Naravno, odgovornost svakako postoji na strani kockara, ali dobar deo pada na kazino, ako bi poštovali propise, većini ljudi ovde ne bi bilo dozvoljeno ni da se registruju, a kamoli da polažu. Definitivno postoje legitimna kazina koja koriste Curacao licence, ali po mom mišljenju, oni su obično samo kripto depoziti i pridržavaju se regulatornih tela više jurisdikcija (ulog na primer)
Takođe morate uzeti u obzir činjenicu da prosečna osoba ne zna mnogo o licenciranju i sličnim stvarima, ove stvari se zapravo ne pominju kada se reklamiraju aplikacije za kockanje itd., pa iako postoji odgovornost na igračima da istraže veb-sajtove koje koriste, postoji dobar deo ljudi koji nemaju znanje šta tačno da traže, onda imate problem sa kazinom koji kupuju lažne recenzije za svog trustpilot-a itd., pa kada ih ljudi guglaju, daje im lažni osećaj kredibiliteta, to je zaista tehničko i nijansirano pitanje.
Mislim da bi dobra stvar za implementaciju bila da bude obavezno da svako ko se prijavi na bilo koji kazino ili veb-sajt za kockanje pročita informativni tekst u vezi sa licenciranjem i sličnim stvarima, a zatim popuni upitnik nakon toga, mislim da bi to pomoglo odlična stvar, ali kao što smo obojica rekli, ova ofšor kazina zapravo ne brinu o sigurnijim propisima o kockanju, ili bilo kakvim propisima.
Ne odobravam ni freerolling, ali u isto vreme ne mogu da ga osuđujem jer kazina sami koriste lažne i sumnjive prakse, što ih čini jednakim terenom za obe strane, po mom mišljenju, zaista, ako su radili na pravi način. na taj način, onda freerolling ne bi bio ni moguć.
Oh for sure, there's definitely responsibility on the gamblers side, but a good portion falls on the casino, if they followed regulations most of the people on here wouldn't even be allowed to register, let alone deposit. There's definitely legitimate casinos using curacao licenses but in my opinion, they're usually crypto deposits only and do abide by the regulatory bodies of multiple jurisdictions (Stake for example)
You also have to bring into account the fact the average person doesn't know a lot about licensing and things like that, these things aren't really mentioned when gambling apps etc are advertised, so whilst there is a responsibility for players to research the websites they're using, there's a good portion of people who lack the knowledge of what to look for exactly, then you have the issue of the casinos that buy fake reviews for their trustpilot etc so when people google them, it gives them a false sense of credibility, it really is a technical and nuanced issue.
I think a good thing to implement would be to make it mandatory for anyone who signs up to any casino or gambling website to read an informative text in regards to licensing and things like that then fill out a questionnaire after, i think that would help a great deal, but as we have both said, these offshore casinos don't really have any care for safer gambling regulations, or any regulations really.
I don't condone freerolling either, but at the same time i can't condemn it because the casinos are using underhand and shady practices themselves, makes it a level playing field for both parties really in my view, if they operated in the correct manner then freerolling wouldn't even be a possibility.
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