Nedavno sam se prijavio na Mistake. Iako sam prilikom registracije uneo pogrešnu e-poštu. Imejl je pogrešno napisan, bio je 1 dodatni znak. Pokušao sam da kontaktiram MIstake KIC tim putem e-pošte sa svim mojim informacijama, ovo uključuje problem, moje korisničko ime i sve podatke mog profila. Samo su mi odgovorili sa ovim
"Hvala na email.
Imajte na umu da prema našim uslovima i odredbama nije prihvatljivo stvaranje duplikata naloga. Zbog kršenja naših opštih uslova, preduzeli smo neophodne mere da suspendujemo dupli nalog.
Imajte na umu da je jedini verifikovani nalog koji ostaje aktivan povezan sa korisničkim imenom: *******
Imajte na umu da ako i dalje budete otkriveni da kreirate još naloga, biće vam trajno ukinuto korišćenje naše platforme.
Da bismo vam pomogli, kontaktirajte nas putem e-mail adrese koja je povezana sa vašim trenutnim nalogom. "
Zato sam im se obratio sa svojom e-poštom koja je „očigledno bila prava", a ne greška, a oni očigledno samo ignorišu moj problem i šalju nazad ovu zagonetnu glupost. Pokušao sam da se povučem da vidim da li mogu da se izvučem iz ovoga, ali u međuvremenu sam želeo da vidim da li bi neko mogao da mi pomogne da rešim ovaj problem u slučaju da povlačenje ne funkcioniše i moram da promenim imejl u pravu da bih ispunio KIC zahtevi.
I recently signed up to Mystake. Although when signing up I entered the wrong email. The email was misspelled, there was 1 extra character. I have tried reaching out to MYstake KYC team over email with all of my information, this includes the issue, my username and all of my profile data. They just responded back to me with this
"Thank you for your email.
Please be informed that according to our terms and conditions creating a duplicate account is not acceptable. Due to a violation of our general terms, we have taken the necessary action to suspend the duplicate account.
Please be informed that the only verified account that remains active is associated with the username: *******
Note that if you are still detected creating any more accounts, you will be permanently terminated from using our platform.
In order to assist you please communicate with us with the email address which is connected to your current account. "
So I reached out to them with my email that was ‘obviously the real one’, not the mistake one, and they clearly are just ignoring my issue and sending back this cryptic nonsense. I have tried withdrawing to see if I can get out of this but in the meantime I wanted to see if anyone could help me navigate this issue incase the withdrawal doesn’t work and I need to get the email changed to the real one to fulfill the KYC requirements.
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