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 od Ozze22
35.351 pregleda 91 odgovora |
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Hello, don't worry.

We would never show any sensitive information publicly. At first, Nick goes through the posts you sent to the complaint thread and then he decides what should be accessible only, privately. Before then only you, Nick, and the admins can see it.

On the other hand, forum posts are public so you should be careful with what you share right here 😉

I guess we should now wait for your complaint to develop further. 

Zdravo Radka. Samo sam hteo da vam još jednom kažem hvala na pomoći. Pitao sam se da li Nik želi da stupi u kontakt sa mnom kako bih mogao da mu pošaljem mejl, imam policijski izveštaj i o svojoj staroj kartici što sam morao da uradim kada sam blokirao svoju karticu zbog prevare na mojoj staroj master kartici. Postoje informacije itd. o prevari. Uzgred, nisam dobio ništa više od kic-a od prošlog četvrtka kada sam poslao poslednja 2 videa u kic. Bilo mi je tako dobro. Čuli smo se sa gospodinom Ozkanom

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Welcome to Mystake



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Support Agent 13:44

Welcome to MyStake!

Hello, my name is Gino, how can I assist you?


Hi Gino. I have a question to you about my account iknow that my account is freezed because investigation last week in Thursday I sent 2 video verificaton to kyc. How long have they come with my kyc

Iam a litte bit worried that something wrong has gone because I dont get any answer from kyc i have 3200 euro on my account it sems that I have lost all my money

I cant bet I cant do anything

Support Agent 13:50

As I see you have been requested with a video verification and you have provided us with the one. Now all you need to do is wait for our KYC team to contact you via email.

We have received your video footage and as soon as there is an answer we will answer as soon as possible. Don't worry your money won't be lost it's in your account.


I shold Bee happy if kyc can explain for me what or if There is some problem iam waiting for a mail but it feels like nothing is happening

I hope u understand mee to

Support Agent 13:53

They will explain everything but it might take some time.

Yes we do understand your concern and we are sorry for the delay.


Ok, can u if u can send a mail to them and how long they have camed with my procedur?

Support Agent 13:55

I can assure you our dedicated team is working on your matter and will provide the solution as soon as possible.


Ok I hope not that I will lost my money, before I deposit I read about your casino and mystake hade good recencesantions that why I chosed u and u accepted players from sweden. I like too bet at you but now I cant do anything 😊 no betting ,withdrawl or deposit because my account is frezzed due investigation and I hope I can bet in a close time

Support Agent 14:00

Thank you for choosing us. I am not sure what time it will take but I can assure you that your money is safe and we will contact you as soon as possible.



Support Agent 14:01

Is there anything else I can help you with?


Nothing more. Have a nice day


Support Agent 14:02

Thank you! Have a great day/night!

Support Agent has closed the chat.

Jag kollade lite idag med deras livechat hur långt kyc har kommit med mitt ärende och fick detta svaret av dom. Hade bra Radka och tack för all hjälp så här långt. Ha en bra dag och vi hörs och syns. Hur kan jag skriva till nick? Har han någon email? Han kanske vill ha min polisanmälan om mitt bedregeri mot mitt förra kort.

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: sensitive data deleted

Zdravo Radka. Sada sam video da je moj nalog blokiran na mistake pre nego što sam mogao da se prijavim i vidim svoj nalog koji je zamrznut, ali sada sam potpuno blokiran. Sada sam još više zabrinut. Zato nemojte ništa dobiti

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi Kyc mystake. I sent in 2 videos with verification by me. until today I could log into my mystake account without problems and the account was frozen. but now i'm blocked. all the money in the account is almost only the money that I have deposited (not much in profit) I have chatted with them on the live chat and they know nothing only that my account is under investigation. what I have told is that my mastercard has been exposed to fraud and then my bank blocked my card immediately because someone had access to my short details (tiktok dublin was the company) I also had to file a police report and I have done that and have the paper on that. I have bet before at other online casinos before and made kyc and then there were never any problems with deposits and withdrawals or betting, every time I deposited the money from my blocked card I had to to identify myself with my Bank ID that we have in Sweden. my other question is what is my account being investigated for. do you want anything more from me as proof that the account at my bank is mine and the police report on my card? Have I done something criminal? I chose to play with you because you had a high rating on casinoguru and have friends who play with you, and there were no problems until I chose to withdraw. My account is under investigation, I would like to know why? is it the card that has been blocked that doesn't trust me? I want to help you with all the information you want from me. I have a little over 3200 euros with er, what worries me and makes me very worried is that I have lost all my money, but I hope not. what and what information do you want more from me as my account is under investigation? I would be happy to help you. but I get no response from you or the live chat. please help me so i can help you with information. I sent you 2 video verifications on Thursday last week and have not received a response yet. I hope you understand my situation and I understand that there may be some questions when you are under investigation. that I can get an answer shortly about what is the problem so that I can help with more information and improve better again. mvh Özkan Omerov. I will ask you again when my investigation is complete if you want me as a client. as I said just want to know why I am being investigated, understand that you have your rules that you must follow and respect this fully.

