NaslovnaForumKazinaViggoslots Casino - opšta diskusija

Viggoslots Casino - opšta diskusija

 od simplyme
26.680 pregleda 103 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Viggoslots Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Na crnoj listi, samo imam problema sa hiljadama drugih igrača, varanje, Uvjeti i odredbe protiv igrača, zaplijenjeni dobici... i tako dalje.?...MOUNTBERG aka GAMMIX aka DANGAARD

Automatski prevedeno:


I checked your complaint against the Viggoslot about possible payment delay, it actually needs some updates now, especially about the bonus you took.

Anyway, we mark the casino's T&C to be very unfair, so maybe some more fair casinos can be considered instead. This is your second complaint after all.

I hope the payment will be clarified soon.

Ne samo da je ovo nepravedno, već je i lažno lažno predstavljanje i namjerno!

Pročitao sam isto od mnogih drugih igrača.

Automatski prevedeno:

I do not want to sound rude, but why are you still playing there?

Draga Radka

Ne igram više tamo, dva puta sam uplatio tamo, dosta je, drugi put samo zato što su mi ponudili bonus na prvi depozit uz drugi depozit.

1. Lažni uslovi poslovanja

2. Loša iskustva igrača

3. Kazino na crnoj listi na mnogim portalima za recenzije

4. Licenca ne postoji kako je saopštio Curacao CE.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear simplyme,

ok, thanks for the explanation.

However, I think that you are not correct when it comes to the license, it's actually licensed under the Antillephone N.V.:

file file

If you happen to find some other information though, kindly share it with us preferably in the form of emails or print screens.

Poslao sam Kristini odgovor iz CEG-a, kažu da nemaju dozvolu

Automatski prevedeno:


Na mojoj stranici nema logotipa Antilephone

Automatski prevedeno:

Poslao sam Kristini odgovor iz CEG-a, kažu da nemaju dozvolu

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, I send you proof, that if you access the site from the main panel the logo/validator is there.

It may be that when viewed on mobile, the logo is somewhere else.

Anyway, have you asked the casino about the license, please?


Na mojoj stranici nema logotipa Antilephone

Automatski prevedeno:


Which licensing provider have you asked, please? At the moment, there are 4 under the Curacao jurisdiction:


I just want to make sure that you asked the Antillephone N.V.

Pisao sam CEG-u i

Drugi, to je Antilefonska licenca na koju do sada nisu odgovorili.

Mislim da mogu da otpišem 700€, jer posle ovoga što sam pročitao ovde i na drugim forumima ni oni nisu komunikativni.

Kao lojalan igrač, više neću ulaziti u kazino Mountberg grupe, kao ni u kazino koji se nalazi u istočnoj Evropi, većina njih na Kipru, prenositi novac preko provajdera platnih usluga u Poljsku ili Estoniju itd. i Curaca to dozvoljava . Onda nestaje u kriptovalutama... a ja ću od zaštite potrošača saznati koje su mi opcije

Samo želim da vas zamolim da ponovo pažljivo pročitate njemačku verziju T&C, ne mogu pronaći ništa što sam pogriješio.

Automatski prevedeno:


so Certria is not the proper way at this time. Antillephone can react very slowly, so may I know when did you contact them? Did you submit a complaint or just asked about the license validity, I wonder?

Anyway, give Kristina some time to update the complaint, it's not over yet. 🤞

Pa ima li jos jedna Antilefonska adresa???

Moram li pisati na

Podnio sam žalbu na certria@gaminglicenses.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Simplyme,

My mistake, I wanted to write that Cetria is the proper way... No need to look for another contact - I'm sorry for the confusion!

Anyway, have you found this?

"Antillephone should only be contacted by players when they believe an Оperator is in breach of their license. All disputes with an Оperator about a payout, a blocked account, a delay, broken features and so on, should first be taken up directly with the Оperator. If no resolution is found there are number of independent bodies you can contact, which should be listed on the Оperator website."

Well, Antillephone is not well-known for actually solving issues, if I may say.


Zdravo draga Radka,

Još uvijek nisam našao logo agencije.

Samo odjeljak za licenciranje. Vaš snimak ekrana prikazuje broj licence jaz/8048

U fusnoti piše jaz /1668

Viggoslots je licenciran pod Mountberg BV, kompanijom sa sjedištem u Fransche Bloemweg 4, Willemstad, Curacao pod brojem licence za igre na sreću 1668/JAZ, koju izdaje Curacao eGaming i ovlaštena je i regulirana od strane vlade Curacao. Viggoslots upravlja Mountberg Ltd. koji posluje kao Merchant of Record, Mountberg Ltd. je kompanija registrovana u skladu sa zakonima Kipra sa registracionim brojem HE 355350, PDV brojem 10355350P i registrovanim uredom na 101 Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue, Commercial Union Building, 1. sprat, , 1071, Nikozija, Kipar sa kontakt telefonskim brojem + 357 22 346 367 Mountberg Ltd. je 100% podružnica Mountberg BV

Automatski prevedeno:



Hello, I can still find the logo and see this:


Ask their live chat, please. We should know for sure.


Šta kažete u fusnoti? file

Automatski prevedeno:

Nope, I can see the Antillephone logo and Antillephone in the written text. I entered the site using a VPN set to Germany, and it's still the same.


Can the ask the live chat, maybe?

I decided to ask our Data Team and will update you.

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