Napravio sam ledeni kazino nalog poslednjih dana decembra 2022, vulkan vegasu takođe! Video sam reklamu na internetu i probao kazina! Nedelju dana nakon igranja preporučio sam kazino svojoj sestri i njenom dečku, koji su se odlučili! i od tada nedelju dana kasnije blokirali su mi nalog.
i nalog koji mi kažete, osoba me je kontaktirala putem mejla, kasnije smo razgovarali preko VhatsApp-a i on mi je rekao da je povezan sa mojim nalogom, nisam bio svestan njegovog postojanja sve dok me nije kontaktirao (ovo je bilo pre nedelju dana ), ovo po onome što mi je rekao, on živi u provinciji Santa fe, argentina, a ja sam iz buenos ajresa, argentina, ima više od 500 km između nas, ne razumem zašto ga povezuju sa mnom!
Ne razumem kako ledeni kazino funkcioniše, niti osnove koje ima!
I made the ice casino account the last days of December 2022, vulkan vegas too! I saw an advertisement on the internet and tried the casinos! A week after playing I recommended the casino to my sister and her boyfriend, who made up their minds! and from then on a week later they blocked my account.
and the account that you tell me, the person contacted me by email, later we talked by whatsapp and he told me that he was linked to my account, I was unaware of his existence until the moment he contacted me (this was a week ago), this according to what he told me, he lives in the province of santa fe, argentina, and i am from buenos aires, argentina, there is more than 500km between us, i don't understand why they associate him with me!
I don't understand how ice casino operates, nor the fundamentals it has!
la cuenta de ice casino la hice los ultimos dias de diciembre de 2022, vulkan vegas tambien! vi una publicidad por internet y probe los casinos!, a la semana de estar jugando les recomende el casino a mi hermana y el novio, los cuales se hicieron las cuentas ! y ahi en adelante a la semana me bloquearon la cuenta.
y la cuenta que me decis , la persona me contacto por mail, despues conversamos por wathsapp y me comento que a el lo vincularon con mi cuenta, yo desconocia de su existencia hasta el momento que me contacto(esto fue hace una semana), este individuo segun lo que me conto vive en la provincia de santa fe, argentina, y yo soy de buenos aires, argentina, entre nosotros existe mas de 500km, no entiendo por que a el lo vinculan conmigo!
no entiendo la manera de operar de ice casino, ni los fundamentos que tiene!
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