pre 2 godina
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Oshi Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
Imam 400€ na svom računu, ali mi još treba 100€ za podizanje sa BANKTRANSFER-a. Pitao sam u chatu prošle nedelje da li mogu samo da uplatim 100€ da bih mogao da podignem 500€. Savjetovano mi je da to ne radim jer moram nekoliko puta uložiti 100€ prije nego što mogu povući. Danas sam tražio drugu alternativu: Primjer: Uplaćujem 20€ kod JETON-a. JETON bi tada bio certificiran i mogu platiti preko JETON-a. Kao odgovor dobio sam napojnicu sa 100€ putem bankovnog transfera...očigledno ne moram da pretvaram 100€. Može li mi neko dati savjet kako da podignem novac?
I have 400€ in my account, but still need 100€ to withdraw from BANKTRANSFER. I asked in the chat last week if I can just deposit €100 so that I can withdraw €500. I was advised not to do this because I have to wager the €100 several times before I can withdraw. Today I asked for another alternative: Example: I deposit €20 with JETON. JETON would then be certified and I can pay out via JETON. As an answer I received the tip with the 100€ via bank transfer...apparently I don't need to convert the 100€. Can someone give me a tip on how to withdraw the money?
Ich habe 400€ auf meinem Konto, brauche aber noch 100€ um bei BANKTRANSFER auszuzahlen. Ich fragte letzte Woche im Chat ob ich einfach noch 100€ einzahlen kann damit ich 500€ auszahlen kann. Davon wurde mir abgeraten weil ich die 100€ mehrmals umsetzten muss bevor ich auszahlen kann. Heute fragte ich nach einer anderen Alternative: Beispiel: Ich zahle 20€ mit JETON ein. Damit wäre dann JETON zertifiziert und ich kann über JETON auszahlen. Als Antwort erhielt ich den Tipp mit den 100€ über Banktransfer...angeblich brauch ich die 100€ doch nicht umsetzten. Kann mir jemand ein Tipp geben wie ich das Geld auszahlen kann?
Ovo je veoma interesantna situacija. Nedavno sam to i sam pokušavao da shvatim. Pa, kazino može postaviti zahtjev za klađenje na bilo koji depozit, čak i na verifikacioni depozit, kao i na depozit koji pokriva razliku između maksimalnog isplate bonusa i minimalnog iznosa za povlačenje. Bojim se da je ovo vezano za pravilo protiv pranja novca.
Daniel je ovdje objasnio AML pravilo i svoje gledište:
This is a very interesting situation. I was recently trying to figure that out myself. Well, the casino can place a wagering requirement on any deposit, even on the verification deposit as well as on a deposit that covers the difference between max cashout from a bonus and minimum withdrawal amount. This is bound to the anti-money-laundering rule, I'm afraid.
Daniel explained the AML rule and his point of view here:
Ovaj kazino je prevara. Zatražili gotovinu preko skrill-a, prošlo je 6 dana da ne plaćaju. Tvrdili su da su problemi sa skrill-om na mojoj strani i skrill je potvrdio da je moj račun u redu, a sada kažu da je problem na njihovoj strani. Ne igraj se ovde.
This casino is a scam. Requested a cashout by skrill it’s been 6 days they don’t pay. They claimed skrill issues on my side and skrill confirmed my account is ok now they say that the issue is on their side. Don’t play here.
Meni to ne zvuči kao prevara. Više zvuči kao da ste bili u kontaktu sa korisničkom podrškom koja vjerovatno nije imala iskustva i dala vam je pogrešne informacije. Također razumijem zašto vam ne mogu jednostavno poslati dobitke putem drugog načina plaćanja (to je zbog zahtjeva protiv pranja novca), ali ako to ne poprave u roku od 2 sedmice, trebali bi vam ga poslati putem bilo kojeg način plaćanja koji će im odgovarati.
It doesn't sound like a scam to me. It sounds more like you've been in touch with a customer support who probably wasn't experienced and gave you wrong information. I also understand why they can't simply send you the winnings via a different payment method (it's due to anti money-laundering requirements), but if they don't fix it during 2 weeks, then they should send it to you via any payment method that will work for them.
mogu li znati šta ti se dogodilo?
Hello there,
may I know what has happened to you?
Napravio sam nekoliko depozita i nije mi dao nikakve dobitke ili gubitke i nije mi dozvolio da igram određene igre jer sam imao aktivne bonuse
I made several deposits and it didn't give me any winnings or losses and it wouldn't let me play certain games because I had active bonuses
fiz vários depósitos e não deu ganhos do perdas e não me deixou jogar certos jogos porque tinha bónus ativo
nažalost, sasvim je normalno da određene igre mogu biti ograničene dok igrate sa bonusom.
Rekao bih da je dobro pažljivo proveriti pravila bonusa, jer možete čak odlučiti da ne uzmete bonus. 🙂
sadly it's quite normal that certain games can be restricted while you're playing with the bonus.
I'd say it's good to check the bonus rules carefully, because you may even decide not to take the bonus. 🙂
Sa moje strane, nikada nisam imao problema sa depozitima ili isplatama.
