Pokušao sam nekoliko puta da rešim ovo putem odgovarajućih kanala bez uspeha. U jednom trenutku mi je korisnička služba rekla da mogu da vrate iznos sa mog kazino naloga, ali sam se onda odjavio sa sistema nakon što sam čekao neko vreme. Kada sam nekoga vratio na ćaskanje, rečeno mi je da ću morati ponovo da pošaljem svoju e-poštu ako se žalba ponovo pojavi i oni će je eskalirati, ali jedini odgovor koji sam ikada dobio je automatizovani odgovor zendeska. Kopiraću i nalepiti im svoje pismo koje sam im poslednje poslao.
E-mail je sledeći:
** Ovo je moj treći put da ovo šaljem vašoj pažnji, odgovorite. Prvo poslato 7. novembra 2023.**
Nedavno sam zatražio povlačenje od 750,00 dolara 6. novembra da bude poslato na moj račun putem e-transfera, što je prestalo da budem uzbuđeno i oduševljeno jer sam rešio mali hitan slučaj za koji su mi bila potrebna sredstva da sprečim da ostanem beskućnik i takođe dovoljno da nadoknadim neke račune . Budući da sam bio oprezan, razgovarao sam sa jednim od vaših agenata za ćaskanje uživo i pitao ih da li mogu da potvrde da je sav novac moj i da na kraju tehnički uopšte nije moj. Bio sam uveren da je to zaista sve moje i to je to. Zatim sam razgovarao sa agentom koji mi je rekao da je moj zahtev ispunjen i da su sredstva poslata na moj bankovni račun i trebalo bi da ih vidim uskoro. Pošto su bili poslati putem etransfera, znao sam da će jutros biti na mom nalogu. Pa sam otišao u banku da ga podignem i nije ga bilo. Tako sam kontaktirao podršku i nakon što me je jedan agent ponovo isključio i odjavio iz aplikacije, mogao sam da razgovaram sa agentom po imenu Morgana koji mi je objasnio šta se sve dogodilo i gde je moj novac sada.
Sada moram da odem do svog stanodavca i da im objasnim da će novac koji sam obećao biti u njegovim rukama u narednih nekoliko dana koji će pokriti ono što dugujem i zaustaviti bilo kakvu radnju iseljenja sa njegove strane više ne postoji jer pogrešnih komunikacija i vaši zaposleni su u suštini u pravu što mi nisu rekli istinu o tome šta se dešavalo.
Ne bih ni u najluđim snovima pomislio da je novac na saldu mog računa za klađenje novac koji sam osvojio i koji sam tražio da bude uplaćen na moj račun. Nisam primio nikakvu komunikaciju dok jutros nisam razgovarao sa agentom koji mi je rekao šta se dešava i proverio sam svoju neželjenu poštu i prijemno sanduče. Da sam bio svestan ove činjenice, ponovo bih poslao novac na podizanje i ne bih nastavio da ga kockam. Samo sam mislio da sam pogrešno zapamtio završni bilans sa kojim sam se odjavio poslednji put kada sam igrao jer sam verovao i rečeno mi je da a) Povukao sam sredstva sa svog računa za klađenje kako bih mogao bezbedno da znam da je novac sa mog računa posegnuti za kockanjem da bih bio siguran da moji računi mogu biti plaćeni i b) Rečeno mi je da je moja transakcija završena kako je traženo i da će novac uskoro biti na mom bankovnom računu.
Verujem da je davanje kompanijama pravične šanse da rade sa mnom kao klijentom na rešavanju onoga što vidim u ovom trenutku samo velika greška nekoliko delova vaših agenata kada sam došao do rukovanja sredstvima i komunikacije o tome šta se zapravo dešavalo sa sredstvima. U dobroj nameri sam verovao da mi vaši zaposleni govore istinu i daju mi prave informacije kako bih mogao da donosim informisane odluke koje bi mogle značajno da promene moj život u budućnosti, a sada sam ostao da izgledam kao idiot i verovatno lažov. Iskreno želim da mi punih 750,00 koje sam očekivao da mi budu prebačeni u skladu sa mojim razgovorima koji su mi prvobitno potvrdili da su poslani na moj račun, što me je navelo da dajem obećanja koja ne mogu da ispunim jer sam verovao da zaposleni nisu hteli da me usmere pogrešno.
