Igraču iz Njemačke je poništen dobitak bez daljnjeg objašnjenja. Problem je uspješno riješen, igrač je dobio svoj dobitak u cijelosti.
The player from Germany had their winnings cancelled without further explanation. The issue was successfully resolved, the player received his winnings in full.
Igraču iz Njemačke je poništen dobitak bez daljnjeg objašnjenja. Problem je uspješno riješen, igrač je dobio svoj dobitak u cijelosti.
Pozdrav Zusammen, ova e-pošta ima podršku za Casino. Vielleicht könnt ihr mir helfen?
zdravo momci,
pre svega... još nisam primio nijedan vaš e-mail. Zbog verifikacije ili drugih tema.
Još od četvrtka čekam na povlačenje.
Sve u redu - nema problema :) bilo je praznika i slično ali...
Jučer sam kupio 100€ bonus novca uz ulaganje od x50
Uradio sam to sa opkladom na najviše 2 eura da bih bio siguran.
Srećom sam osvojio još novca da bih mogao uložiti 5000€ (klađenje 100€ x 50)
Imao sam 1400,08€ na svom računu na vašoj web stranici.
Sad sam vidio da je ostalo još samo 100€ i nisam pogriješio dok sam kladio.
Također još uvijek čekam prvo podizanje 3x400€ jer je ograničeno - ako ne, podigao sam i 1400,08€.
Pa molim te reci mi. Šta se desilo sa 1300,08€ koji trenutno nisu više na mom računu.
I recite mi kako bismo mogli riješiti te probleme.
Hvala unaprijed i radujem se vašem odgovoru u roku od 24 sata. Najnoviji!
Srdačni pozdravi
Hallo Zusammen, diese Email habe ich an den Support des Casino geschickt. Vielleicht könnt ihr mir helfen?
Hi guys,
first of All... I didn't receive any E-Mails of you yet. Because of verification or other topics.
I still waiting since thursday for my withdraw.
All fine - no problem :) there were some holiday and stuff but...
Yesterday I bought 100€ of bonus money with a wagering of x50
I did that with a bet of highest 2euros to be safe.
I luckily won some more money so I could wager the 5000€ (100€ x 50 wagering)
I had 1400.08€ on my account on your Website.
Now I saw that there just 100€ left and I didn't make any mistake while wagering.
Im also still waiting for the first withdraw of 3x400€ because its limited - if not I had also withdraw the 1400.08€.
So please tell me. What happened with 1300.08€ which are not longer on my account for the moment.
And also tell me how could we solve that Problems.
Thank you in advance and I'm looking forward to your answer within 24 hours. Latest!
Kind regards
Dragi Marcorkr,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Da li ste od kazina dobili ikakvo objašnjenje zašto su vaši dobici poništeni? Da li sam dobro shvatio da ste položili novi depozit i iskoristili promotivnu ponudu kada ste imali isplate na čekanju?
Možete li proslijediti svoju historiju blagajnika/depozita i bonusa na petronela.k@casino.guru ?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Marcorkr,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Have you received any explanation from the casino why your winnings have been cancelled? Do I understand correctly that you have placed a new deposit and redeemed a promotional offer when you had pending withdrawals?
Could you please forward your cashier/deposit and bonus histories to petronela.k@casino.guru?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela,
Čekao sam isplate 3x 400 € jer je 400 € maksimalna vrijednost po povlačenju. Ovi su još uvijek na "na čekanju" na web stranici ... moj račun je stoga bio na 0,00 €
Pošto nisam želeo svoj dobitak, kupio sam bonus kredit od 100 € za novčiće na stranici. Opklada je tamo prikazana sa x50.
Jučer sam to implementirao tokom dana.
Tako da sam jutros imao stanje od 1400,08 € u stvarnom stanju.
Ovih 1400,08 € sada je smanjeno na 100,00 € prema mom računu. Šta je sa razlikom 1300,08 mi se nije moglo objasniti.
Ali poslaću vam snimke ekrana i istoriju razgovora na vašu adresu e-pošte petronela.k@casino.guru.
Ja sam naravno na raspolaganju ako imate pitanja
Mnogo pozdrava
Hi Petronela,
I have been waiting for withdrawals of 3x € 400 as € 400 is the maximum value per withdrawal. These are still on "pending" on the website ... my account was therefore at 0.00 €
Since I didn't want my winnings, I bought bonus credit of € 100 for the coins on the page. The wager was displayed there with x50.
I implemented that during the course of the day yesterday.
So this morning I had a balance of 1400.08 € in Real Balance.
These 1400.08 € have now been reduced to 100.00 € according to my account. What is with the 1300.08 difference could not be explained to me.
But I'll send you screenshots and chat histories to your email address petronela.k@casino.guru.
I am of course available if you have any questions
Many greetings
Hi Petronela,
Ich habe auf Auszahlungen von 3x400€ gewartet, da 400€ der Höchstwert pro Auszahlung ist. Diese stehen auf der Website weiterhin auf "pending" ... mein Konto war somit auf 0,00€
Da ich nicht an meinen Gewinn wollte habe ich für die Coins auf der Seite Bonusguthaben in Höhe von 100€ gekauft. Der Wager wurde dort mit x50 angezeigt.
Das habe ich denn gestern im Laufe des Tages umgesetzt.
So dass ich heute morgen ein Guthaben von 1400.08€ in Real Balance hatte.
Diese 1400.08€ wurden nun auf 100,00 € lt meinem Konto heruntergesetzt. Was mit den 1300.08 Differenz ist, konnte mir nicht erklärt werden.
Aber ich übersende dir noch Screenshots und Chatverläufe an deine Email Adresse petronela.k@casino.guru.
Bei Fragen stehe ich natürlich zur Verfügung
Viele Grüße
Hvala puno, Marko, na proslijeđenim mejlovima. Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste zamenili bodove lojalnosti za 100€ bonus novca "Pošto nisam želeo svoj dobitak, kupio sam bonus kredit od 100€ za novčiće na stranici"?
U to vrijeme ste imali 3 povlačenja na čekanju, je li to tačno?
Thank you very much, Marco, for the forwarded emails. Do I understand correctly that you have exchanged loyalty points for €100 bonus money "Since I didn't want my winnings, I bought bonus credit of € 100 for the coins on the page"?
At that time you had 3 pending withdrawals, is that correct?
Zdravo Petronela,
To je tačno.
Imao sam 3 isplate na čekanju.
