Postali su njihov takozvani VIP igrač, ali su odbili da me verifikuje tražeći dokumente koje ja, kao igrač iz Švedske, ne mogu da pružim. Ako planirate da igrate ovde, pobrinite se da vas verifikuju PRE bilo kakvog depozita. Ne mogu da preporučim igranje ovde zbog ovog nepravednog tretmana (a ja sam bio VIP... pitam se kakav tretman imaju "normalni" igrači..)
Became their so called VIP-player but they refused to verify me, asking for documents that i, as a player from Sweden, cant provide. If youre planning on playing here, see to that they verify you BEFORE any deposits. Cant recommend playing here due to this unfair treatment( and i was a VIP…wonder what treatment "normal" players get..)