Ne želim da idem dalje od ovoga jer se nadam da ćete moći brzo da rešite ovo pitanje između nas i da izbegnete potrebu da ovo dalje idete. Uživao sam igrajući u vašem kazinu i do sada nisam mogao da kažem lošu stvar o svom iskustvu sa vašom kompanijom, ali ovo nije nešto što mogu samo da pustim da klizi i odem od čega, a da se ne osećam kao da su me iskoristili i navikli na kraju me zbuni i prevari da nesvesno iskoristim mnogo manji iznos dobitaka od onoga što mi je rečeno da mogu u potpunosti da povučem.
Matthev Brovn
U suštini, osećam se kao da mi duguju 750 jer mi je rečeno da primam taj iznos i da je već prebačen na moj račun, ali sam shvatio da to možda nije moguće.
I have tried to resolve this through the appropriate channels a few times now with out success. At one point I had a customer service tell me they could credit back my casino account balance the amount but then was logged off the system after waiting some time. When I got someone back on the chat I was told I would have to resend my email if complaint again a second time and they would escalate it but the only response I have ever gotten is an automated zendesk response. I am going to copy and paste my letter to them I sent to them last.
The email is as follows :
** This my 3rd time sending this to your attention please respond. First sent Nov 7 2023**
I recently requested a withdrawal of $750.00 on Nov 6th to be sent to my account via etransfer which went from being excited and thrilled I had solved a small emergency which I required funds to stop myself from being homeless and also enough to catch up on some bills. Being cautious I spoke to one of your live chat agents and asked if they could confirm that all the money was mine and not going to end up being technically not mine at all. I was assured it was indeed all mine and that was that. Then I spoke to an agent that told me that my request had been completed and the funds were sent to my bank account and I should see them there shortly. As they were being sent via etransfer I knew it would being in my account this morning. So I went to the bank to withdrawal it and it wasn’t there. So I contacted support and after one agent yet again disconnecting me and logging me off the application I was able to speak to an Agent Named Morgana who explained to me what had all happened and where my money was now.
I have now got to go to my landlord and explain to them that the money I had promised would be in his hands in the next few days that would shore up what I owed due and would halt any eviction action on his part no longer exists because of miscommunications and your employees basically out right not telling me the truth about what was happening.
I would not have in my wildest dreams thought that money in the balance of my betting account was the money that I had won and had asked to be deposited to my account. I have no received any communication until speaking with the agent this morning that told me what was what was happening and I have checked my spam and inbox. If I was made aware of this fact I would have sent the money again for withdrawal and not continued to gamble it. I just thought I had misremembered the closing balance I had logged off with the last time I had played because I believed and was told that a) I had withdrawn the funds out of my betting account so I could safely know that money was out of my reach for gambling to make sure my bills could be paid and b) I was told that my transaction was completed as requested and that the money would be in my bank account shortly.
I believe in giving companies a fair chance to work with me as a customer to resolve what I can see at the moment is just a very big mistake on several of your agents' parts when I came to the handling of funds and the communication of what was actually happening with the funds. I in good faith believed your employees to be telling me the truth and give me the right information so I could make informed decisions that could alter my life going forward significantly and now I am left looking like an idiot and possibly a liar. I frankly want the full 750.00 that I was expecting to be transferred to me as per my conversations that had originally confirmed to me that it had been sent to my account which led me to making promises I could not keep because I had put faith that your employees were not going to steer me wrong.
I do not wish to take this further than this as I hope you are able to resolve this issue between us quickly and avoid the need to take this any further. I have enjoyed playing on your casino and until now I could not have said a bad thing about my experience with your company but this is not something I can just let slide and walk away from without feeling like I had been taken advantage of and used to ultimately confuse and trick me into unknowingly use the much smaller amount of winnings then I had been told I was able to withdrawal fully.
Matthew Brown
Basically I feel like they owe me the 750 as I had been told I was receiving that amount and it had already been etransfered to my account however I realized that might not be possible.
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