Iskreno, ne bih bio previše zabrinut zbog pravnih posledica. Najviše što očekujem da će se desiti je da će odbiti tužbu za prevaru i očekivati da vratim svaki privremeni kredit koji sam dobio. Sve dok ne osporavate ludo visok iznos u dolarima, trebalo bi da budete dobro.
Samo sam rekao da ne prepoznajem transakcije, pa čak ni trgovca, jer su to bila samo nasumična slova i brojevi. U ovim sporovima, pretpostavljam da će proveriti par stvari kao što je IP (što je loše) i kontaktirati trgovca. Nadamo se da IP nije problem za nas. Ako kontaktiraju trgovca, neće odgovoriti jer je ono što rade nezakonito i banka bi trebalo da stane na našu stranu. Prekršteni prsti.
Honestly, I wouldn't be too concerned over legal ramifications. The most that I anticipate happening is that they will deny the fraud claim and expect me to pay back any provisional credit I received. As long as you're not disputing a crazy high dollar amount, you should be fine.
I just said I didn't recognize the transactions and even the merchant because it was just random letters and numbers. In these disputes, I'm guessing they will check a couple things like IP (which is bad) and contact the merchant. Hopefully IP isn't an issue for us. If they contact the merchant, they will not respond because what they're doing is illegal and the bank should side with us. Fingers crossed.
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