Dragi victorgallardog,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i prosledili svu relevantnu komunikaciju. Žao mi je što čujem za problem i razumem vašu frustraciju. Pažljivo sam proverio uslove bonusa na veb lokaciji i evo šta sam našao ( ovde ). Svaki bonus podleže sopstvenim pravilima i uslovima. Na primer, paket dobrodošlice navodi sledeće propise:

Uslovi i odredbe bonusa
Sledeće aktivnosti klađenja nisu dozvoljene dok se ne ispune uslovi klađenja ovog bonusa:
1. Korišćenje bonus sredstava isključivo za napredovanje kroz bonus faze igara.
2. Klađenje na jednaku, nultu ili nisku maržu
3. Klađenje više od 4,00 € po okretu ili 10% primljenog bonusa (manji od dva)
4. Klađenje na nedozvoljene igre (pogledajte „ Nedozvoljene igre " za listu nedozvoljenih igara).
5. Korišćenje funkcije 'funkcije kupovine' ili Bui Pass funkcije unutar igre.
Ako se prilikom pregleda vaših aktivnosti klađenja utvrdi da ste izvršili nešto od gore navedenog, vaš dobitak će biti uklonjen.
Primenjuju se Opšti uslovi .
Voleli bismo da kazina implementiraju sisteme koji bi sprečili igrače da stavljaju opklade veće od dozvoljenih, ali, nažalost, to još uvek nije standardna praksa.
- Možete li da navedete detalje o konkretnom bonusu koji ste aktivirali i iskoristili?
- Pored toga, koji su iznosi i depozita i bonusa dodeljeni?
Ne ustručavajte se da prosledite svoju istoriju igara u Ekcel formatu zajedno sa svim relevantnim komunikacijama na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ako smatrate da ste pogrešno optuženi.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem i dobijete svoje dobitke što je pre moguće. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear victorgallardog,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and forwarding all the relevant communication. I’m sorry to hear about the issue and understand your frustration. I carefully checked the Bonus Terms on the website, and this is what I found (here). Every bonus is subject to its own set of terms and conditions. For instance, the Welcome package outlines the following regulations:

Bonus Terms & Conditions
The following wagering activities are not allowed until the wagering requirements of this bonus have been completed:
1. The use of bonus funds purely to progress through the bonus stages of games.
2. Equal, zero or low margin betting
3. Betting more than €4.00 per spin or 10% of the received bonus amount (the smaller of the two)
4. Betting on non-allowed games (Please see "Non-Allowed Games" for list of non-allowed games).
5. Using a ‘feature buy’ or Buy Pass function within a game.
If, on review of your wagering activities, it is found that you have performed one of the above, your winnings will be removed.
The General Terms and Conditions apply.
We would like to see casinos implementing systems that would prevent players from placing higher than allowed bets, but, unfortunately, this is not a standard practice yet.
- Can you provide details on the specific bonus you activated and utilized?
- Additionally, what were the amounts of both the deposit and the bonus awarded?
Please do not hesitate to forward your game history in Excel format along with any relevant communication to petronela.k@casino.guru if you feel that you’ve been accused mistakenly.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue and receive your winnings as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Izmenjeno od strane Casino Guru administratora
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