Ali nisam htio ovo otkazati.
Da igram još malo, kupio sam 100 € bonus novca kroz bodove lojalnosti.
Uvijek sam na raspolaganju za dodatna pitanja.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hi Petronela,
that is correct.
I had 3 pending withdrawals.
But I didn't want to cancel this.
To play a little further, I bought € 100 bonus money through loyalty points.
I am always available for further questions.
Many greetings
Hi Petronela,
das ist korrekt.
Ich hatte 3 ausstehende Auszahlungen.
Ich wollte diese aber nicht abbrechen.
Um noch etwas weiter zu spielen habe ich 100€ Bonusgeld durch Treuepunkte gekauft.
Bei weiteren Fragen stehe ich durchgehend zur Verfügung.
Viele Grüße
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Zdravo Petronela,
ovi dobici su prikupljeni sa bonusom za četvrti depozit i oni su također pravilno uloženi, vjerujem 40x.
Tako da sam se i ovdje korektno ponio.
Još uvijek čekam ovu isplatu. Međutim, moj veći problem je da skinem 1300,08 € koji je također osvojen pravilno i pošteno.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hi Petronela,
these winnings were collected with the fourth deposit bonus and these were also properly wagered, I believe 40x.
So that I behaved correctly here too.
I'm still waiting for this payout. However, my bigger problem is removing the € 1300.08 which was also won properly and fairly.
I am looking forward to your answer.
Many greetings
Hi Petronela,
diese Gewinne wurde mit dem vierten Einzahlungsbonus gesammelt und auch dieser wurden ordnungsgemäß, ich glaube 40x umgesetzt.
So dass ich mich auch hier korrekt verhalten habe.
Auf diese Auszahlung warte ich weiterhin. Jedoch ist mein größeres Problem das Entfernen der 1300,08 € die ja ebenfalls ordnungsgemäß und fair gewonnen wurden.
Ich freue mich auf deine Antwort.
Viele Grüße
Razumijem. Provjerio sam uslove i odredbe bonusa lojalnosti, i evo šta sam našao ( ovdje ):
"Uslovi i odredbe
1. Bonus je dostupan svim registrovanim korisnicima.
2. Za svaki uspješan depozit na IwildCasinu, dobijate 5% iznosa depozita u obliku poena na vaš račun.
3. Poeni se mogu iskoristiti za bonuse ili besplatne okrete u prodavnici bonusa.
4. Poeni se akumuliraju samo kada se igra sa pravim novcem. Bodovi se ne mogu zaraditi kroz bonus sredstva."
Nadalje, provjerio sam opšte uslove bonusa ( ovdje ):
"1.1. Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shopu: x5 iznosa bonusa ili sredstava primljenih od besplatnih okretaja (ovisno o statusu računa)."
Da li sam dobro shvatio da ste zamenili bodove lojalnosti za 100€ bonusa?
I understand. I have checked the loyalty bonus terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
"Terms & Conditions
1. The bonus is available to all registered users.
2. For each successful deposit at IwildCasino, you receive 5% of the deposit amount in the form of Points to your account.
3. Points can be redeemed for bonuses or free spins in the bonus store.
4. Points are accumulated only when playing with real money. Points cannot be earned through bonus funds."
Furthermore, I have checked general bonus terms and conditions (here):
"1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account)."
Do I understand correctly that you have exchanged loyalty points for a €100 bonus?
Zdravo Petronela,
Hvala na odgovoru.
To je tačno.
Zamijenio sam bodove lojalnosti za 100 € bonusa.
U uslovima je pisalo da se ovo mora sprovesti 50 puta.
Probao sam to cijeli dan. Uz "uspone i padove" tako da sam uspeo da konvertujem 5000€ uveče.
Ako pogledate snimke ekrana, možete vidjeti da je podrška za chat objavila da je maksimalni iznos koji se može povući x25 iznosa bonusa. I ja sam mišljenja da je to bilo u uslovima do prije nekoliko dana. Naravno da to ne mogu dokazati.
Moram vam iskreno reći, bio bih zadovoljan sa 500 € (5x 100 € bonus novca). Naravno, 1300,08 € bi bilo bolje. Ali čini se da kazino može postati malo bolji. (druga tema🙂)
Ne razumijem zašto (kao što se može vidjeti na snimku historije) tada je bio "Real Balance" i ovaj novac je jednostavno skinut sa mog računa.
Smatram da sam pravilno i legitimno osvojio 1400,08 i 1300,08.
Mnogo pozdrava
PS: Ažuriranje ostalih plaćanja. Ovo je sada isplaćeno. 🙂
Hi Petronela,
Thanks for the answer.
That is correct.
I exchanged loyalty points for a € 100 bonus.
In the conditions it was written that this must be implemented 50 times.
I tried that all day. With "up and downs" so that I managed to convert the € 5000 in the evening.
If you look at the screenshots, you can see that the chat support has announced that the maximum amount that can be withdrawn is x25 of the bonus amount. And I am of the opinion that this was still in the conditions until a few days ago. Of course I can't prove that.
I have to honestly tell you, I would be happy with the € 500 (5x € 100 bonus money). Sure, the 1300.08 € would be better. But it seems that the casino can get a little better. (other topic🙂)
I don't understand why (as can be seen in the history screenshot) it was then "Real Balance" and this money was simply taken from my account.
I am of the opinion that I have won 1400.08 and 1300.08 properly and legitimately.
Many greetings
PS: Update on the other payments. These have now been paid out. 🙂
Hi Petronela,
danke für die Antwort.
Das ist korrekt.
Ich habe Treuepunkte gegen 100€ Bonus eingetauscht.
In den Bedingungen war geschrieben, dass man diesen 50x umsetzen muss.
Das habe ich über den ganzen Tag hin versucht. Mit "up and downs" so dass ich dann am Abend es geschafft habe, die 5000€ umzusetzen.
Wenn du dir die Screenshots ansiehst, siehst du, dass der Chat Support mitgeteilt hat, dass x25 des Bonusbetrags höchstens ausgezahlt werden kann. Und ich bin der Meinung, dass dies auch noch bis vor ein paar Tagen so in den Bedingungen stand. Das kann ich natürlich nicht beweisen.
