Igrač iz Njemačke je imao poteškoća s povlačenjem sredstava zbog ograničene dostupnosti načina plaćanja. Žalba je odbijena jer je igrač izgubio svoja sporna sredstva.
The player from Germany was experiencing difficulties withdrawing his funds due to the limited availability of payment methods. The complaint was rejected because the player lost his disputed funds.
Igrač iz Njemačke je imao poteškoća s povlačenjem sredstava zbog ograničene dostupnosti načina plaćanja. Žalba je odbijena jer je igrač izgubio svoja sporna sredstva.
Zatražio sam bonus bez depozita. Nakon uspješne implementacije, dostavio sam svu dokumentaciju na verifikaciju. Verifikacija računa je također uspješno obavljena. Nakon toga bi trebao uplatiti depozit i pretvoriti ga 3 puta. I ovo je urađeno. Međutim, još uvijek ne mogu isplatiti svoj kredit jer uvijek dobijem sljedeću poruku o grešci kada biram mifinity:
"Da biste koristili ovaj način plaćanja za isplatu, prvo ga morate registrovati kao način plaćanja. Molimo kontaktirajte podršku za dalju pomoć."
Već sam ovo prijavio podršci, ali nažalost niko ne rješava problem. Osim toga, podrška je trajno preopterećena i traje zauvijek.
I claimed a no deposit bonus. After successful implementation, I submitted all documents for verification. The verification of the account was also completed successfully. Afterwards I should make a deposit and convert it 3 times. This too has been done. However, I still cannot pay out my credit because I always get the following error message when selecting mifinity:
"In order to use this payment method for withdrawal, it must first be registered as a payment method. Please contact support for further assistance."
I have already reported this to support, but unfortunately no one is taking care of the problem. In addition, the support is permanently overloaded and takes forever.
ich habe einen no deposit Bonus in Anspruch genommen. Nach erfolgreicher Umsetzung habe ich alle Dokumente zur Verifizierung eingereicht. Die Verifizierung des Kontos wurde auch erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Im Anschluss sollte ich noch eine Einzahlung tätigen und diese 3 mal umsetzen. Auch dies wurde getan. Allerdings kann ich mein Guthaben weiterhin nicht auszahlen da ich immer folgende Fehlermeldung bei der Auswahl von mifinity bekomme:
"Um diese Zahlmethode zur Auszahlung zu nutzen, muss diese zuerst als Zahlmethode registriert werden. Wenden Sie sich bitte an den Support für weitere Unterstützung."
Dies habe ich bereits dem Support geschildert, aber leider kümmert sich Niemand um das Problem. Zudem ist der Support dauerhaft überlastet und brauch ewig.
Poštovani denyo123,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem s povlačenjem.
Imajte na umu da raznovrsnost i dostupnost načina plaćanja ne upravlja isključivo kazino. Nekoliko faktora kao što su Uprava za licenciranje, geolokacija, ugovori sa dobavljačima plaćanja i ograničenja banaka, svi imaju veliki uticaj. Ako je neki način plaćanja bio dostupan za depozite, to ne znači nužno da će biti ponuđen i za isplate, takođe se može prekinuti u bilo kom trenutku. Nažalost, kasina su ponekad nemoćna i ograničena u ponudi načina plaćanja svojim klijentima.
Možete li, molim vas, obavijestiti da li ste bili obaviješteni o bilo kojoj alternativnoj metodi za podizanje vaših dobitaka? Je li vaš račun u prošlosti uspješno verificiran?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear denyo123,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your withdrawal issue.
Please understand, that the variety and accessibility of payment methods are not managed by the casino exclusively. Several factors as the Licensing Authority, geolocation, contracts with the payment providers, and bank restrictions, all have a major influence. If a payment method was available for deposits, it doesn’t mean necessarily, that it will be offered for withdrawals too, also it can be discontinued at any time. Unfortunately, casinos are sometimes powerless and limited in offering payment methods to their customers.
