Vidim, u ovom slučaju malo možete da uradite. Zato pokušajte da ne budete toliko pod stresom. Nažalost, takva kašnjenja su sasvim normalna neposredno pre Božića. Svi na kraju kasne; 🙁, i mi.
Koliko znam, ne postoji način da se to ubrza. - Vaš nalog je verifikovan, tako da bi trebalo da bude samo pitanje vremena.
Zamišljam da nije kul, ali jeste ono što jeste. Pokušajte da budete strpljivi, molim vas
I see, in this case there is little you can do. So try not to be that stressed out. Sadly, such delays are perfectly normal shortly before Christmas. Everyone gets delayed eventually; 🙁, we too.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to speed it up. - Your account has been verified, so it should only be a question of time.
I imagine it is not cool, but it is what it is. Try to be patient, please