Ich muss dir ehrlich sagen, ich wäre aber auch mit den 500€ (5x 100€ Bonusgeld) zufrieden. Klar, wären die 1300,08€ besser. Aber es scheint, dass das Casino noch etwas besser werden kann. (anderes Thema🙂)
Ich verstehe nicht, wieso (wie im History Screenshot zu sehen ist) es ja dann "Real Balance" war und mir dieses Geld einfach vom Account genommen wurde.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass ich die 1400,08 bzw 1300,08 ordentlich und rechtmäßig erspielt habe.
Viele Grüße
PS: Update zu den anderen Zahlungen. Diese wurden nun ausgezahlt. 🙂
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete koliko ste besplatnih okretaja kupili za svoje bodove lojalnosti? Imao sam utisak da ste ih konvertovali u 100€.
Could you please advise how many Free Spins you have bought for your loyalty points? I was under impression that you have converted them to €100.
Hvala vam puno, Marcorkr, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Marcorkr, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Petronela,
Hvala vam na podršci.
Također se nadam da će ovdje biti dobro rješenje.
Ostanite zdravi i srdacan pozdrav
Hi Petronela,
Thank you for your support.
I also hope that there will be a good solution here.
Stay healthy and best regards
Hi Petronela,
vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung.
Ich hoffe auch dass es hier eine gute Lösung geben wird.
Bleib gesund und viele Grüße
Zdravo Marcorkr,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam iWildcasino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Marcorkr,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite iWildcasino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
zdravo Peter,
Hvala vam na podršci.
To bi bilo odlicno.
Nadamo se da će doći do povratnih informacija iz kazina.
Radujem se vašim povratnim informacijama.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your support.
That would be great.
Hopefully there will be feedback from the casino.
I'm looking forward to your feedback.
Many greetings
Hallo Peter,
vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung.
Das wäre klasse.
Hoffentlich kommt vom Casino eine Rückmeldung.
Ich freue mich auf dein Feedback.
Viele Grüße
Zdravo dragi Marcorkr i Peter!
Kao što ste ispravno naglasili, bili su praznici, ali je naša KYC služba radila kao i obično i sve zahtjeve obrađivala na vrijeme i efikasno, kao i obično. Čim smo dobili svu potrebnu dokumentaciju za Marcorkr igrača, izvršili smo proceduru verifikacije računa i isplatili dobitke u skladu sa gore navedenim uslovima utvrđenim našim pravilima.
Što se tiče osvajanja pravog novca iz bonus sredstava u našoj bonus prodavnici za bodove programa lojalnosti, u trenutku kada je igrač osvojio iznos od 1400,08 eura, naša pravila su propisivala da iznos isplate bonus sredstava iznosi DO 25x iznosa bonusa, a zavisi od statusa igrača. Imajte na umu da se maksimalni iznos ovoga obračunava pojedinačno za svakog igrača i ne može biti veći od x25 iznosa bonusa u pravilima u to vrijeme.
U trenutku klađenja ovog bonusa i primanja sredstava u iznosu od 1400,08 eura na realno stanje, ovaj igrač je imao OSNOVNI status računa, na osnovu čega je naše finansijsko odjeljenje odlučilo da odredi odnos veličine stvarnog stanja od bonus sredstva u iznosu od x1.
Takođe imajte na umu da se ovaj iznos određuje za svakog igrača pojedinačno, kao što sam već pomenuo, ovaj postupak se radi ručno prilikom obrade zahtjeva igrača za povlačenje.
Takođe, imajte na umu da se ovaj bonus ne daje za depozit ili neku drugu akciju, već samo za bodove lojalnosti, kako bi našim igračima dali dodatnu priliku da okušaju sreću, a, vidite, ovi uslovi su veoma dobri za bonus ovog tipa.
Nadamo se da smo uspjeli dati iscrpne odgovore na sva vaša pitanja.
Javite nam ako je još nešto ostalo🙂
Želim vam divan dan!
Hello dear Marcorkr and Peter!
As you rightly pointed out, there were holidays, but our KYC service was working as usual and processing all requests in a timely and efficient manner, as usual. As soon as we received all the necessary documents for the Marcorkr player, we carried out the account verification procedure and paid out the winnings in accordance with the terms established in our rules, as mentioned above.
With regards to winning real money from bonus funds in our bonus store for loyalty program points, at the time the player won the amount of 1400.08 euros, our rules stipulated that the cashout amount from bonus funds is UP TO 25x of the bonus amount, and it depends on player status. Please note that the maximum amount of this is calculated individually for each player, and could not be more than x25 of the bonus amount in the rules at that time.
At the time of wagering this bonus and receiving funds in the amount of 1400.08 euros on the real balance, this player had a BASIC account status, on the basis of which our financial department decided to determine the ratio of the size of the real balance from the bonus funds in the amount of x1.
Please also note that since this amount is determined for each player individually, as I mentioned above, this procedure is done manually when processing a player's withdrawal request.
Also, please note that this bonus is not given for a deposit or some other action, but only for loyalty points, in order to give our players an additional chance to try their luck, and, you see, these conditions are very good for a bonus of this type.
We hope we were able to provide comprehensive answers to all your questions.
Please let us know if there is anything else left🙂
Have a wonderful day!
Dragi iWildcasino tim,
Hvala na odgovoru. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim pitanje. Ako su pravila u vezi s bonusima individualna, kako igrač zna koja su prava pravila?
Dear iWildcasino team,
Thank you for your reply. Let me ask you a question. If the rules regarding the bonuses are individual, how does the player know what the actual rules are?
Zdravo svima,
Peterovo pitanje je opravdano.
Da sam to znao, ne bih se toliko trudio da implementiram x50.
Napravio bih poređenje ovdje kako bih ostao korisnik vašeg kazina, ali ovakav način ophođenja s kupcima je zaista nepravedan.
Hajde da nađemo rešenje ovde zajedno.
Sugestija s moje strane: bonus novac x7 kao profit uz zahtjev za isplatu i tako se odrekao preostalih 700,08 €.
Možda se ovdje možemo dogovoriti, jer bih i dalje želio biti mušterija u vašem kazinu.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hi all,
Peter's question is justified.
If I had known that, I would not have tried so hard to implement the x50.
I would make a comparison here in order to remain a customer of your casino, but this way of dealing with customers is really unfair.
Let's find a solution here together.
Suggestion from my side: the bonus money x7 as a profit with the request for payment and thus I would forego the remaining € 700.08.
Maybe we can come to an agreement here, as I would still like to be a customer at your casino.
Many greetings
Hi all,
die Frage von Peter ist berechtigt.