Uglavnom uplaćujem preko Skrill-a i povlačim preko Skrill-a i to nikada nije bio problem.
Sa oshijem sam oko 2 godine i lično sam veoma zadovoljan!!!
Nažalost, ponekad stvari krenu po zlu. 😀
For my part, I have never had any problems with deposits or withdrawals.
I deposit mostly through Skrill and withdrawals through Skrill as well and it's never been a problem.
I've been with oshi for about 2 years and I'm personally very satisfied!!!
Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong. 😀
Also ich für mein Teil hatte da noch nie Probleme bei Ein oder Auszahlungen.
Ich zahle meistens über Skrill ein und die Auszahlungen erfolgen ebenso über skrill und da war noch nie ein Problem.
Bin ungefähr 2 Jahre bei oshi und bin persönlich sehr zufrieden!!!
Manchmal aber geht leider was schief. 😀
Da li ste ikada uzeli neke od depozitnih bonusa koje nudimo na našoj veb stranici? Nedavno sam shvatio da na forumu ne dobijamo mnogo povratnih informacija o konkretnim bonusima, ili bar imam takav osećaj.
Lično, rekao bih da je mnogo lakše igrati bez ikakvog bonusa. 😀
Have you ever taken some of the deposit bonuses we offer on our website? I recently realized that we are not receiving much feedback on the forum about concrete bonuses, or at least I have that feeling.
Personally, I'd say that it's far too easier playing without any bonus. 😀
Da imam! 🙂
Siguran sam da su ga drugi korisnici već koristili! 🙂
Potpuno si u pravu!
Igranje bez bonusa je ugodnije!
Volim da igram sa bonusima na depozit s vremena na vreme i imao sam mnogo sreće.
Zbog bonusa, ne možete odmah da isplatite, što primorava igrača da nastavi da igra 🙂 a ponekad ste dovoljno srećni da osvojite veliku pobedu nastavljajući da igrate 😀
Naravno, to može i da se vrati, ali tako je ponekad u kazinima 😀
Ja lično igram jednom bez bonusa pa sa. 🙂 ponekad 😀 u zavisnosti od raspoloženja i raspoloženja 😁
Više volim bonuse bez maksimalne gotovine. 😀 😛
Yes, I have! 🙂
I'm sure other users have already used it! 🙂
You are absolutely right!
Playing without a bonus is more enjoyable!
I like to play with deposit bonuses every now and then and I've been very lucky.
Due to the bonus, you cannot pay out immediately, which forces a player to continue playing 🙂 and sometimes you are lucky enough to win big by continuing to play 😀
Of course it can also backfire, but that's the way it is in casinos sometimes 😀
Personally, I play once without a bonus and then with. 🙂 sometimes 😀 depending on mood and mood 😁
I prefer the bonuses without max cash out. 😀 😛
Ja habe ich! 🙂
Ich bin mir sicher andere Nutzer haben es auch schon genutzt! 🙂
Da hast du absolut recht!
Ohne bonus zu spielen ist angenehmer!
Ich spiele aber hin und wieder sehr gerne mit Einzahlungs bonusen und hatte da auch schon sehr großes Glück.
Durch den bonus kann man nicht gleich auszahlen was einem Spieler zwingt weiter zu spielen 🙂 und manchmal hat man genau durch dieses weiter spielen das Glück groß zu gewinnen 😀
Klar kann es auch nach hinten losgehen aber so ist das halt in casinos mal so und mal so 😀
Ich persönlich spiele einmal ohne bonus und dann mit. 🙂 mal so mal so 😀 je nach Stimmung und Laune 😁
Am liebsten sind mir die bonuse ohne max cash out. 😀 😛
Zdravo 🙂
To ima smisla, sve je u raspoloženju i dobrom provodu! Ono što mi je bilo zanimljivo je da mislim da nisam našao mnogo dobrih bonusa bez maksimalnog cashout-a, posebno ako govorimo o onima bez depozita! 😀
Ali to je verovatno zato što uopšte nisam veliki fan bonusa. 😁
Jednog dana, možete napraviti zasebnu nit i preporučiti neke zaista dobre 😎
Hi 🙂
That makes sense, it is all about mood and having a good time! What I found interesting is that I think I have not found many good bonuses without the max cashout, especially if talk about no-deposit ones! 😀
But it's probably because I'm not a big fan of bonuses in general. 😁
One day, you can create a separate thread and recommend some really good ones 😎
I ja to tako vidim da se radi o opuštenom vremenu i osećaju sreće kada je dobra pobeda 😛
Bonusi bez depozita obično imaju ovakvo ograničenje isplate (50-100€) Ali po mom mišljenju postoji MNOGO kazina u kojima bonusi na depozit nemaju ograničenje isplate što ja lično volim 😀
Uskoro ću napraviti i napraviti jedan!
Prijatan dan draga Radka. 🙂
I also see it that way it's about a relaxed time and feelings of happiness when there's a good win 😛
No deposit bonuses usually have a payout limit like this (50-100€) But in my opinion there are MANY casinos where the deposit bonuses have no payout limit which I personally love 😀
I will soon make and create one!
