Uzeo sam bonus na POČETKU svoje igre i imao neke sjajne pobede, a na kraju sam podigao $230 koji je bio na ČEKANjU dok sam nastavio da plaćam sa malo svojih sredstava koje sam imao da igram. Bonus je bio opkladen, inače nikada ne bih mogao da izvršim povlačenje (tako je postavljen ovaj kazino). Igrao sam i igrao i imao još velikih pobeda, a zatim gubitak gubitaka, sve dok nisam došao do 184,20 CAD na koje sam otišao da napravim novo povlačenje - dođite da pogledate moj iznos, i piše da je celih 184,20 $ BONUS novac. Idem na ćaskanje, a Mark koji ne sluša nijednu reč koju kažem (što smatram da je uobičajeno kada vas kazino pokušava prevariti), kaže mi da sam uzeo bonus. Jesam uzeo jedan, na samom početku, ali to je odavno uloženo - tako da sam još uvek veoma zbunjen i LjUT da budem iskren - VEĆ sam napravio povlačenje i nisam AKTIVIO nikakav bonus, zašto su sva moja sredstva iznenada u statusu BONUS. Mark mi zatim kaže da mi je izdat drugi paket besplatnih okretaja na MULTI-FLI, što je možda i tačno, ali NITI ih aktivirao NITI sam ih igrao – prvi paket sam igrao na POČETKU moju igru pre nekoliko sati, a drugi paket još nisam ni POGLEDAO. On kaže da sam aktivirao i odigrao taj bonus - a nisam - ne vidi se u mom igranju ili bilo čemu (a ja MRZIM tu igru, nikada je ne bih igrao svojom voljom)... pa . Casino Guru, možete li mi pomoći ovde, on nije bio dobar agent: otpuštao me je bez čitanja mojih reči i stalno mi je govorio da imam aktivan bonus, a NE. Ovo je prilično uznemirujuće, želim ponovo da se povučem, a NAMJERNOM nisam aktivirao nikakve bonuse ZNAJUĆI da će to zaustaviti moje povlačenje - ovo nije u redu. Sada sam na milosti Casino Gurua da mi pomogne da dobijem svoje povlačenje od 184,20$.. Čak sam prošao kroz svu svoju istoriju igara i NE, nisam aktivirao „drugi" bonus kao što mi „MARK" stalno govori da jesam - Mislim, ZNAM šta sam uradio ili nisam uradio: NISAM aktivirao drugi bonus znajući da će to zaustaviti moj pokušaj da se povučem, i izgleda da MrBet ima glave gurnute toliko u guzice da ako su zaista POGLEDALI moju igru i oni bi to jasno videli, tako da ovo NIJE u redu.
I took a bonus at the BEGINNING of my play, and had some awesome wins, and ended up making a withdrawal of $230 which was in PENDING as I continued to pay with a little of my funds I had left to play with. The bonus had been wagered, or I'd never have been able to make the withdrawal (that's how this casino is set up). I played and played and had more big wins and then loss loss loss, until I reached 184.20 CAD to which I went to go and make a new withdrawal - come to look at my amount, and it says that the entire $184.20 is BONUS money. So I go to the chat, and Mark who doesn't listen to a word I say (which I find is common when a casino is trying to con you), tells me that I took a bonus. I DID take one, at the very beginning, but that has been wagered a long time ago - so I am still very confused and ANGRY to be honest - I had ALREADY made a withdrawal and did not ACTIVATE any bonus, why are my funds all of a sudden in BONUS status. Mark then goes on to tell me that I was issued the 2nd pack of free spins on MULTI-FLY, which perhaps that is true, but I did NOT activate them NOR did I play them - I had played the first pack at the BEGINNING of my play hours ago, and the second pack I didn't even LOOK at yet. He is saying that I activated and played that bonus - and I did not - it doesn't show in my gaming or anything (and I HATE that game, I wouldn't ever play it on my own free will)... so. Casino Guru, can you folks help me here, he was not a good agent: he was dismissing me without reading my words and kept telling me that I have an active bonus and I DO NOT. This is quite upsetting, I am wanting to withdraw again, and I ON PURPOSE did not activate any bonuses KNOWING that that would stop my withdrawal - this is not ok. I am now at the mercy of Casino Guru to help me get my withdrawal of $184.20.. I have even gone through all of my gaming history and NOPE I did not activate a "second" bonus like "MARK" keeps telling me I did - I mean, I KNOW what I did or did not do: I did NOT activate a second bonus knowing it would stop my attempt to withdraw, and looks like MrBet has their heads shoved so far up their asses that if they indeed LOOKED at my play they would clearly see it too, so this is NOT ok.
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