Hätte ich das gewusst, hätte ich mich nicht so sehr darum bemüht die x50 umzusetzen.
Ich würde mich hier auf einen Vergleich einlassen um weiterhin Kunde eures Casionos zu bleiben, aber diese Art mit Kunden umzugehen ist wirklich unfair.
Lasst uns hier gemeinsam eine Lösung finden.
Vorschlag von meiner Seite: das Bonusgeld x7 als Gewinn mit der Bitte um Auszahlung und somit würde ich auf die restlichen 700,08€ verzichten.
Vielleicht können wir hier hier eine Einigung finden, da ich auch gern weiterhin Kunde in eurem Casino wäre.
Viele Grüße
Dragi Peter,
Sva pravila u vezi s bonusima opisana su na našoj web stranici, u odjeljku https://iwildcasino.com/en/page/bonus-terms
Odjeljak 1.1 navodi - 1.1. Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shopu: x5 iznosa bonusa ili sredstava primljenih od besplatnih okretaja (zavisi od statusa računa).
U trenutku klađenja Marcorkr bonusa, veličina je bila x25, ali to ni na koji način ne bi uticalo na iznos koji je dostupan za povlačenje ovog konkretnog igrača, budući da je imao početni status.
Imajte na umu da ovaj bonus nema posebne fiksne uslove za svaki od statusa, a njegov iznos određuje naš menadžer u trenutku razmatranja zahtjeva za povlačenje. Ovo je učinjeno jer nema potrebe za bilo kakvim finansijskim radnjama da biste dobili ovaj bonus, to su u suštini besplatne opklade koje se u ime našeg kazina izdaju igraču kako bi on dodatno okušao sreću. Ovi uvjeti su detaljno opisani na našoj web stranici i smatramo ih potpuno poštenima, uključujući i ovaj konkretni slučaj.
Dear Peter,
All rules regarding bonuses are described on our website, in the section https://iwildcasino.com/en/page/bonus-terms
Section 1.1 states - 1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x5 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account).
At the time of wagering the Marcorkr bonus, the size was x25, but this would not have affected the amount available for withdrawal of this particular player in any way, since he had the very initial status.
Please keep in mind that this bonus does not have specific fixed conditions for each of the statuses, and its amount is determined by our manager at the time of consideration of the withdrawal request. This is done because there is no need to make any financial action in order to receive this bonus, these are essentially free bets that are issued on behalf of our casino to the player so that he can additionally try his luck. These conditions are described in detail on our website and we consider them to be completely fair, including in this particular case.
Poštovani IWildcasino,
molimo vas da uđete u prijedlog koji ste ranije napravili.
Mislim da je moja ponuda za poređenje dobro rješenje da i dalje budemo u dobrim odnosima.
Čudno je da su ovih 1400,08 € prikazani kao "Pravi bilans" i onda su mi jednostavno povučeni.
Kao što je spomenuto, bio bih zadovoljan sa x7 bonus salda kao profita.
Nažalost, to nije profit od 1.400,08 €, ali bi bilo pošteno rješenje za sve uključene.
Pozdrav i čuvaj se.
Dear IWildcasino,
please go into the proposal made before.
I think that my offer to compare is a good solution to continue to be in a good relationship.
It is strange that these 1400.08 € are displayed as "Real Balance" and were then simply withdrawn from me.
As mentioned, I would be satisfied with x7 of the bonus balance as a profit.
Unfortunately, that's not the € 1,400.08 profit, but it would be a fair solution for everyone involved.
Greetings and stay safe.
Lieber IWildcasino,
bitte geht hier noch auf den vor mit angebotenen Vorschlag ein.
Ich denke, dass mein Vergleichsangebot eine gute Lösung ist um weiterhin in einem guten Verhältnis zu stehen.
Es ist schon merkwürdig, dass diese 1400,08€ als "Real Balance" angezeigt werden und mir dann einfach entzogen wurden.
Wie erwähnt, ich würde mich mit x7 des Bonusguthabens als Gewinn zufrieden geben.
Das sind zwar leider nicht die 1400,08€ als Gewinn aber so wäre es für alle Beteiligten eine faire Lösung.
Viele Grüße und bleiben Sie gesund.
Dragi Marcorkr,
Kao što smo ranije spomenuli, iznos povlačenja stvarnih sredstava iz bonus bodova programa lojalnosti određuje ručno naš stručnjak prilikom obrade zahtjeva za povlačenje, i to pojedinačno za svakog igrača, tako da ne vidimo ništa loše u tome da se vaš saldo oduzima tokom obrade ovog zahtjev jer:
1. Tehnički je nemoguće to učiniti na bilo koji drugi način, jer se veličina određuje za svakog igrača pojedinačno;
2. Ovaj bonus se ne dodeljuje za depozite igrača, već kao poklon od našeg kazina, BESPLATNO, samo za bodove lojalnosti, au ovom konkretnom slučaju dobijate priliku da podignete još 100 evra besplatno, kao poklon od naš kazino, pored vaših dobitnih 1200 eura. Osim toga, ova odluka je odgovarala vašem statusu u našem projektu, koji je u potpunosti usklađen sa uslovima korišćenja.
Sva pravila za korištenje ovog bonusa navedena su na našoj web stranici.
Tako da mislimo da je trenutni ishod više nego pošten.
Obavijestite nas ako imate dodatnih pitanja.
Ugodno veče!
Dear Marcorkr,
As we mentioned earlier, the withdrawal amount of real funds from the loyalty program points bonus is determined manually by our specialist when processing a withdrawal request, and individually for each player, so we do not see anything wrong with your balance being deducted during processing this request because:
1. It is technically impossible to do this in any other way, because the size is determined for each player individually;
2. This bonus is not awarded for player deposits, but as a gift from our casino, FREE OF CHARGE, only for loyalty points, and in this particular case, you got the opportunity to withdraw another 100 euros for free, as a gift from our casino, in addition to your winning 1200 euros. And besides, this decision corresponded to your status in our project, which fully complies with the terms of use.
All the rules for using this bonus are listed on our website.
So we think the current outcome is more than fair.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Have a lovely evening!
Dragi IwildCasino tim,
onda bih vas zamolio da mi kreditirate odgovarajući iznos koji će biti uplaćen na moj račun.
Moj nivo u vašem kazinu se u međuvremenu povećao i trebalo bi da nastavim tako.
