can see that you received the winnings after all, so the complaint was closed as resolved. 👍

My congratulation, I'm sorry for the delay though 😀.

Juče sam uplatio, ali nikada nije došlo na račun

Automatski prevedeno:

As soon as your ban ends, you should update us about that.

You can start by telling us what payment option did you use.


Sva kazina uvek koriste e-poštu ili broj telefona za verifikaciju za registraciju.

Automatski prevedeno:

It depends on your taste, playstyle, and bonus conditions, I guess.

Check the bonuses here.

Baš sam očajan, igrao sam na sajtu Nomini ali sad sam video da pričaju ružno o tome i da ne uplaćuju i da je to samo prevara... sada imam 3 podizanja po 300€ svako molim da mi neko pomogne ja bih voleo da imam taj novac....

Automatski prevedeno:


I guess that would be much healthier for you to check the casino's rating first - just click here. That should calm you a bit 🙂. From what I can tell players are most likely to write a negative comment or review other than a good one. Not every satisfied player takes the time to write "hey, played there, won nicely, and got the money quite fast". Furthermore, 122 complaints have been submitted against this casino and only 2 have been unresolved. So please focus on your withdrawals now.

Has the casino given you any indication that you are not going to receive the money? Don't let yourself be pushed by issues that are not your own, at the moment.

Let me know how you faring.

Nomini uvek otkaže moje zahteve za povlačenje, ali bez razloga!

veoma loš moral za plaćanje! Ni ti ne dobijaš odgovor

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobar dan, nervozan sam. Potrošio sam mnogo novca u ovom kazinu i pobedio sam i nikada me nisu položili. Uvek sam se vraćao na nalog i na kraju igrao. Pre neki dan nakon što sam deponovao mnogo novca, imao sam sreće, 10.000 € ukupno, da sam uspeo da napravim samo 3 podizanja po 800 € i ništa ne čekam, ali bojim se da će blokirati račun ili vrata više od €8000 koje mi je ostalo da podignem, ne znam šta da radim, hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey. I'm not sure why you should be worried about them blocking your account or not wanting to pay out your money. With the 3 withdrawals you have successfully made, I don't think you have had any problems. Have you withdrawn the other 8000 ? I think the casino could check this amount and so on, but if you didn't break anything and everything was fine so far, there is no need to stress unnecessarily. 

However, once you will request your withdrawal you can let us know how it goes. For now, keep your head up and don't think negative right away. 🙂


Da, napravio sam 3 uspešne isplate ali nema novosti, znam da sam možda nestrpljiv, ali juče sam počeo da igram i suma koja je ostala na računu iznosi 16.000€ i ne razumem zašto nisam prekinula bilo šta, naravno da nisam uvek igrao sa svojim depozitima...Biću strpljiv i neću više čitati negativne komentare koji me čine stresnim, hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Hteo sam da vam odgovorim danas, pošto sam veoma srećan, dobio sam 3 isplate od 800€ 💪 sada da strpljivo čekam i malo po malo podignem ono što je ostalo, hvala na rečima i preporučujem da ne čitate komentari jer nisu tačni... Samo te više uznemiravaju, pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there!

Great news indeed! 🙌

Waiting for money is a tempting situation, yet can pretty easily evolve into unpleasant stress, right?

Keeping cool and calm is truly demanding while you browse user reviews, I perfectly understand that, so thank you for this hint!


When you enter on Nomini page on Casino Guru and see 9.4 rate you have feeling that it is one of the most safe casinos in the world, but after you start to read comments you can read 95% bad experience from this casino. why such high rate here? I deposited and now already waiting 6 days for my withdrawal of 200eur, even deposit was 300 they dont wanna even pay less than deposit.

With this rate and behaviour of this casino you push people to deposit and lose their money.



Let's start with the fact that the user rating has no impact at all on the safety index. As you said, negative reviews prevail, yet reviews are something we only hear from the player; we have no background story for that, or the casino's point of view. Furthermore, players tend to complain, not praise, because they mostly take great experiences for granted.

Did you look at the tab called "Safety Index explained" 👈 The answers are all there.

Simply put, the safety index is something proven and measurable, aside from the user rating.

I understand it feels awkward, but please note that especially the first withdrawals are more challenging due to the necessity of the KYC (know your customer) procedure. It does not mean something bad or not entirely safe is happening.

I'm probably going to disappoint you now, but I want you to know that withdrawal speed is not specifically measurable (too many different factors), hence it is not part of the safety index calculation.

May I know what the last news you got from the casino was? Maybe we can find a hint.

Let me know, please.

Hi all,

Had good luck with this casino. Won $24,000. In the process of doing withdrawals at the max of $2300 per day. Will keep you posted on the outcome. Hopefully all goes well and I can report back a positive review.

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