Osvojio sam 200$, uplatio sam koristeći svoju master karticu.
Kada sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje koristeći lajtkoin, otkazali su me jer moram da koristim isti metod.
Evo nekoliko tačaka:
1)master kartica NIJE opcija za povlačenje od strane kazina!!!
2) Pošto master kartica nije opcija, izabrao sam litecoin.
3) Ponudio sam im da deponuju putem lajtkoina, tako da mogu da podignem svoj dobitak putem lajtkoina, oni su odbili.
Ukratko, oni nemaju opciju povlačenja koristeći g master karticu i ne žele da povlačim koristeći lajtkoin, čak i ako ponudim da napravim depozit koristeći litecoin.
Toliko sam frustriran da na bilo koji način pokušavaju da me spreče da se povučem.
I did win 200$ ,I did deposit using my master card.
When I submitted my request for withdrawal using litecoin ,they cancelled beacuse I have to same the same method.
Here r few points:
1)master card is NOT an option for withdrawal by the casino!!!
2) Since master card is not an option,I did choose litecoin .
3) I did offer to them to deposit by litecoin,so that I can withdraw my winning by litecoin they refused.
In summary ,they don't have the withdrawal option using g master card and they don't want me to withdraw using litecoin even I offer to make a deposit using litecoin.
I am so frustrated that they try to prevent me from withdrawal by anyhow.
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