NaslovnaForumKazinaWild Tokyo Casino - opšta diskusija

Wild Tokyo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od k2j6gffmsw
4.524 pregleda 68 odgovora |
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U svakom slučaju javite mi ako vam ne plate možemo se javiti... Već sam kontaktirao hijene... Imam sastanak sa njima lično sledeće nedelje i izneću sve podatke... Nadam se da barem izlaskom u etar u udarnom terminu i barem na svim društvenim medijima možemo izbeći da neki drugi igrač iz Italije igra ovaj odvratni kazino i da se ne oslanjamo na ove sajtove za prevare

Automatski prevedeno:

Greetings from Wild Tokyo!

We would like to thank you for providing us with the requested information and documents.

We are pleased to confirm that your account has been successfully verified, based on provided documents.

Thank you for your cooperation!

If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you by Live Chat or email


Kind regards,

Wild Tokyo Financial Department

Good morning ROMI, first of all I thank you for the quick response and I will keep you updated. I have not used any BONUS!!!!! Since you can make requests max €. 500 I have 500-500-278 pending. Today I received this email but I return to say that my Game Account had already been validated months ago and after a long wait, I think thanks to your intervention, they made my Bank Transfers every 3-5 days. I hoped it would happen this time too but what is strangest is that now you have to turn the deposit 3 times to be able to request the withdrawal then I managed to find my 3 requested bank transfers only after a long time and when I ask for the payment times they tell me the working hours of the competent Offices.. You are technicians, you work on an online site that I respect a lot and I ask you if a Customer can deposit 800 euros, win something and then go crazy to have his Withdrawal? And unfortunately I, having a lot of faith in GURU CASINO that guarantees it, remain with the fear of having lost even having won??? The times from the request vary from Casino to Casino but a hint of response must be given. Given the previous very unpleasant experience perhaps I fear I have fallen into it again out of fear and therefore, perhaps as a precaution, I asked for your support to get my money. We play for fun, we win and we lose and we know it. IF we lose the money the Casino rightly has it immediately but if we win we would like fairness and to be paid. I will keep you updated every day because now it will be the weekend and therefore I will not have news until Monday or Tuesday. Thanks for now for your support and I ask if you are optimistic. Thanks


Buongiorno ROMI, come prima cosa ringrazio per la veloce risposta e ti terrò aggiornata. Non ho utilizzato alcun BONUS!!!!! Siccome si possono fare richieste max €. 500 io ho in attesa 500-500-278. Oggi ho ricevuto questa mail ma torno a dire che il mio Conto Gioco era già stato validato mesi addietro e dopo una lunga attesa, credo grazie al vostro intervento, hanno fatto ogni 3-5 giorni i miei Bonifici. Speravo succedesse anche stavolta ma quello che più fa strano è che adesso bisogna girare 3 volte il deposito per poter chiedere il prelievo poi che sono riuscito a trovare i miei 3 bonifici richiesti solo dopo un sacco di tempo e quando chiedo i tempi di pagamento mi dicono gli orari di lavoro degli Uffici competenti.. Voi siete tecnici, lavorate in sito online che stimo molto e vi chiedo se un Cliente può versare 800 euro , vincere qualcosa e poi impazzire per avere il suo Prelievo? E purtroppo io, avendo molta fiducia in GURU CASINO che lo garantisce, rimango con la paura di aver perso anche avendo vinto??? I tempi dalla richiesta sono vari da Casino a Casino ma un cenno di risposta deve essere dato. Vista la precedente esperienza molto spiacevole forse temo di esserci ricaduto per paura e quindi, forse in prevenzione, ho chiesto il vostro supporto per avere il mio denaro.Giochiamo per divertirci, si vince e si perde e lo sappiamo . SE perdiamo i soldi il Casino giustamente li ha immediatamente ma se vinciamo vorremmo correttezza ed essere pagati. Vi tengo aggiornati ogni giorno perchè adesso ci sarà il fine settimana e quindi non avrò novità fino a lunedi o martedi. Grazie per ora del vostro supporto e chiedo se siete ottimisti. Grazie


Hey. Thank you for explaining the situation to us.

I can see that you've had a complaint with this casino previously, and our team was luckily able to solve it. Therefore, also now, whenever you see that the situation is not moving anywhere, please don't hesitate to file a complaint again, and we'll do our best to help you out, of course.

