JOO Casino
odbio je moj zahtev za povlačenje i konfiskovao moj dobitak od 500 kanadskih dolara na osnovu toga što se nisam pridržavao opklade (uslovi klađenja). Maksimalni uslov je bio 5 €.
U nekim igrama nude kupovinu besplatnih okretaja na osnovu opklade u rasponu od 20 do 1000 dolara ili više. Nigde u propisima ili igrama ne stoji da se ove kupovine smatraju opkladom i da krše pravila bonusa.
Da li imam čvrste razloge za osporavanje odluke i traženje moje nagrade?
JOO Casino
odbio je moj zahtev za povlačenje i konfiskovao moj dobitak u Kanadi od 500 dolara pod izgovorom da nisam poštovao opkladu (zahteve klađenja), koja ima ograničenje od 5 evra.
U nekim igrama nude kupovinu besplatnih okretaja na osnovu opklade, u rasponu od 20 do 1000 dolara ili čak više. I prema pravilima igre i prema propisima, nije navedeno da se ovo tumači kao opklada i da se time krše pravila bonusa.
Da li imam jake argumente da tražim svoje pravo na svoju nagradu?
JOO Casino
refused my withdrawal request and confiscated my winnings of $500 Canadian on the grounds that I did not adhere to the bet (wagering conditions). The maximum condition was €5.
In some games they offer the purchase of free spins based on the bet ranging from $20 to $1000 or more. Nowhere in the regulations or games does it state that these purchases are considered as the bet, and that they violate bonus rules.
Do I have a solid case for contesting the decision and claiming my prize?
JOO Casino
rejected my withdrawal request and have confiscated my $500 Canadian winnings under the pretense that I did not respect the bet (wagering requirements), which has a limit of €5.
In some games, they offer to buy free spins based on the bet, ranging between $20 and $1000 or even more. According to both game rules and regulations, it is not stated that these are construed as the bet, and that this transgresses the bonus rules.
Do I have strong arguments to claim my right to claim my prize?
JOO Casino
was refused my withdrawal request and confiscated $500 Canadian won under the pretext that I did not respect the bet (wagering conditions). The condition was 5 € maximum.
In certain games it offers to buy free spins depending on the bet between $20 and $1000 or more.. in the regulations just as in the games it is not mentioned that these are considered as the bet and that these are transgressed bonus rules..
Do I have good arguments to assert my right to claim my prize?
JOO Casino
Me refuse la demande de retrait et on ma confisqué 500$ canadien gagné sous prétexte que je n'ai pas respecter le bet (conditions de mise). La condition etait de 5 € maximum.
Dans certains jeux il propose d'acheter des tours gratuit en fonction du bet entre 20 $et 1000 $ou plus.. dans les règlements tout comme dans les jeux il n'est pas mentionné que ces considéré comme le bet et que ces comme transgressé les regle du bonus..
Est-ce que jai de bon arguments pour faire valoir mon droit de reclamer mon prix?
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