Pristajem na uplatu od 200,00 EUR kako bih izbjegao dalje probleme i mogao nastaviti stjecati pozitivna iskustva u vašem kazinu.
Mislim da je ovaj kompromis više nego pošten. Također pogledajte vrijeme koje sam uložio u implementaciju bonusa u nedjelju.
A ako se dogovorimo od DO 25x do 2x (od prvobitno 1400,08 €) to je samo pošteno.
Hvala i srdačan pozdrav
Dear IwildCasino team,
then I would ask you to credit me with an appropriate amount to be paid out to my account.
My level in your casino has increased in the meantime and should continue to do so.
I agree to a payment of EUR 200.00 in order to avoid further problems and to be able to continue to gain positive experiences in your casino.
I think this compromise is more than fair. Please also see the time I invested in implementing the bonus on Sunday.
And if we come to an agreement from UP TO 25x to 2x (from originally 1400.08 €) that's only fair.
Thank you and best regards
Liebes IwildCasino Team,
dann bitte ich Sie darum, mir bitte einen angemessenen Betrag zur Auszahlung auf meinem Konto gutzuschreiben.
Mein Level in Ihrem Casino hat sich inzwischen erhöht und das soll auch weiterhin geschehen.
Ich bin hier mit einem Betrag von EUR 200,00 zur Auszahlung einverstanden um weiteren Problemen aus dem Weg zu gehen und weiterhin positive Erfahrungen in Ihrem Casino sammeln zu können.
Ich denke, dass dieser Kompromiss mehr als fair ist. Bitte sehen Sie auch den zeitlichen Aufwand, den ich am Sonntag beim Umsetzen des Bonus hatte.
Und wenn wir von BIS ZU 25x auf 2x (von ursprünglich 1400,08 €) eine Einigung finden ist das nur fair.
Vielen Dank und viele Grüße
Dragi Marcorkr,
Upravo sam pogledao istoriju vašeg naloga i vidio sam da je pravih 100 € koje ste primili klađenjem bonus poena lojalnosti već pripisano na vaš račun. A status vašeg računa u to vrijeme je bio osnovni.
Kao što sam ranije spomenuo, smatramo da je sadašnja odluka više nego poštena, zbog svih razloga koje sam ranije naveo, te nismo spremni da Vam naplatimo dodatna sredstva na Vaš račun.
Da vas podsjetim da imamo odlične bonuse za depozite srijedom i vikendom, te cashback ponedjeljkom, po čemu se naš kazino razlikuje od ostalih, i predlažem da ih iskoristite.
Želim vam najljepše trenutke i burne emocije sa nama!
Dear Marcorkr,
I just looked at your account history and I saw that the real €100 you received from wagering your Loyalty Points bonus has already been credited to your account. And the status of your account at that time was basic.
As I mentioned earlier, we consider the current decision more than fair, due to all the reasons that I mentioned earlier, and are not ready to charge you additional funds to your account.
Let me remind you that we have excellent bonuses for deposits on Wednesday and weekends, and cashback on Mondays, which distinguishes our casino from others, and I suggest you use them.
I wish you the most beautiful moments and wild emotions with us!
Ovo je zaista razočaravajuća odluka koju još uvijek ne mogu razumjeti.
Mislim da ocjena - također ovdje u Casino Guruu - neće biti pozitivna s vaše strane zbog ovih praksi.
Ako se vaše mišljenje ne promijeni - pod ovim mislim da je odgovarajuća kompenzacija kao što je gore opisano dostupna za plaćanje, Iwildcasino vjerovatno neće biti uspješan.
Ovim putem vas molim da izbrišete ili blokirate moj račun na vašoj početnoj stranici.
Ne želim da nastavim da se igram na tako neproziran način.
This is really a very disappointing decision that I still cannot understand.
I think that the rating - also here at Casino Guru - will not be positive on your part due to these practices.
If your opinion does not change - by this I mean that a corresponding compensation as described above is available for payment, the Iwildcasino will probably not be successful.
I hereby ask you to delete or block my account on your homepage.
I don't want to continue playing with such an opaque way.
Das ist wirklich eine sehr enttäuschende und für mich weiterhin nicht nachvollziehbare Entscheidung.
Ich denke, dass die Bewertung - auch hier bei Casino Guru - durch diese Praktiken Ihrerseits nicht positiv ausfallen werden.
Sollte sich Ihre Meinung nicht ändern - damit meine ich, dass eine entsprechende Entschädigung wie oben beschrieben zur Auszahlung bereitsteht, wird das Iwildcasino wohl nicht erfolgreich werden.
Hiermit bitte ich Sie meinen Account auf Ihrer Homepage zu löschen bzw. zu sperren.
Ich möchte mit solch einer undurchsichtigen Art nicht weiterspielen.
Dragi Marcorkr,
Žao nam je zbog vaše odluke.
Međutim, mi to poštujemo i ne možemo ne ispuniti.
Molimo pošaljite ovaj zahtjev na support@iwildcasino.com jer je to jedini način da blokirate svoj račun, kao što je navedeno u našim uslovima korištenja na stranici.
Želimo vam najdivniji vikend!
Dear Marcorkr,
We regret of your decision.
However, we respect it and cannot fail to fulfill it.
Please send this request to support@iwildcasino.com as this is the only way to block your account, as stated in our terms of use on the site.
We wish you the most wonderful weekend!
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi iWildcasino tim,
Ne bih rekao da je bonus bio potpuno besplatan, igrač je uplatio depozite da bi dobio bodove lojalnosti. Interno ću razgovarati o pitanju i javit ću vam se.
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear iWildcasino team,
I wouldn't say that the bonus was completely free of charge, the player made deposits to get the loyalty points. I will discuss the issue internally and will get back to you.
Dragi iWildcasino tim,
Nakon razgovora sa našom upravom, došli smo do zaključka da igraču treba isplatiti dobitak u cijelosti. Evo zašto: U vrijeme klađenja bonusa, maksimalna isplata od 25x iznosa bonusa bila je prikazana u Uvjetima i odredbama kazina. Igrač nije mogao znati da će se njegov dobitak značajno smanjiti jer pravila bonusa koja se odnose na VIP nivo igrača nigdje nisu predstavljena. Dakle, ostavlja se utisak da su pravila primijenjena nasumično na osnovu nečije odluke.