May I ask if you managed to wager the deposit, though? And did they also ask for some additional documentation from you this time?

We will surely wait for your updates, and hopefully it won't last long before you get your payout.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Da kazino guru ne pomaže ništa sa ovim kazinom… oni su filijale i to su ista stvar… ako pažljivo pogledate kazino ima logo kazino gurua jasno prikazan na njihovoj veb stranici…

Čudno, kazino je ocenio kazino guruom sa 8,8 od 10... ako pogledate okolo i igrač recenzira, ne zaslužuje čak ni 2 od 10.

oni su ista mafija

Automatski prevedeno:

I am really sorry for your situation and that you feel this way about us, as well.

As I go through your complaint here, unfortunately I can see that it is a difficult case, and our hands are a bit tied whenever a player doesn't request a self-exclusion from the particular casino he played at.

Especially in this case, where they even have written in their terms that:

"7.4 If a player closes his casino account due to "problems with gambling" / "loss of self-control over the game" / "gambling addiction", in this case, the player is prohibited from playing on the sites of the casino partners, which are indicated in the license of this casino.

7.5 The player undertakes not to open a new account. The casino is not responsible for opening by you a new account and any losses that you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right at any time to close an account that was created in violation of these rules."

It is really difficult for us to inervene anyhow in this case; only if you have requested the self-exclusion from Wild Tokyo would we be able to do so.

Please know that as part of our Global Self-Exclusion Initiative, we've partnered with BetBlocker, a UK-registered charity providing a free service to support people worldwide. You can find more information about our initiative here ( and about BetBlocker here (

BetBlocker, which supports seven languages, is quick and easy to install on multiple devices, taking just 2 minutes. Once installed, it blocks access to over 84,230 gambling websites and runs quietly in the background. The service can be used anonymously and helps individuals manage their access to gambling safely and appropriately, whether that means complete restriction or limiting access during vulnerable periods. 

Additionally, BetBlocker includes a list of 824 gambling information sites. These sites primarily inform users about and advertise gambling services. You can choose to include these sites in your restriction by ticking a box. However, if you have an ongoing complaint against a gambling operator, do not check this box, as it will prevent you from accessing the Casino.Guru website as well.


Draga Romi,

„7.4 Ako igrač zatvori svoj kazino nalog zbog „problema sa kockanjem"/„gubitka samokontrole nad igrom"/„zavisnosti od kockanja", u ovom slučaju, igraču je zabranjeno da igra na sajtovima kazino partnera , koji su navedeni u licenci ovog kazina."

Nisam pravnik, ali jednostavno iz ove tačke je jasno da sam potpuno u pravu, da su zaista bili pošteni pošto imaju isti sistem upravljanja trebalo je da mi dozvole da se prijavim.

stanje zavisnosti od kockanja samo po sebi isključuje da osoba nije u stanju da se kontroliše, ni u jednom sudskom sudu nema sumnje da je zatvor ništav.

tako da je beskorisno braniti prevarante, radije pokušajte da razgovarate sa nama sa svojim kanalima i objasnite im situaciju ako želite..

Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Romi,

pre svega potvrđujem da sam uspeo da okrenem depozit 3 puta (mislim da to treba jasno naznačiti da igrač zna. Ovo je bitno!) jer inače ne bih mogao da podignem ni 1 evro. Dalje, ŠTA JE MNOGO VAŽNIJE: 1 BANKOVNI TRANSFER OD 500 JE VEĆ STIGAO U BANKU, DRUGI OD 500 KAŽU JE U OBRADI I ČEKA TREĆINA OD 278,5.

Ako dobijem drugu obavestiću vas .........dok čekam da stigne treći.

Hvala, bili ste veoma ljubazni i pažljivi.


Automatski prevedeno:

Hvala. Upravo sam dobio jednu za 500.


Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Romi,

„7.4 Ako igrač zatvori svoj kazino nalog zbog „problema sa kockanjem"/„gubitka samokontrole nad igrom"/„zavisnosti od kockanja", u ovom slučaju, igraču je zabranjeno da igra na sajtovima kazino partnera , koji su navedeni u licenci ovog kazina."

