Dragi Garas,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Važno je napomenuti da igrači treba da otvore samo jedan nalog u svakom kazinu. Duplikati naloga se generalno kažnjavaju, čak i ako su namere igrača dobre i to je samo poštena greška.
Prema uslovima i odredbama N1 kazina:
6.1. Otvaranje naloga onlajn igrača
Svaki igrač ima pravo da kreira samo jedan nalog igrača na mreži po adresi prebivališta, domaćinstvu, IP adresi ili računaru na našoj veb stranici i da učestvuje u Igrama isključivo sa ovim nalogom. Zabranjeno je kreiranje više naloga onlajn igrača za istog igrača i upravljanje ovim nalogom od strane trećih lica. Ako kreirate više naloga igrača, ovi nalozi će biti blokirani. Svi dobici ili bonusi koje je igrač primio ili akumulirao tokom vremena dok je dupli račun bio aktivan biće izgubljeni. Igrač će popuniti odgovarajući formular za registraciju, koji je dostupan na našoj veb stranici. Pre nego što popuni formular za registraciju, igrač se podstiče da pažljivo pročita uslove Ugovora, kao i korporativnu politiku Kazina u vezi sa zaštitom ličnih podataka i podnese neophodan dokaz identiteta i dokumente o adresi, u skladu sa AML uredbom. i naše unutrašnje politike. Dokumenti se dostavljaju tako što ćete se prijaviti u odeljak „Profil" vašeg naloga i izabrati „Verifikacija". Za više informacija u vezi sa procesom verifikacije, možete kontaktirati tim za korisničku podršku putem support@n1casino.gr ili ćaskanje uživo 24/7.
d. Kada igrač sklopi Ugovor, on u potpunosti razume i prihvata da mu neće biti dozvoljeno da:
- Napravite ili koristite više naloga.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste znali da već imate nalog u ovom kazinu i odlučili ste da otvorite još jedan?
Da li je neki od vaših naloga verifikovan?
Da li ste koristili bonuse na nekom od ovih naloga?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Garas,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. It's important to note that players should only create one account at each casino. Duplicate accounts are generally punished, even if the intentions of the player are good and it is just an honest mistake.
According to N1 Casino's Terms and Conditions:
6.1. Opening an Online Player Account
Each Player has the right to create only one Online Player Account per residence address, household, IP address or PC in our website and to participate in the Games exclusively with this account. The creation of multiple Online Player Accounts for the same Player and the management of this account by third parties are prohibited. If you create multiple player’s accounts, these accounts will be blocked. Any winnings or bonuses that the Player received or accumulated during the time when the Duplicate Account was active will be forfeited. The Player shall fill in the relevant registration form, which is available on our website. Before completing the registration form, the Player is encouraged to read carefully the terms of the Agreement as well as the Casino’s corporate policy regarding the Protection of Personal Data and submit the necessary proof of identity and proof of address documents, in accordance with the AML Regulation and our internal policies. The documents shall be submitted by logging into your account section "Profile" and selecting "Verification". For more information concerning the verification process, you may contact the Customer Support Team via support@n1casino.gr or Live Chat 24/7.
d. When the Player enters into the Agreement, he fully understands and accepts that he will not be allowed to:
- Create or use multiple Accounts.
Do I understand correctly that you knew you already had an account in this casino, and you decided to open another one?
Have any of your accounts been verified?
Have you used any bonuses in any of these accounts?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards
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