Dear iWildcasino team,
After discussing the issue with our management, we came to the conclusion that the player's winnings should be paid in full. Here's why: At the time of wagering of the bonus, the max cashout of 25x of the bonus amount was displayed in the casino's T&Cs. The player couldn't have known that his winnings would get cut significantly because the rules of the bonus referring to the player's VIP level aren't presented anywhere. So it makes an impression that the rules were applied randomly based on somebody's decision.
zdravo Peter,
Ne slažemo se da je ovo poštena odluka, jer pravila navode da iznos povlačenja iz dobitaka može varirati od x1 do x25 iznosa bonusa.
Međutim, poštujemo Vaše iskustvo i spremni smo da se povinujemo, ali to fizički nismo u mogućnosti da uradimo, jer ovaj igrač nije čekao Vašu odluku po ovom pitanju i 14. januara 2022. godine kontaktirao je našu službu podrške putem e-maila sa zahtevom da zatvori svoj račun zauvijek. Naš specijalista je ponovo upitao da li igrač to zaista želi, na šta je ponovo dobio potvrdan odgovor. I prema pravilima naše licence, zatvorili smo račun bez prava na povrat.
Također, prema zahtjevima naše licence, ako je naš klijent zatvorio račun bez prava na vraćanje, više nemamo pravo komunicirati s njim na bilo koji način, uključujući i davanje mogućnosti da ponovo otvori nove račune.
Hello Peter,
We do not agree that this is a fair decision, since the rules stated that the withdrawal amount from winnings can vary from x1 to x25 of the bonus amount.
However, we respect your experience and are ready to obey, but we are physically unable to do this, since this player did not wait for your decision on this issue and on January 14, 2022, contacted our support service via email with a request to close his account forever. Our specialist asked again if the player really wants this, to which he again received an affirmative answer. And according to the rules of our license, we closed the account without the right to recover.
Also, according to the requirements of our license, if our client has closed an account without the right to restore, we no longer have the right to interact with him in any way, including giving him the opportunity to open new accounts again.
Dragi iwildcasino tim,
da sam naredio brisanje je tačno. Međutim, nije me ponovo pitao "vaš specijalista", već sam napisao e-mail i do danas nisam dobio odgovor.
Stoga ova izjava nije tačna.
Dear iwildcasino team,
that I have ordered the deletion is correct. However, I was not asked again by "your specialist", but wrote an e-mail and have not received an answer to this day.
Therefore this statement is not correct.
Liebes Iwildcasino Team,
dass ich die Löschung beauftragt habe, ist korrekt. Ich wurde aber nicht erneut von "ihrem Spezialisten" gefragt, sondern habe eine E-Mail geschrieben und bis heute keine Antwort erhalten.
Von daher ist diese Aussage nicht korrekt.
Zdravo Iwildcasino,
kao što se vidi na snimku, "zatvoren račun igrača sa pravom otvaranja"
"Da li smo dobro shvatili da želite da napravite pauzu? Da li želite da se malo ohladite i promenite strategiju? Otvoren račun vas uopšte ne obavezuje da igrate.
Možete se vratiti ovdje i imati velike šanse da ulovite svoju sreću u vrijeme koje vam odgovara. I sretni smo što vam možemo ponuditi lijep bonus.
Samo nam javite svoju odluku."
Nisam vam rekao svoju odluku o tome, tako da nastavite da račun imate "pravo otvaranja".
Drago mi je da vam pošaljem e-mail da moj nalog treba ponovo otvoriti jer od mene niste dobili nikakvu potvrdu da je potpuno zatvoren/obrisan.
I kao što je prethodno opisano. Nisam primio e-mail od vas.
Hello Iwildcasino,
as can be seen in the screenshot, "closed the account of the player with the right to open"
"Did we understand correctly that you want to take a break? Do you want to cool down a little and change your strategy? An open account does not oblige you to play at all.
You can come back here and have great chances of catching your luck at a convenient time for you. And we are happy to offer you a nice bonus.
Just let us know your decision."
I have not told you my decision on this, so you should continue the account have "the right to open".
I am happy to send you an e-mail that my account should be reopened as you have not received any confirmation from me that it has been completely closed/deleted.
And as previously described. I haven't received an email from you.
Hallo Iwildcasino,
wie im Screenshot zu sehen ist, "closed the account of the player with the right to open"
"Haben wir richtig verstanden, dass Sie pausieren wollen? Möchten Sie sich etwas abkühlen und Ihre Strategie ändern? Ein offenes Konto verpflichtet Sie überhaupt nicht zum Spielen.
Sie können hierher zurückkehren und haben große Chancen, Ihr Glück zu einem für Sie günstigen Zeitpunkt zu fangen. Und wir freuen uns, Ihnen einen netten Bonus anbieten zu können.
Teilen Sie uns einfach Ihre Entscheidung mit."
Ich habe Ihnen meine Entscheidung hierzu nicht mitgeteilt, daher sollte der account weiter "the right to open" haben.
Gern übersende ich Ihnen eine E-Mail, dass mein Account wieder geöffnet werden soll, da sie von mir keine Bestätigung zur vollständigen Schließung/Löschung erhalten haben.
Und wie schon vorher beschrieben. Ich habe von Ihnen keine E-Mail erhalten.
AŽURIRANJE: Upravo sam pronašao oba e-poruka u folderu neželjene pošte.
Jedino nisam potvrdio trajno zatvaranje.
UPDATE: I just found both emails in the spam folder.
Only I did not confirm the permanent closure.
UPDATE: Im spam ordner habe ich eben beide E-Mail gefunden.
Nur habe ich die dauerhafte Schließung nicht bestätigt.
Dragi Marcorkr i Peter,
Razgovarao sam o našoj situaciji sa višim rukovodstvom, i evo do čega smo došli:
1. Račun je sada u statusu "zatvoreno", ali možemo ga otvoriti i naplatiti 1300,08€, prema odluci CasinoGuru-a.
2. Igrač stavlja ovaj iznos za povlačenje, a mi mu ga dižemo, nakon čega ponovo zatvaramo račun.
3. Ako igrač želi nastaviti igrati na našoj stranici u budućnosti, morat će ponovo poslati e-poštu našem timu za podršku o tome, nakon čega ćemo rado ponovo otvoriti njegov račun.
Ako ova odluka odgovara svim stranama, molim vas da je potvrdite odgovorom na ovu poruku i mi ćemo početi da je provodimo.