Hej radka. Innan idag kunde jag logga in på mitt konto på mystake fortfarande fryst läge men nu på kvällen var jag blockerad kunde inte logga in. Så jag skrev detta ovan till kyc mystake



the casino knows that the account is blocked now - they blocked it, you see?

I believe that this investigation is caused by card fraud. Sadly, the casino is not interested to explain what is happening now, but will probably do that when they reach some conclusion. Not the ideal state of things, but pretty common.

Nick still has four days to get back to you, try to stay calm.

I know it looks very suspicious, but from the casino's side, the investigation makes sense. It's annoying though, that you're not getting even the basic updates about what's going on, which could ease the tension.


Zdravo Radka. Shvatite da izgleda sumnjivo

Ali kao ljudsko biće, takođe moram da budem u stanju da dokažem da sam bio žrtva kratke prevare, banka me je kontaktirala, a ne ja, i ja imam policijski izveštaj koji sam napravio u kome se navodi da sam bio žrtva kratke prevare i iz koje kompanije. Tako da i ja moram da im dokažem i imam policijski izveštaj na papiru. Mislim da nažalost ne treba biti previše negativan, izgubio sam sav novac i to je 3280 evra ja sam običan radnik i ništa više. Ali kada ne dobijete povratnu informaciju da je ovako, oni imaju svu moć da samo povuku crtu preko toga. Mogu da odem, na primer, do svog prijatelja policajca koji je šef odeljenja za prevare u Švedskoj i zatražim njegovu pomoć. Imam mnogo velikih kontakata u Švedskoj i onda mogu da se borim protiv teškog i da im dokažem da nisam prevarant. Onda možete kontaktirati organe u Curacoa-u i ići tim putem i onda mogu dokazati da sam potpuno nevin u ovom slučaju. Ali ne želite da povlačite nikakve poluge. Znam da imaju veliku moć u kazinu, ali takođe moram da dobijem priliku da to mogu da opovrgnem.

Automatski prevedeno:

Mislim da je moj novac izgubljen i računam na njega jer i od njih ne dobijam odgovore. Ali ja kao ljudsko biće moram da dobijem priliku da ih ubedim u ovom slučaju i imam dokaz da je to ono što je zabavno

Automatski prevedeno:

Izvinite ako zvučim ovako, ali nisam ljut na vas. Znam da samo pokušavaš da mi pomogneš. Itd. ozkan

Automatski prevedeno:

Želeo bih da imam Nikovu ili tvoju e-poštu kako bih mogao da im dokažem da imam papirni formular od policije i poruku iz banke da sam prevaren kako biste mogli da dobijete tu informaciju sa

Automatski prevedeno:

Upravo sam poslao ovaj carinski kic i ova dokumenta iz banke i policije

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there.

That's great that you acquired all documents from the police.

But as I said, try to stay calm and wait for Nick. If the casino does not respond, I find it quite pointless to contact them every day with the "same story". From my point of view, this won't help at the moment.

Give it some time, please.


Zdravo Radka. Razumem te. Čekamo da Nik odgovori. Smiriću se sada su dobili policijski izveštaj u vezi sa mojom starom karticom. Kao i sve ostale informacije. Ja sam samo iskren i želim da budem, a ne prevarant. Ovo mi se nikada nije desilo bez obzira da li sam igrao na ili negde drugde. Naravno, postaje sumnjivo da je moja kartica tako izbliza lažljiva, ali kao što sam rekao imam dokaze i od banke i od policije i to je lepo za mene, onda ne mogu ništa da kažu o grešci, pa tako čuvam leđa ako nešto sa kratkom prevarom itd. ako oni koji su u pitanju treba da imaju nagoveštaj o tome. Ali kao što sam rekao, čekamo klimanje. Lepo sam se proveo i hvala na pomoći koju ste mi pružili. Had good. Zovemo se / Ozze22

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi Ozze22,

Have a good on too!

Don't hesitate to update me here on the forum if anything important happens though. 🙏


Hi Mystake KYC

I got a reply from casino guru today where it said like this.....Hello,

The user is the sports player. He made some suspicious bets that require investigation.

Our relevant team needs to check everything with sports betting providers which will take some time. We are doing our best to complete the process as soon as possible. He will not be able to withdraw winnings until the investigation ends.

Best regards,

Detta fick jag av mystake idag😂😂 helt otroligt


The user is the sports player. He made some suspicious bets that require investigation.

Our relevant team needs to check everything with sports betting providers which will take some time. We are doing our best to complete the process as soon as possible. He will not be able to withdraw winnings until the investigation ends.

