NaslovnaForumKazinaWazbee Casino - opšta diskusija

Wazbee Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Mag7
14.461 pregleda 114 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Wazbee Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

I wanted to ask opinion that why royspins and wazbee allows you to be able to make new account with same personal info but different email, if you have asked a permanent block due addiction? Usually casinos block you completely that you cant make any account with details matching.

Ažurirano od strane autora

This is a good question, and I want to respond to it even though I feel such a situation should be primarily explained to you by the casino support workers.

Well, I'm going to share my point of view:

Most importantly, self-exclusion should protect vulnerable players by closing their account - leaving such account inaccessible. Or any other accounts this player has created in the meantime.

When it comes to creating another account lately, though, the situation is not always the same.

It's crucial to understand which personal information is necessary for creating such an account and which personal information the casino's system tracks automatically.

The way I understand your question, in this casino the registration email is mandatory, it seems. Though I'm not pretty sure how important the other personal details are, anyway, in some casinos, only the email and date of birth are checked upon registration. I guess you used a different email in order to pass the registration since the older email remains excluded.

That would mean the system was not able to detect you. 🤷‍♂️

Thus, I'm also assuming that in this casino, the system does not automatically track down all similarities or matches, on the other hand, details like the name or date of birth match will surely be detected by the KYC verification.

Well, did you ask the casino employee how it works in their casino?

If you are a vulnerable player, you should seek these answers before registering at another casino. Just in case.


It's impossible to win in this casino. Manipulated RTP/RNG. I came back for a while and thought about something new. Total puke. -160 euros in a few moments. Cashback program? You receive points to exchange. For the entire amount I could exchange the points for a 10 euro bonus with a 30x wager. Awesome gambler joke.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Hmm, I probably wouldn't change it, because I wouldn't find it convenient. 

Anyway, x70 in some of the cases you have in the screenshot is not so bad, considering that the bet is 0.2. Of course, obviously it could be better, but I don't think that the casino needs to have a manipulated RTP on the basis of this. You can ask them what it is on a given game. They should have no problem answering. 

I don't have all the screenshots, but I had 4 bonuses in a row on 4 different slots with winnings. 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x. When you look at the series of bonus buys the thing is that the algorithm does not allow for full refund of the bonus buys. Winnings will always be in a certain range, let's say from 1x to 80-90x. In my case, this situation has already occurred in 6 casinos, which is why I believe that providers use advanced software that determines individual RTP on the basis of processed player meta data, which is made available to providers by casinos. I'm running out of words for this form of "entertainment". Fortunately, it wasn't hard-earned money. But I'm warning each of you that this casino smells like a skunk. I trust my intuition a bit. ;)


If that's how you feel, then I'd rather not play in a casino, if I may confess. Of course, the best part of such a situation would always be the proof that it is the case and that RTP is regulated in casinos, but no one who has had such an opinion has proved that yet. 

I mean, I wouldn't even consider it fun, I'd just be frustrated. 

Čuvajte se ovog lažnog kazina! Uradio sam sve kako treba, napravio nalog i verifikovao ga!

Uplatio sam ukupno 4300 evra i osvojio 8040 evra!

Zatvorili su mi račun bez razloga, ne javljaju se i zadržali su mi novac!

Isplata u minutima je laž!

Automatski prevedeno:

Napravio sam nalog u ovom kazinu, izvršio svu verifikaciju, sa svojim identifikacionim dokumentom i dokazom o adresi.

Uplatio sam nekoliko depozita u ukupnom iznosu od 4300 evra.

Osvojio sam 8040 evra. Napravio sam dva povlačenja, jedno za 3000 evra koje je odobreno za oko 9 minuta i drugo za 5040 evra za koje su tražili još dokumenata preko odeljenja bezbednosti koje sam poslao i oni su odobrili. Ova anketa je takođe odobrena.

U oba povlačenja dobio sam mejl da je odobreno i da će, ako se radi o digitalnim novčanicima, to biti urađeno za nekoliko minuta, ako je i za banku, mada bi moglo da potraje još neko vreme.

Iznenađenje od iznenađenja, nakon nekoliko sati Vazbee je otkazao isplate za koje je rekao da ih je već obradio! Zadržao mi je novac i nije mi platio.

Prestali su da se javljaju i bez ikakvog opravdanja zatvorili nalog.

Budite pažljivi sa ovim Kazinom, kao i lažovi, jer ne odobravaju isplate za nekoliko minuta, pretvaraju se da odobravaju, dozvoljavaju vam da sve proverite, uplatite i igrajte. Onda uzimaju sve i prestaju da odgovaraju.

Ne stavljajte novac ovde, jer ćete ostati bez njega!

Automatski prevedeno:

Ovaj kazino mi je dozvolio da sve proverim i uplatim 4300 evra. Osvojio sam 8040 evra i zatvorili su mi račun bez reči.

Zadržali su sav novac!

Automatski prevedeno:

Pažnja igračima, ovaj kazino, ako zatražite samoisključivanje, će vam omogućiti da kreirate druge naloge sa istim podacima i ličnim kartama.

Oni nemaju odgovorne mehanizme za igru.

Tek kada pobedite, oni to otkriju i konfiskuju vaš dobitak.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear player, I decided to move all your post to this single thread so we can all have the best chance to keep up with the subject.

I really appreciate the care you show toward other players. We indeed seek insightful warnings, because sharing means caring to us. In regard with that, however, I must point out that there is another side to your warning.

To provide a complex context to this situation, I encourage the readers to keep in mind your associated compalint 👈 too.

As far as it looks: Not just that you have so far provided conflicting information, but sadly, you failed to follow recommended steps to exclude yourself from the casino properly.

I won't quote from the complaint because I don't want to push your emotions further, and I respect your contribution. But to be fair and square, maybe you should focus on the complaint too and then reflect on its outcome. Or, to be precise, to focus on all of the complaints you created to get refunds from the casinos.

I understand you are addicted, but that does not mean you are not at least partially responsible for your actions too. Please try to avoid any other possible losses.

Based on the complaints, you already have quite a history with many casinos, so I think you should now know how self-eclusion works and get a few hints on how to avoid unnecessary complications bound to your current state. At least, try that now: 👈

Ažurirano od strane autora

Vazbee mi je zadržao 8040 evra kada sam se registrovao sa svojim pravim dokumentima i uradio sam sve kako treba! Šta mislite o tom Rabuku?

Automatski prevedeno:

We can see in your complaint that a casino representative has given some interesting insides to our complaint team, so we believe they will be able to solve this long-standing issue.

Zašto mi ne daju moj novac?

Automatski prevedeno:

It remains to be investigated. Thus, we don't have the answers on the forum. Keep up with the complaint, please.

Rok ističe Rabuka. Oni će stati na stranu Kazina, kao i uvek...

Automatski prevedeno:

Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet, please, and let's see how it turns out. I saw that the timer expired, so just to be sure I'll tell Nick to check it out and you'll get an answer soon. 

Jug rok je već istekao. Ovde kazina uvek pobeđuju!

Automatski prevedeno:

I don't think we have to resort immediately to such views. The complaint is not closed, but with 20 people dealing with complaints and they have 1000 complaints, it's not easy to get to someone right away. I gave Nick a reminder and he told me he was getting to it. Just be patient, please.  

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