Nisam pravnik, ali jednostavno iz ove tačke je jasno da sam potpuno u pravu, da su zaista bili pošteni pošto imaju isti sistem upravljanja trebalo je da mi dozvole da se prijavim.

stanje zavisnosti od kockanja samo po sebi isključuje da osoba nije u stanju da se kontroliše, ni u jednom sudskom sudu nema sumnje da je zatvor ništav.

tako da je beskorisno braniti prevarante, radije pokušajte da razgovarate sa nama sa svojim kanalima i objasnite im situaciju ako želite..

Automatski prevedeno:

I am sure that our complaint team does whatever is possible to help you out. There is no doubt.

I wish you the best ending of the whole case, of course.

Draga Romi,

pre svega potvrđujem da sam uspeo da okrenem depozit 3 puta (mislim da to treba jasno naznačiti da igrač zna. Ovo je bitno!) jer inače ne bih mogao da podignem ni 1 evro. Dalje, ŠTA JE MNOGO VAŽNIJE: 1 BANKOVNI TRANSFER OD 500 JE VEĆ STIGAO U BANKU, DRUGI OD 500 KAŽU JE U OBRADI I ČEKA TREĆINA OD 278,5.

Ako dobijem drugu obavestiću vas .........dok čekam da stigne treći.

Hvala, bili ste veoma ljubazni i pažljivi.


Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you so much. We will wait for the whole update regarding all your withdrawals. I hope it won't take long.

I’m interested in trying Wild Tokyo Casino and would appreciate hearing about others' experiences. If anyone has played there and won, I’d love to know how it went! Please share your reviews and any advice.


Ne igrajte, toplo preporučujem, oni su iz iste mafije kao i kazino guru.. uobičajeni kazino Curacau, pokušao sam da pretražim, ne mogu čak ni da nađem njihovu licencu za onlajn igre... Vild Tokio casino prevara... NOT PLAI

Automatski prevedeno:

I’m thinking about checking out Wild Tokyo Casino and would love to hear what others think about it. Has anyone played there and had any big wins? I’d really appreciate your thoughts and tips!


And have you checked all the information provided on our website about this casino?

Like the user reviews, which actually are not very positive as I can see. Or even from the complaints for this casino, you can get a lot of information as well.

Have you already signed up, or are you not sure yet?

Registrovao sam se, potvrdio dokumente, ali dobici su veoma spori, dobio sam samo jedan od tri transfera koje sam tražio, niko mi ne može reći kada će ostali biti obrađeni, zaista sam veoma razočaran

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, I'm sorry. So how long does it take for you to withdraw? Did the casino also say why it takes them so long? I see you're verified so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. 

What payment method do you use?

Kazino ne plaća, donosite transakcije povlačenja, ali one ostaju suspendovane danima i danima, stvarno loše

Automatski prevedeno:

Could you please tell us in more details about the issue you have at this casino, and hopefully we'll be able to help?


Dopuna uspešno obavljena, počeo da se igra, pobedio.

Nakon što sam ispravno potvrdio dokumente koje vršim povlačenja, želim da istaknem da od nivoa 1 sajt daje mogućnost preuzimanja do 6000 evra mesečno, prvo povlačenje stiže nakon 1 dana, drugo i treće su suspendovane za nedelju dana, kontaktirao sam centar za pomoć i oni mi kažu da su hronološki i ne znaju kada će izvršiti uplate.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thanks for describing the situation. We give casinos 14 days to send money to players. 

So if they don't succeed, you can file a complaint with us and we will try to help. I would say, however, that if they have already sent you some money, it will only be a matter of time before you get the rest. 

I hope it will be soon.

Najgori kazino ikada, jednostavno nemaju čak ni 50% RTP-a

tamo možeš samo da izgubiš, bez obzira koliko često uplaćuješ, nemaš šanse da dobiješ, kloni se takvih kazina, tamo zaista ne možeš ni blizu da pobediš, igrao sam u mnogim kockarnicama ali nikad nisam video ništa poput Vild Tokio, napravio sam preko 15 depozita i uvek ide unazad, znam da je normalno da se gubi novac kada se kocka ali postoji RTP i takve stvari da bi igrači imali priliku da ustanu i igraju malo duže ili za pobedu, ali Vild Tokio je programiran potpuno drugačije 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 zaista se ne preporučuje, RTP uopšte nije stvaran

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Greetings, quite a sad experience I would say. So what convinced you to keep depositing if you had this feeling earlier? Also, do you get a chance to see the RTP of the games you play? 

As you said, the casino always has an advantage over the player but if you have such feelings, then I'd rather take a break or not play in that casino.😕

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