Best regards, this com too u at mystake today answer from mystake

came from guru casino to me. I want to cooperate with you but you refuse to tell me what I have done wrong? What suspicious matches have I played on? I have deposited a total of 3686 Euro and have 3288 Euro in my account now. I have lost 440 euros. How then have I been able to play on suspicious bets? If I had bet 1,000 euros and won 10,000 euros, then you can expect something, but as I said, I am down 400 euros. in addition, I have pictures of my account that is registered with you and other pictures of the games I bet on and a picture of my account with you where it says that I have 3288 euros. sometimes you get the feeling that you might not get your money paid out and then I have to have proof so I know what I'm talking about. i have bet on european football, nba, asian football, nhl and swedish bandy on ice and world cup football, i don't know messi, neymar or any players where you suspect me of suspicious games😊😊 even i'm minus 400 euros. first it was my card that was blocked due to fraud there you have my evidence with the police report and from the bank and it's strong evidence and now I'm suspicious of suspects what, now I don't understand anything but I'm starting to suspect some other things that I myself have been deceived by you, I have read about you and you have a rating of 7.6 out of 10 at casino guru and that is a good rating, that is why I chose you this time and that Swedishplayers are welcome all my deposits are approved with my bank id and my personal code . All of a sudden now I'm suspicious bets??? this means my money is lost have played on other curacoa betting sites and have never been treated this way, how could I influence big teams or players in Europe, USA etc??😊 this feels strange to me? what matches is it about??? I want to cooperate with you but it seems that you do not want to do this, if I have now made suspicious bets, then you must be able to prove this to me if you have a rating of 7.6 on mystake and welcome Swedish players. now now i am very worried because i have lost 3288 euros for nothing or i can say this i feel like i have been cheated and robbed of my money by you i can't affect any matches what i know like i said don't know messi or neymar😊😊 I know you have your rules in curacoa but you must be able to cooperate with me and talk about which suspicious matches or teams I have become suspicious bets for? because otherwise it is the case that I have been cheated by you of 3288 euros. as I said, I put in 3686 euros, so I'm minus 400 euros, it feels strange with suspicious bets, if I had bet 1000 euros and won 10000 euros, then you might get banned. I hope you will open my account so that I can continue to play deposit and withdraw money with you but you must also be able to cooperate with me as you did with casino guru and convince me, have opened accounts on other curacoa betting sites and there has never been a problem like this after kyc verification i know i have not made any suspicious bets i have bet for many years but never been robbed or cheated by any company and mystake with 7.6 out of 10 is very good rating. I thought it was about my blocked card, this was about that, so I got all the papers from the police and the bank, but all of a sudden I'm accused of suspicious bets??? now I don't understand anything. it's nice to know that I haven't done anything like that and glad for it but now I want you to cooperate with me and be honest only played 1 month with you. tell me exactly which matches or suspicious bets and teams that I am suspected of as I said I am 400 euros minus with you and someone who makes suspicious bets wins big money and does not lose 400 euros? I am waiting for an answer from you as you can answer casino guru so you can answer me with. otherwise I feel robbed and deceived by you at mystake. I hope you understand me. I want to cooperate with you and hope you want it too and I expect an answer. unfortunately cannot give away 3288 euros for something that I have not done, if I have made suspicious bets then I have done something wrong and something gross. hope you will answer me soon. because I will not give up. etc. özkan....thanks for ure help so far radka


Hello Ozze22,

sorry to hear that the problem lies in sports betting, the reply from Casino Guru is this:

"We do not currently have enough insight into sports betting to be able to comment fairly and with any degree of certainty on the outcome of such an investigation.

I recommend that you await the results of the casino's investigation at this point, and should you disagree with their findings contact a sports betting complaint service or contact the casino's regulator and submit a complaint to them.

This complaint will now be rejected, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion."

Sadly, this is not our area of expertise, so we are simply not able to evaluate the casinos approach at this matter, I'm sorry 🙏

Update us with the casino's result please.


Ok, možete li mi pomoći sa ovim, koje regulatorno telo imaju? Ili gde mogu ovo da nađem? Itd. ozkan

Automatski prevedeno:

They should be registered under the GCB Curacao authority. Here's their website. But I suggest you to wait for the casino's investigation as Radka suggested above.

Money withdraw seems to be one of the most popular problems


Hi. Do u have the same problem with like me? They have frozen my betting account for suspicious bets. I have lost 400 on my money until now. I wait a little bit more, I have 2 friends one of them is a lawyer over ekonomiska issues and one police man is working with fraud root in Sweden. I have not bet on any suspicious bet in my life. Idont know what they mystake do or think. But I have give them 2 months to solve my problem then I will take my police and lawyer friend and do a issue against them. They have too show me proof on my suspicious bets but there are no suspicious bets all my bets is big clubs in europe and world cup in dubai😊😊 even if its 1 euro i will take the fight against them. And I have said that too them I a mail too kyc. I will not give up my 3000 euro. Because allows players from sweden

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