Igrač iz Njemačke je imao komplikacije pri verifikaciji adrese e-pošte i dovršavanju verifikacije računa. Žalba je odbijena jer je igrač prestao da odgovara, ali smo tada dobili e-mail od igrača da je stvar riješena.
The player from Germany was experiencing complications verifying the email address and completing account verification. The complaint was rejected as the player stopped responding, but then we received an email from the player to say that the matter had been resolved.
Igrač iz Njemačke je imao komplikacije pri verifikaciji adrese e-pošte i dovršavanju verifikacije računa. Žalba je odbijena jer je igrač prestao da odgovara, ali smo tada dobili e-mail od igrača da je stvar riješena.
Pozdrav dragi Casino Guro tim,
Prije nekoliko dana platio sam mu 20 eura u Casino GoSlotty preko Trustyja jer je pisalo (depozit, igraj bez registracije) jo Mislio sam da je dobar broj Igram malo iz zabave pa je sada nastao problem ali sam tražio depozit nakon nalog je upitan, ali nemam nalog, onda sam uneo svoju e-poštu i potvrdio, nakon nekoliko minuta, i verifikacioni email koji nije mogao da se proveri! Tako da sam sada moj zahtjev već napisao podršci ali ništa nije stiglo.. zapravo samo želim svoj novac nazad i to je to..
hvala vam na pomoći unaprijed
Hello dear Casino Guro team,
A few days ago I paid him 20 Euro at Casino GoSlotty via Trusty because it said (deposit, play no registration) jo I thought nice number I am playing a bit for fun so now there was a problem but I was after the deposit after an account asked but I don't have an account then I entered my email and confirmed, after a few minutes, also the verification email which was not verifiable! So now my request I've already written to the support but nothing came .. I actually just want my money back that's it ..
thank you for your help in advance
Hallo liebes Casino Guro Team,
vor einigen Tagen hab ich ihm Casino GoSlotty 20 Euro über Trusty eingezahlt weil da stand (einzahlen, spielen keine anmeldung) jo dachte ich mir nice Zahl ich ein und spiel bisschen aus Spaß so jetzt gabs ein Problem sondern ich wurde nach der Einzahlung nach einem Konto gefragt aber ich habe kein Konto dann gab ich meine email ein und bestätigte, nach paar min Kamm auch die Verifizierungs email die aber nicht verifizierbar war! So jetzt meine Bitte ich hab dem Support auch schon geschrieben kam aber nichts..ich will eigentlich nur mein Geld wieder thats it..
danke für eure Hilfe schonmal
Draga Helfhelfde,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Jako mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem.
Možete li potvrditi da je potvrda vaše e-mail adrese jedina prepreka koja stoji između vas i vašeg dobitka? Da li ste dostavili sve ostale relevantne dokumente potrebne za završetak KYC (verifikacije) procesa? Jeste li pokušali zatražiti ručnu verifikaciju e-pošte?
Vjerujem da ćemo vam moći pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Helfhelfde,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem.
Could you please confirm that verifying your email address seems to be the only obstacle standing between you and your winnings? Did you provide all the other relevant documents needed to complete the KYC (verification) process? Have you tried requesting manual e-mail verification?
I believe we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hej, hvala vam pa se kazino zove GoSlot, a ne GoSlotty, probao sam sve ali email potvrde ne može biti potvrđen... onda sam napisao kazinu i rekao im za svoj problem da ne mogu ući na svoj račun i da sam nije mogao pristupiti novcu
onda mi je kasino poslao e-mail nakon 3 dana s tim da još uvijek imaš 20 eura na računu ako pitaš? Da i ja to znam pa mi nije nista pomoglo haha, nema smisla pisao sam im da jednostavno pošalju na isti račun zrk i ništa nije stiglo...
definitivno hvala na pomoći kazino guru
Hey thank you so the casino is called GoSlot, not GoSlotty, I tried everything but the confirmation email cannot be confirmed ... then I wrote to the casino and told them about my problem that I couldn't get into my account and that I couldn't access the money
then the casino sent me an email after 3 days with you still have 20 euros in your account if you ask? Yes, I know that, too, so I was not helped at all haha, no point I wrote to them that they should simply send it to the same account zrk and nothing came ...
definitely thanks for the help casino guru
Hey danke also das Casino heißt GoSlot nicht GoSlotty ich habe alles ausprobiert aber die Bestätigungsemail ist nicht bestätigbar…,dann hab ich dem Casino geschrieben und denen mein Problem geschildert das ich nicht in mein Account rein komme und auf das Geld nicht drauf greifen kann
darauf hin hat mir das Casino eine email nach 3 Tagen geschickt mit sie haben noch 20 Euro auf dem Konto bei fragen fragen sie?? Ja das weiß ich auch also mir wurde garnicht geholfen haha garkein Sinn hab denen dann geschrieben das die das einfach auf das selbe Konto zrk schicken sollen da kam auch nichts…
auf jeden Fall lieben Dank für die Hilfe Casino guru
Hvala vam puno, Helfhelfde, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Adamu koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Helfhelfde, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Adam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Opet sam dobio e-mail od podrške ali opet bespomoćan uzalud samo želim novac nazad...
I got an email from the support again but helpless again in vain I just want the money back ...
Ich hab jetzt wieder eine email bekommen vom Support aber wieder vergebens hilflos ich will mittlerweile einfach nur noch das Geld zurück…
Veoma dobar dan tebi Helfhelfde,
Puno hvala na povratnim informacijama, drago mi je čuti od vas.
