Pročitao sam recenzije za ovaj kazino i osetio sam da bi trebalo da ga isprobam, sada sam imao mnogo sreće na ovom sajtu, međutim kada je u pitanju povlačenje vaših dobitaka ovo je postalo problematično.
Verifikacija je bila veoma spora, trebalo je više od 2 nedelje da se verifikujem i tada sam imao stanje od 5k što mi se činilo veoma sumnjivo
Jednom verifikovana moja povlačenja neće uspeti jer je provajder plaćanja odbio
Morao sam da koristim drugu metodu povlačenja, ali isplate nisu bile obrađene u kazinu u roku od 24 sata i pošto sam bio degen kockar, ponestalo mi je strpljenja i otkazao sam povlačenje i nastavio da gubim svoj dobitak
Depozit je napravljen preko visa debitne kartice, ali nije mogao da se povuče na isti način, ovo je neprihvatljivo
Podrška nema nikakvog znanja o upitima za povlačenje i reći će da će se sarađivati sa svojim finansijskim timom i da će vam se javiti putem e-pošte, nikada nisam dobio ni jednu e-poštu od finansijskog tima
Kao što je pomenuto u postu drugih osoba, bonus u ponudi se ne može iskoristiti jer sam mogao uzeti samo 20% ponovnog punjenja. Nijedan od vikend ili dnevnih specijala nije mi bio dostupan
Većina kazina igrača je iz Južne Afrike, ali ja sam u Evropskoj uniji i sumnjam da van SA postoje ograničenja na račune kojih igrači nisu svesni u vezi sa metodama bonusa i povlačenja
Zato sam zatražio da zatvorim svoj nalog jer nemam poverenja u njihov proces povlačenja i ne mogu da iskoristim njihove ponude bonusa
I read the reviews for this casino and felt I should try it out, now I had a lot of luck on this site however when it came to withdrawing your winnings this became problematic.
Verification was very slow , it took over 2 weeks to get verified and this was when I had a 5 k balance which feels very suspicious to me
Once verified my withdrawals would fail as rejected by the payment provider
I had to use another withdrawal method but the withdrawls where not being processed by the casino within 24 hours and being a degen gambler I ran out of patience and cancelled the withdrawal and proceeded to lose my winnings
The deposit was made via a visa debit card but could not withdraw to the same method, this is unacceptable
Support have zero knowledge of withdrawal queries and will say they will engage with their finance team and they will get back to you via email, I never received one email from the finance team
As mentioned in another persons post the bonus on offer cannot be availed of as I could only take the 20% reload . None of the weekend or daily specials were available to me
Most of the casinos players are from south africa however I in the european union and I suspect that outside of SA there are restrictions placed on the accounts that players are not aware of in relation to bonus and withdrawal methods
So I have requested to close my account as I do not trust their withdrawal process and cannot avail of their bonus offerings