Da li ste osporili BITLAB?
Sigurni ste da nije ovo: https://bitlab.in/
Taj je zapravo sa sedištem na Kipru. Kada pogledate njihovu stranicu, piše da imaju kancelariju u SAD, ali nemaju.
Poslao bih im poštu, naveo da imate transakciju koju ne znate i proverio da li ima odgovora.
Ako je poštanska adresa lažna, onda bih osporio kao: roba nije primljena. Zbog toga neće odgovarati na spor, a vi ćete pobediti nakon 45 dana.
Kako je prošlo sa grombookovima ili kako se zovu 🙂?
Have you disputed BYTLAB?
You sure it isn't this one: https://bytlab.in/
That one is actually cyprus based. When looking at their page it says they have office in USA, but they have not.
I would send them mail, specify that you have transaction you don't know to them, and check for any answers.
If the mail address is fake, then I would dispute as: goods not recieved. Due to that they will not answer on the dispute, and you will win after 45 days.
How did it go with grombooks or what they are called 🙂?
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