Još u januaru 2023. kontaktirao sam kazino da zatvorim svoj račun i vratim novac, oni su pristali, ali su rekli da moram da se verifikujem pa su tražili dokumente, poput lične karte. obezbedio sam sve što im je potrebno. Imam dokaz o poslanim imejlovima sa mojim ličnim dokumentom i dokumentima koje su tražili.
Nije jun, i posle 5 meseci mi i dalje govore da sačekam i da se strpim. 5 MONTHES!
Takođe sam shvatio da im nije dozvoljeno da prime igrače iz Holandije, a vratili su novac holandskim igračima, pošto nemaju licencu u Holandiji.
Back in January 2023, i contact the casino to close my account and refund my money, they agreed but they said i need to verify my self so they asked documents, like ID. i provided everything they need. i have proof of sent emails with my id and documents they asked for.
It is not June, even after 5 months, they are still telling me to wait and be patient. 5 MONTHES!
I also figured that they aren't allowed to accept players from The Netherlands, and they refunded money to Netherlands players, since they don't have licence in the netherlands.
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