Dear Marcorkr and Peter,
I discussed our situation with senior management, and this is what we came up with:
1. The account is now in the "closed" status, but we can open it and charge 1300.08€ to it, according to the decision of CasinoGuru.
2. The player puts this amount for withdrawal, and we withdraw it to him, after which we close the account again.
3. If a player wants to continue playing on our site in the future, he will need to email our support team again about this, after which we will gladly open his account again.
If this decision suits all parties, I ask you to confirm it by replying to this message, and we will begin to implement it.
slažem se sa tim.
Javite mi kada se mogu registrovati da dogovorim plaćanje.
Hvala vam na ljubaznosti.
I agree with that.
Please let me know when I can register to arrange the payment.
Thank you for your kindness.
Damit bin ich einverstanden.
Teilen Sie mir bitte mit wann ich mich anmelden kann um die Auszahlung zu veranlassen.
Vielen Dank für das Entgegenkommen.
Nema problema, Marko)
Bićemo vam veoma zahvalni ako ostavite iskrenu recenziju o nama na stranici za recenzije na CasinoGuru-u, nakon završetka ovog slučaja.
Sačekajmo potvrdu od CasinoGuru-a i nastavićemo sa procedurom.
No problem, Marco)
We will be very grateful if you leave an honest review about us on the review page on CasinoGuru, after the completion of this case.
Let's wait for confirmation from CasinoGuru and we will proceed with the procedure.
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi iWildcasino tim,
Hvala vam što ste preispitali svoju odluku i što ste pomogli u rješavanju žalbe. Cijenimo ovaj korak ka poštenom igranju i potvrđujemo da će žalba biti riješena čim igrač primi svoj dobitak.
Dragi Markokr,
Obavijestite me kada primite svoje dobitke.
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear iWildcasino team,
Thank you for reconsidering your decision and for your help with solving the complaint. We appreciate this step towards fair gaming and confirm that the complaint will become resolved as soon as the player receives his winnings.
Dear Marcokr,
Please let me know when you receive your winnings.
Dragi Peter,
Obavijestit ću vas čim bude gotovo.
Hvala vam na podršci i na kraju dobrom dogovoru.
Samo čekam da se moj račun ponovo otvori na iwildcasino.com i tada ću obraditi povlačenje.
Javit ću vam se odmah 🙂
Dear Peter,
I'll let you know as soon as it's done.
Thank you for your support and the ultimately good agreement.
I'm just waiting for my account to be open again on iwildcasino.com and then I'll process the withdrawal.
I'll get in touch immediately 🙂
Lieber Peter,
das werde ich dir mitteilen, sobald es erledigt ist.
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung und die letztendlich gute Einigung.
Ich warte nur darauf, dass mein Account auf iwildcasino.com wieder offen ist und dann werde ich die Auszahlung veranlassen.
Ich melde mich umgehend 🙂
@Iwildcasino: Već sam otvorio račun od strane vaše podrške.
Obavijestite me čim budem mogao izvršiti uplatu.
@Iwildcasino: I have already had my account opened by your support.
Please let me know as soon as I can make the payment.
@Iwildcasino: Meinen Account habe ich durch euren Support bereits öffnen lassen.
Bitte gebt mir Bescheid sobald ich die Auszahlung durchführen kann.
Zdravo svima,
Nažalost, već 2 dana nisam ništa čuo ni pročitao 🙂 ali ćemo to sigurno uspjeti zaključiti na vrijeme.
Bilo bi sjajno kada bismo uplatu izvršili do sutra u ponedjeljak, 24. januara 2022.
Puno hvala
Hello everyone,
Unfortunately, I haven't heard or read anything for 2 days 🙂 but we will certainly be able to conclude this in a timely manner.
It would be great if we could make the payment by tomorrow Monday, January 24th, 2022.
Many Thanks
Hallo Zusammen,
Jetzt habe ich leider seit 2 Tagen nichts mehr gehört bzw. gelesen 🙂 aber wir werden das sicherlich zeitnah abschließen können.
Es wäre super, wenn wir die Auszahlung bis morgen Montag, 24.1.2022 erledigen könnten.
Vielen Dank
Zdravo, prijatelji!
Poštovani @Marcorkr, 1300.08€ je kreditirano na vaš račun.
Imajte na umu da ova sredstva nisu dostupna za igru, već samo za povlačenje, a ako želite da nastavite igrati u našem kazinu, prvo ćete morati podići ta sredstva, a zatim napraviti novi depozit i igrati.
Hvala svima koji su učestvovali u ovom razgovoru na podršci i ohrabrenju.
ugodan dan!
Hello, friends!
Dear @Marcorkr, 1300.08€ have been credited to your account.
Please remember that these funds are not available for play, but only for withdrawal, and if you want to continue playing in our casino, you will first need to withdraw these funds, and then make a new deposit, and play.
Thanks to everyone involved in this conversation for your support and encouragement.
Have a great day!
Dragi Iwildcasino,
Upravo sam zatražio prva 3 isplate od po 400 €. Želim da uplatim novac, ali želim i da podignem preostalih 100 €. Možete li dati prioritet mom slučaju?
Hvala i sve najbolje
Dear Iwildcasino,
I have just requested the first 3 withdrawals of €400 each. I would like to deposit money, but I also want to withdraw the remaining €100. Can you please prioritize my case?
Thanks and best regards
Liebes Iwildcasino,
Ich habe eben die ersten 3 Auszahlungen à 400€ beantragt. Gern würde ich gern Geld einzahlen, aber ich will die verbleibenden 100€ auch noch abbuchen. Können Sie meinen Vorgang bitte priorisieren?
Vielen Dank und beste Grüße
Dragi Marcorkr,
Sve uplate će pregledati naš finansijski odjel i obraditi ih po principu „prvi dođe, prvi dobije".
Vaš račun je u potpunosti verifikovan, tako da neće dugo trajati.
Dear Marcorkr,
All payments will be reviewed by our finance department and processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Your account is fully verified, so it won't take long.
Hvala vam na brzoj povratnoj informaciji.
Obavještavat ću sve uključene čim uplate budu uplate na moj račun kako bi slučaj mogao biti uspješno zatvoren 🙂
Thank you for the fast feedback.
I will keep everyone involved informed as soon as the payments have been credited to my account so that the case can be successfully closed 🙂
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Rückmeldung.
