NaslovnaPritužbeNineCasino - Igrač traži povraćaj svojih depozita.
NineCasino - Igrač traži povraćaj svojih depozita.
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 27/02/2024
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pre 11 meseci
The player from the United Kingdom had a dispute with the casino as he had managed to open and deposit funds into his casino account despite being registered with GAMSTOP. He had requested a refund for the deposits due to a gambling illness, but the casino had denied this request, citing mismatched account details. The player insisted that the casino shouldn't have accepted UK players according to their license regulations. We had examined the case and found that the casino operated under the e-Gaming Curacao license, which didn't have access to the GAMSTOP register. However, we couldn't assist with complaints related to licensing regulations and policies. Thus, we were unable to provide assistance in this instance and the complaint had been closed.
Igrač iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva imao je spor sa kazinom jer je uspeo da otvori i deponuje sredstva na svoj kazino račun uprkos tome što je registrovan na GAMSTOP-u. Zatražio je povraćaj depozita zbog bolesti kockanja, ali je kazino odbio ovaj zahtev, navodeći neusklađene podatke o računu. Igrač je insistirao da kazino nije trebalo da prihvati igrače iz Velike Britanije prema njihovim propisima o licenci. Ispitali smo slučaj i otkrili da kazino radi pod licencom e-Gaming Curacao, koja nije imala pristup GAMSTOP registru. Međutim, nismo mogli da pomognemo sa žalbama u vezi sa propisima i politikama o licenciranju. Stoga nismo bili u mogućnosti da pružimo pomoć u ovom slučaju i žalba je zaključena.
Imam stalni spor sa ovim kazinom jer sam državljanin i rezident UK. Dozvoljeno mi je da otvorim račun i uspešno uplatim novac iako sam aktivno registrovan na GAMSTOP-u. Kasnije sam im se požalio u vezi sa ovim pitanjem tražeći da se moji depoziti/(nisu traženi dobici) vrate jer ćete razumeti da ovo ne podržava moju bolest.
Kao što ćete razumeti, kazino mi se vratio nakon što je tražio dokaz o mom samoisključenju navodeći da se detalji na nalozima ne poklapaju i iz tog razloga je moj zahtev za povraćaj odbijen.
Od tada sam proveravao i jasno mi je da je to netačno, a štaviše, imam jasne dokaze koji to govore.
Tražio sam podršku za ćaskanje za detalje o svom nalogu kako bih mogao unakrsno da proverim i uputim se (iako znam da se detalji naloga podudaraju) i ovo je odbijeno jer su rekli da ne mogu da daju ove informacije iako ja tražim svoje podatke .
Gledajući dalje u ovu situaciju, stekao sam uvid i saznanje da ovaj kazino ne bi trebalo da prihvata igrače iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva po njihovoj licenci jer su oni deo UKGC-a što ih zapravo čini nezakonitim da uspešno regrutuju igrače iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Prijavio sam se sa svojim brojem telefona u UK i podacima o svom bankovnom računu u UK i mogao sam da uplatim (i podignem mali iznos od 50 funti).
Poslao sam e-poštu kazinu tražeći od njih da ponovo procene ovu žalbu jer verujem da su pogrešili i priložiću sve svoje dokaze kao što je dole.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I have an ongoing dispute with this casino as I am a UK citizen and resident. I was allowed to open an account and successfully deposit even though I am actively registered with GAMSTOP. Subsequently I complained to them regarding this issue asking for my deposits/(no winnings requested) to be returned as you will understand this is not supporting my illness.
As you will understand the casino came back to me after asking for proof of my self exclusion stating that the details across the accounts do not match and for that reason my refund request had been denied.
Since then I have checked and it is clear to me that this is incorrect and furthermore I have clear evidence stating that.
I have asked chat support for details of my account so I can cross check and reference (even though I know the account details match) and this was refused as they state they can't give this information even though I am asking for my own information.
Looking further into this situation I have gained insight and knowledge that this casino should not accept players from the United Kingdom as per their licence because they are apart of the UKGC which actually makes it illegal for them to successfully recruit players from the United Kingdom. I signed up with my UK phone number and my UK bank account details and was able to deposit (and withdraw a small amount of £50).
I have emailed the casino asking them to re-evaluate this complaint as I do believe they have got this wrong and I will attach all my evidence as below.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa NineCasinom.
Proverio sam veb lokaciju kazina i otkrio da radi pod licencom e-Gaming Curacao. Nema licencu za UK, što znači da nema pristup GAMSTOP registru.
Možete li, molim vas, da kažete kada ste tačno obavestili kazino o svom problemu sa kockanjem i zatražili da budete samoisključeni?
Da li ste uplatili depozit u NineCasino nakon što ste podneli zahtev za samoisključivanje?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Samueel23,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with NineCasino.
I checked the casino website and found out it operates under the e-Gaming Curacao license. It doesn't have a UK license, meaning it doesn't have access to the GAMSTOP register.
Could you please advise when exactly you informed the casino about your gambling problem and requested to be self-excluded?
Have you made any deposits into NineCasino after you submitted your self-exclusion request?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Koliko sam razumeo, kazino ima licencu Curacao. Ali prema propisima UKGC-a oni su prekršili time što su mi zapravo dozvolili da se pridružim i položim depozit kao državljanin/rezident Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. To je kršenje zakona. - Oni to ne bi trebalo da rade (ovo je kršenje zakona) Ja uopšte ne bi trebalo da mogu da otvorim račun, a kamoli da deponujem sredstva. Otvorio sam račun sa detaljima u Velikoj Britaniji, kao što su moj broj telefona i bankovni podaci, svi su britanski i to je bilo lako uočljivo - sistem je pogrešan kao da su tražili verifikaciju lične karte za moj nalog da bi videli da sam stanovnik Sjedinjenih Država Umesto toga, Kingdom odmah su mi dozvolili da uložim hiljade i hiljade funti kada sam bolestan i registracija sa samoisključenjem je bila moja jedina opcija.