Have a nice day dear Radka. 🙂
Sehe ich auch so es geht um ne entspannte zeit und Glücksgefühle wenn mal ein guter Gewinn kommt 😛
Bonuse ohne Einzahlung haben meistens einen Limit bei der Auszahlung meistens so (50-100€) Aber es gibt wirklich meiner Meinung nach VIELE casinos bei denen die Einzahlungs bonuse keinen Limit bei der Auszahlung haben was ich persönlich liebe 😀
Werde ich demnächst machen und einen erstellen!
Hab einen schönen Tag liebe Radka. 🙂
Ok, radujem se! 😉😊 Najbolju preporuku uvek treba da da običan igrač!
Hi there!
Ok, I'm looking forward to it! 😉😊 The best recommendation should always be made by a regular player!
Pozdrav svima,
Kao što sam spomenuo u svojoj recenziji... bio sam sa Oshi kazinom
oko 3 godine, nikada ranije nisam imao problema...ali poslednjih 8 meseci su se promenili u velikoj meri, RTP je izuzetno nizak, nakon što sam izgubio 20Ks depozita zaredom...Konačno sam osvojio malo nazad
1350 CAD koje ne žele da plate, možete reći da nešto nije u redu, imaju 5 otvorenih žalbi za nedelju dana.
Hello everyone,
As I mentioned in my review...I have been with Oshi Casino
about 3 years, never had any issue before...but last 8 months they have changed big time, RTP are extremely low, after loosing 20X deposit in a row...I finally won little bit back
1350 CAD which they do not want to pay, you can tell something is wrong, they have 5 open complain in a week.
Prošao sam ukratko kroz žalbu . Izgleda da ste uzeli bonus i prekršili pravilo maksimalne opklade. U takvim slučajevima uvek pokušavamo da ubedimo kazino da svi povezani aspekti treba da budu uzeti u obzir, tako da je konačna odluka pravična. Znate li koliko ste puta preterali sa pravilom i da li ste pobedili od tih okreta?
Koliko ja znam, tražili smo istoriju igara da bismo saznali.
Hajde da vidimo šta kazino ima da kaže o tome. 🙏🤞
I went through the complaint briefly. Seems like you took a bonus and breached the max bet rule. In such cases, we always try to convince the casino that all related aspects should be get into the consideration, so the final decision is fair. Do you know how many times you overbed the rule and whether you won from that spins?
As far as I know, we asked for gaming history to find out.
Let's see what the casino has to say about that. 🙏🤞
O moj Bože..To je najgori kazino,kada pokušaš da se povučeš...Korisnička podrška uopšte beskorisna..Potpuno sam verifikovan..i njihov sajt ne radi kako treba..Postavili su isti email koji sam registrovao u ovom kazinu u moj skrill odeljak automatski, i oni ne prave povlačenje da se desi.. Rekli su da ne mogu to da promene, ne mogu ništa da urade, samo mi stalno govore da čekam.. Nema razloga zašto to traje tako dugo, nema informacija o vremenskom okviru za uradite ovaj veoma težak posao samo da biste promenili imejl...Užasno iskustvo..Registrovao sam se samo zbog dobrih kritika i bila je greška..Zašto igrati u kazinu, ako ne možete da se povučete..Igrao sam stotine onlajn kazino, ali nikada nisam imao tako loše iskustvo.. Još uvek čekam nekoliko dana da mi prepišu e-poštu, pretpostavljam da za to treba da radi ceo tim IT stručnjaka da bi se to desilo
Oh my gosh..Thats the worst casino,when u try to withdraw...Customer support useless at all..Im fully verified..and their site does not work properly..They put the same email which i registered in this casino to my skrill section automatically,and they dont make a withdrawal to happen..They said they cannot change it,they cannot do anything,just keep telling me to wait..No reason why its taking so long,no info on time frame to do this very difficult job just to change an email...Horrible experience..I registered just because of a good reviews,and it was a mistake..Why to play in the casino,if u cannot withdraw..I played hundreds of online casino,but never had such a bad experience..Still waiting couple of days for them to rewrite my email,i guess for that needs to work the whole team of IT specialists to make it happen
Samo budi oprezan sa njima... nikad mi nisu platili, čak i ja saznam da su popravili neke opklade kroz moju istoriju igara samo da bi imali neku vrstu dokaza, na primer, ako pogledaš ovo
dodali su 8. februara 23. februara igru Star Spell sa opkladom 0,00 i dobitak 0,00, čak i ako nisam bio prijavljen od 5. februara 23. dok sam podneo žalbu protiv njih, odmah sam znao da su gore na nešto
Just be careful with them... they never paid me , even I find out they have fix some bets through my game history just to have some kind of evidence for example if you take a look at this
they have added on feb/08/23 a game Star Spell with a bet 0.00 and win 0.00, even do I was not logged in since feb/05/23 while I have had filed complain against them, I knew right away they are up to something
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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