Ich halte alle Beteiligten auf dem Laufenden sobald die Zahlungen auf meinem Konto eingegangen sind, damit der Fall erfolgreich geschlossen werden kann 🙂
Dragi Peter i Marcorkr,
Utvrdili smo da je igrač prekršio uslove odluke o usklađenosti, koju smo gore opisali, nije čekao povlačenje sredstava uknjiženih na stanje prema odluci Casino Gurua u iznosu od 1300,08 eura, izvršio depozit od 50 eura i nastavio igrati na našoj web stranici.
Budući da je ovo prekršilo uslove koje smo dogovorili, privremeno smo suspendovali nalog igrača.
Razgovarat ću o ovom slučaju sa svojim rukovodstvom i javiti vam se s vijestima.
ugodan dan!
Dear Peter and Marcorkr,
We found that the player violated the terms of the compliance decision, which we described above, did not wait for the withdrawal of funds credited to the balance according to the decision of Casino Guru in the amount of 1300.08 euros, made a deposit of 50 euros and continued playing on our website.
Since this violated the terms we agreed upon, we have temporarily suspended the player's account.
I will discuss this case with my management and get back to you with the news.
Have a good day!
Zdravo dragi Iwildcasino,
Nažalost, ovdje je prije 2 dana došlo do nesporazuma:
Imajte na umu da ova sredstva nisu dostupna za igranje, već samo za povlačenje i ako želite da nastavite igrati u našem kazinu prvo morate podići ova sredstva, a zatim napraviti novi depozit i igrati.
Uplatio sam novi depozit da igram nešto.
Sada mi je račun privremeno zamrznut.
Želio bih se izviniti za nastale neugodnosti.
Mislio sam da neće biti problema sa novim depozitom.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hello dear Iwildcasino,
Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding here 2 days ago:
Please remember that these funds are not available for playing, only for withdrawal and if you wish to continue playing at our casino you must first withdraw these funds and then make a new deposit and play.
I made a new deposit to play something.
Now my account has been temporarily frozen.
I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused.
I thought there would be no problems with a new deposit.
Many greetings
Hallo liebes Iwildcasino,
leider kam es hier zu einem Missverständnis vor 2 Tagen:
Bitte denken Sie daran, dass diese Gelder nicht zum Spielen, sondern nur zum Abheben verfügbar sind, und wenn Sie weiterhin in unserem Casino spielen möchten, müssen Sie diese Gelder zuerst abheben und dann eine neue Einzahlung tätigen und spielen.
Ich habe eine neue Einzahlung getätigt um etwas zu spielen.
Nun wurde mein Konto vorübergehend eingefroren.
Für die entstandenen Umstände möchte ich mich entschuldigen.
Ich habe gedacht bei einer neuen Einzahlung gibt es keine Probleme.
Viele Grüße
Upravo sam ponovo pročitao našu istoriju.
Napravio sam novi depozit bez loših namjera jer sam bio siguran da ne bih trebao igrati sa €1300.08.
Tako sam položio 2x 50 € - potpuno svjestan da radim pravu stvar.
Zato još uvijek čekam zadnjih 400€ a da nisam otkazao.
Izvinjavam se zbog zabune i nesporazuma.
Mnogo pozdrava
I just re-read our history.
I made a new deposit with no bad intentions as I was sure I shouldn't play with the €1300.08.
So I deposited 2x €50 - fully aware that I was doing the right thing.
That's why I'm still waiting for the last 400€ without having canceled it.
I would like to apologize for the confusion and misunderstanding.
Many greetings
Ich habe mir so eben unseren Verlauf nochmals durchgelesen.
Ich habe frei von bösen Absichten eine neue Einzahlung getätigt, da ich mir sicher war, dass ich bloß nicht mit den 1300,08€ spielen sollte.
Daher habe ich 2x 50€ eingezahlt - im vollen Bewusstsein, mich korrekt zu verhalten.
Deswegen warte ich ja auch weiterhin auf die letzten 400€ ohne einen Abbruch getätigt zu haben.
Ich möchte mich für die Verwirrungen und Missverständnisse entschuldigen.
Viele Grüße
Dragi Peter i Marcorkr,
Uprkos kršenju uslova našeg sporazuma, odlučili smo da povučemo preostalih 400 eura i 100 eura koje je igrač danas položio. Odgovarajuće pismo sa našom odlukom poslano je igraču mejlom.
Molimo igrača da javi u ovoj temi kada će biti izvršeno povlačenje.
Nakon potpunog povlačenja sredstava, prema odluci naše administracije, račun igrača će biti trajno blokiran bez mogućnosti ponovnog otvaranja.
Ugodan kraj dana!
Dear Peter and Marcorkr,
Despite the violation of the terms of our agreement, we have decided to withdraw the remaining 400 euros and the 100 euros that the player deposited today. The corresponding letter with our decision was sent to the player by email.
We ask the player to report in this thread when the withdrawal will be made.
After the full withdrawal of funds, according to the decision of our administration, the player's account will be permanently blocked without the possibility of reopening.
Have a nice end of the day!
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Marcorkr,
Molimo pričekajte povlačenje i nemojte više uplaćivati. javite mi kada ih primite.
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Marcorkr,
Please wait for the withdrawal and don't make any more deposits. let me know when you receive them.
Dragi Peter i Marcorkr,
Sa zadovoljstvom vas obavještavamo da je odluka Guru Casina implementirana.
Sva plaćanja su izvršena.
Molimo igrača da se ovdje javi o prijemu uplate.
Dear Peter and Marcorkr,
We are pleased to inform you that the decision of Guru Casino has been implemented.
All payments have been made.
We ask the player to report here about the receipt of the payment.
Zdravo svima,
Novac je stigao. Ipak, smatram da nisam prekršio naš dogovor.
Jednostavno se ne bih trebao igrati sa 1300,08 €.
Uplatio sam nove depozite i osvojio ih u skladu sa pravilima.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hello everyone,
The money arrived. Nevertheless, I believe that I have not violated our agreement.
I just shouldn't play with the €1300.08.
I made new deposits and won with them in accordance with the rules.
Many greetings
Hallo Zusammen,
das Geld ist angekommen. Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung dass ich nicht gegen unsere Vereinbarung verstoßen habe.
Ich sollte nur nicht mit den 1300,08€ spielen.
Ich habe neue Einzahlungen getätigt und mit diesen regelkonform gewonnen.
Viele Grüße
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Marko,
Drago mi je čuti da ste primili svoja sredstva. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Gurua. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Marco,
I'm glad to hear that you received your funds. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
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