Obavestio sam kazino nakon što sam napravio nekoliko depozita da bih želeo da uložim ovu žalbu jer nisam mislio da je dobro kada sam saznao više informacija o kompaniji i trgovinskim praksama, podneo sam žalbu i obavestio ih da sam član GAMSTOP-a.
Zatražio sam malo saosećanja i podrške za moju bolest i zamolio ih da zatvore moj nalog po prijemu/rešenju moje žalbe koja je bila oko 11. februara.
Ovo je bio odgovor od podrške za ćaskanje juče nakon upita o rezoluciji jer nisam dobio odgovor.
Kao što ovde možete jasno videti moje detalje o isključenju GAMSTOP-a - kompanija nije komentarisala da nema pristup GAMSTOP-u, već je jednostavno rekla da se detalji ne poklapaju (što nije tačno) i to je razlog za odbijanje povraćaja .
Primio sam promotivni materijal i e-poruke o depozitu od NineCasina u kojima je jasno navedeno moje ime jer znam da je moje prezime tačno. Kao što ćete takođe videti, oba moja imejla su tačna na dve platforme, tako da prema njihovom obrazloženju nema razloga da se blokira zahtev za povraćaj sredstava.
Zatražio sam detalje svog naloga kako bih mogao da ih uporedim sa svoje strane da proverim. Agent za ćaskanje je odbio da mi pruži informacije o mom nalogu.
Poslao sam dugu žalbu na rešavanje žalbi (koju vam svakako mogu pokazati) nazad ovoj kompaniji jer ne smatram da je ovo pravedan ishod i svakako ne predstavlja bezbedno kockanje kao što se oglašava na celoj njihovoj veb stranici.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Good Morning,
I understand the casino has a curacao licence. But under UKGC Regulations they have have breached by actually allowing me to join and deposit being a citizen/resident of the United Kingdom. It is breaking the law. - They should not be doing this (this is breaking the law) I should not of been able to create an account in the first place, let alone deposit funds. I opened the account with UK details such as my telephone number and bank details are all British and this was easily noticeable - the system is flawed as if they had requested ID verification for my account they would of seen that I was an resident of the United Kingdom straight away instead they allowed me to deposit thousands and thousands of pounds when I have an illness and registering with a self exclusion was my only option.
I informed the casino after I had made a few deposits that I would like to raise this complaint as I didn't think it was well when I realised more information on the company and there trading practices I raised the complaint and informed them that I was a member of GAMSTOP.
I requested some compassion and support for my illness and asked them to close my account on receipt/resolution of my complaint this was on around the 11th February.
This was the answer from the chat support yesterday upon querying the resolution as I hadn't received a response.
As you can see here clearly my GAMSTOP exclusion details - the company have not commented that they do not have access to GAMSTOP they have simply said the details do not match (which is not true) and this is the reason for the denial of the refund.
I have received promo material and deposit emails from NineCasino that clearly states my first name as I know my surname is correct. As you will also see both my emails are correct across the two platforms so as per their reasoning there is no reason to block the refund request.
I had requested my account details so I could cross reference them from my side to double check. The chat agent refused to provide me with my account information.
I have sent a long appeal to my complaint resolution (which I can certainly show you) back through to this company as I do not feel this is a just outcome and certainly one that does not represent safe gambling as advertised all over their website.
Razumem da ste frustrirani i nezadovoljni pristupom NineCasina. Međutim, nismo u mogućnosti da istražimo slučajeve u kojima je igraču dozvoljeno da otvori račun uprkos tome što je njegova zemlja ograničena, osim ako kazino kao rezultat toga konfiskuje njihov dobitak. U idealnom slučaju, kazino bi trebalo da spreči korisnike iz zemalja sa ograničenim pristupom njihovom sajtu korišćenjem softvera, umesto da ga jednostavno pominje u svojim Uslovima i odredbama.
Nažalost, moram da vas obavestim da mi u Casino Guru-u nismo u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo u vezi sa žalbama u vezi sa propisima i politikama licenciranja. Iako razumem vašu poentu, mi nismo u poziciji da vam pomognemo kao nezavisna baza podataka kazina na mreži koja deluje kao posrednik u rešavanju sporova sa igračima. Nemamo ovlašćenja da sprovodimo zakonitost pravila.
Sa žaljenjem moram da kažem da u ovom slučaju nismo u mogućnosti da vam pružimo pomoć i ova žalba će biti zatvorena. Hvala na razumevanju.
Dear Samueel23,
I understand that you are frustrated and dissatisfied with the approach of NineCasino. However, we are unable to investigate cases where a player is allowed to open an account in spite of their country being restricted, unless the casino confiscates their winnings as a result. Ideally, the casino should prevent users from restricted countries from accessing their site by using software, rather than simply mentioning it in their Terms and Conditions.
Unfortunately, I must inform you that we at Casino Guru are unable to assist you with complaints related to licensing regulations and policies. While I understand your point, we are not in a position to help you as an independent online casino database that acts as a mediator in resolving player disputes. We have no authority to enforce the legality of rules.
I regret to say that in this instance, we are unable to provide you with assistance, and this complaint will be closed. Thank you for your understanding.
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