zdravo Adame,
Želio bih pojasniti razlog neuspješne provjere.
U početku je sergio1998 davao isteklu ličnu kartu, pa je sistem automatski odbio dokument.
Drugi put je korisnik pao na ''provjeri života'' gdje bi osoba trebala napraviti selfi uživo.
Osoba na dokumentu za potvrdu identiteta nije odgovarala selfiju koji je napravila druga osoba (žena).
Prema našim T&C, ''u slučaju da se tokom procesa verifikacije pojave sumnje u vezi sa identitetom korisnika, kao što je, ali ne ograničavajući se na pojavljivanje više od jedne osobe na odgovarajućim fotografijama, itd., Kompanija može da po vlastitom nahođenju ukinuti račun zbog sumnje na prevaru''.
Ukratko, nalog datog korisnika će biti trajno blokiran zbog kršenja pravila verifikacije.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Hello Adam,
I'd like to clarify the reason for the unsuccessful verification.
In the beginning, sergio1998 provided an expired ID card, so the system automatically rejected the document.
On the second time, the user failed ''liveness check'' where a person should take a selfie in live.
The person on the proof of identity document didn't match the selfie which was taken by another person (woman).
According to our T&C, '' in case during the verification process some suspicions arise related to the identity of the user, such as but not limited to the occurrence of more than one person in the respective photos, etc., the Company may at its sole discretion terminate the Account due to suspicion of fraud''.
To sum up, the account of the given user will permanently be blocked due to breaching the verification policy.
Kind regards,
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