Želeo bih da se izvinim, bio sam van kancelarije što je značilo da je došlo do kašnjenja u dolasku do vašeg slučaja. Sada sam ispitao ovo pitanje i zatražio sam da vam se obrati jedan član našeg tima za podršku kako bismo mogli riješiti ovaj problem.
Potrebno nam je samo nekoliko detalja od vas, kada ih budemo imali, moći ćemo da obradimo povraćaj novca i da vam se sredstva vrate nazad.
Ako vam zatreba još nešto ili imate bilo kakvih dodatnih problema, obratite se našem timu za podršku i označite chat/e-poruku "FAO George" i učinit ću sve da vam pomognem.
Želim vam divno popodne pred nama, radujem se što ću se uskoro javiti.
tople želje,
A very good afternoon to you Helfhelfde,
Many thanks for your feedback, it is a pleasure to hear from you.
I would like to apologise, I was out of office which meant there was a delay in getting to your case. I have now looked into this matter, and I have requested that a member of our support team reaches out to you so we can resolve this issue.
We just need a few details from yourself, once we have these we will be able to get the refund processed and your funds on their way back to you.
Should you need anything else, or have any further issues, please reach out to our support team and mark the chat/email "F.A.O George" and I will do my utmost to assist.
Wishing you a wonderful afternoon ahead, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Warm wishes,
Poslao sam svoje bankovne podatke i čekam poruku da je novac poslan čim novac bude tu kontaktirat ću vas ponovo ovdje
hvala 🙏🏾
I have sent my bank details and am waiting for the message that the money has been sent as soon as the money is there I will contact you again here
thank you 🙏🏾
Ich habe meine Bank Daten abgeschickt und warte auf die Nachricht das, das Geld abgeschickt wurde sobald das Geld da ist melde ich mich nochmals hier
danke 🙏🏾
Dakle, moji bankovni podaci stižu u kazino skoro nedelju dana, a u e-poruci koju sam dobio piše da treba da dam svoje bankovne podatke, a onda će vam novac biti poslan kada prosledim bankovne podatke, pisalo je da ćemo vas uputiti u nadležnu kancelariju i od tada se nisam čuo sa kazina ... ps mislio sam da sam već na mestu isporuke
So my bank details have been arriving at the casino for almost a week, and in the email I got it said I should give my bank details then the money will be sent to you when I forwarded the bank details, it said we will direct you to the responsible office and since then I haven't heard from the casino ... ps I thought I was already at the delivery point
Also meine Bank Daten sind seit knapp ner Woche beim Casino angekommen, und in der Mail die ich bekommen hatte hieß es ich soll meine Bank Daten abgeben dann wird das Geld zrk geschickt als ich die Bankverbindung weiter geleitet habe hieß es wir leiten dich zur zuständigen Stelle und seit dem hab ich nichts mehr vom Casino gehört…ps ich dachte ich bin schon längst bei der zustelligenstelle
Zdravo Helfhelfde,
Prilično je uobičajeno da se isplatama pojavi sedmica ili više da se uplate na vašem računu, samo će možda trebati još vremena.
Go Slot! Kazino, možete li potvrditi da je uplata obrađena?
Hello Helfhelfde,
It is quite common for payments to take a week or more to appear in your account, it may just need some more time.
Go Slot! Casino, can you confirm the payment has been processed?
Draga Helfhelfde,
Mogu li vas pitati da li ste primili uplatu? Imajte na umu da ako se ne javite u predviđenom roku, žalba će biti odbijena.
Dear Helfhelfde,
Could I ask you if you have received your payment? Please be advised, if we do not hear from you within the set time frame, the complaint will be rejected.
Žao mi je što vas još nisam kontaktirao. Imao sam malo stresa. Sutra ću otići u banku i dobiti kopiju mog internet bankarstva koja je potrebna u e-poruci. Uradiću to sutra i poslati, pa ću se ponovo javiti!
Sorry that I haven't contacted you yet. I had a bit of stress. I'll go to the bank tomorrow and get the copy of my online banking that is required in the email. I'll do it tomorrow and send it off then I'll get in touch again!
Sorry das ich mich noch nicht gemeldet habe hatte etwas Stress ich geh morgen zur Bank und hole die Kopie von meinem online Banking das wird nämlich in der email verlangt das mach ich morgen und schick es ab dann melde ich mich nochmal !
Draga Helfhelfde,
Mogu li vas zamoliti da mi date ažurirane informacije o statusu vaše uplate?
Podsjećam da će ova žalba biti odbijena ako se ne javite u predviđenom roku.
Dear Helfhelfde,
Could I ask you to provide an update on the status of your payment?
I would like to remind you that if we do not hear from you within the set time frame this complaint will be rejected.
Draga Helfhelfde,
Iako se čini da je vaš problem možda riješen, pošto nismo imali vašu potvrdu, sada ćemo odbiti ovu žalbu.
Može se ponovo otvoriti u bilo kom trenutku.
Dear Helfhelfde,
While it seems that your issue may have been resolved, as we have had no confirmation from you we will now reject this complaint.
It can be reopened at any time.
Kako smo primili e-mail od igrača u kojem se navodi:
" Primio sam novac jučer "
status ove žalbe će sada biti promijenjen u "riješen" u našem sistemu.
Draga Helfhelfde,
Drago mi je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Gurua. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
As we have received an email from the player stating:
"I received the money yesterday"
the status of this complaint will now be changed to "resolved" in our system.
Dear Helfhelfde,
I'm glad to hear that your issue got resolved. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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