Could you please advise if you have been informed about any alternative method to withdraw your winnings? Was your account verified successfully in the past?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Ne, nisam bio obaviješten o alternativnim opcijama plaćanja. Moj račun i način plaćanja su provjereni.
No, I was not informed about alternative payment options. My account and the payment method are verified.
Nein ich wurde nicht über alternative Auszahlungsmöglichkeiten informiert. Mein Konto sowie die Zahlungsmethode sind verifiziert.
Pitao sam danas o alternativnim metodama povlačenja: oni ih nemaju. Isplata u banci samo od 100€ i Skrill/Neteller nisu dostupni. Kažu da imaju problem sa mifinitetom i da treba da čekam. Imam osjećaj da nikog nije briga za problem. Chat samo piše copy-paste odgovore i odmah me izbacuje iz chata tako da više ne mogu postavljati pitanja. Sve vrlo neobično.
I asked today about alternative withdrawal methods: they don't have any. Bank withdrawal only from 100€ and Skrill/Neteller are not available. They say they have a problem with mifinity and I should keep waiting. I have a feeling nobody cares about the problem. The chat only writes copy-paste answers and then immediately kicks me out of the chat so that I can no longer ask questions. All very unusual.
Ich habe heute nach alternativen Auszahlungmethoden gefragt: Sie haben keine. Bankauszahlung erst ab 100€ und Skrill/Neteller stehen nicht zu Verfügung. Sie sagen sie haben ein Problem mit mifinity und ich soll weiter warten. Ich habe das Gefühl es kümmert sich keiner um das Problem. Der Chat schreibt nur copy-paste Antworten und wirft mich danach direkt aus dem Chat so, dass ich keine Fragen mehr stellen kann. Sehr ungewöhnlich das ganze.
Hvala vam puno, denyo123, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Izvinjavam se zbog kasnog odgovora. Vašu žalbu ću sada prenijeti kolegi Branislavu ( branislav.b@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, denyo123, for providing all the necessary information. I do apologize for the late response. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Branislav (branislav.b@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo, denyo123,
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo. Kontaktirat ću kazino i dati sve od sebe da riješim problem što je prije moguće. Sada bih pozvao predstavnika Lapilanders Casina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi Lapilanders Casino timu,
Možete li, molim vas, pogledati problem igrača i navesti razlog zašto on nije u mogućnosti povući svoja sredstva?
Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na pružanju informacija.
Hello, denyo123,
I am sorry to hear about your negative experience. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Now I would like to invite Lapilanders Casino's representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Lapilanders Casino Team,
Could you please look at the player's issue and state a reason why he is not able to withdraw his funds?
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Može se zatvoriti zbog mene. Prokockao sam novac iz frustracije. Samo su prestali da odgovaraju na moje zahtjeve. Zaista najgori kazino u kojem sam ikada bio. Ne mogu razumjeti kako ovakav kazino dobija MGA licencu.
Can be closed for my sake. I gambled away the money out of frustration. They just stopped responding to my requests. Really the worst casino I've ever been to. Can't understand how a casino like this gets an MGA license.
Kann meinetwegen geschlossen werden. Habe aus Frust das Geld verspielt. Sie haben einfach nicht mehr auf meine Anfragen reagiert. Wirklich das schlechteste Casino in dem ich bisher unterwegs war. Kann nicht verstehen wie so ein Casino eine MGA-Lizenz bekommt.
Hvala vam puno, denyo123, na ažuriranju.
Pošto ste spustili svoj bilans na nulu, bojim se da ništa više ne možemo učiniti. U ovom slučaju, primorani smo da odbijemo ovu reklamaciju zbog gubitka spornih sredstava.
Iako se nadam da se više nećete susresti s ovakvim problemom, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Branislav, Casino.Guru
Thank you very much, denyo123, for the update.
Since you have played your balance down to zero, I am afraid there is nothing more we can do. In this case, we are forced to reject this complaint due to the loss of the disputed funds.
Although I hope you will not come across a problem like this again, please do not hesitate to contact us in the future if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Branislav, Casino.Guru
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