Registrovao sam se u ovom novom za mene kazinu ne odmah po izlasku, već pre par dana. Nije bilo problema sa registracijom, hteo sam odmah da predam dokumente za verifikaciju računa, ali kada sam komunicirao sa podrškom, ispostavilo se da će to možda biti potrebno prilikom povlačenja sredstava. Prvi depozit je napravljen pod bonusom dobrodošlice, novac je kreditiran odmah. Prvi put nisam uspeo da osvojim ovaj kazino, ali sa drugim depozitom imao sam sreće da osvojim mali iznos, slotovi igraju prilično dobro, bonusi su izbačeni. Uvek uzimam bonuse dobrodošlice, pošto je ovo dodatna šansa za pobedu, i ovde su oni veoma dobri, ali ih ne dobijam uvek, plus opklada na njih je pristojna. Naravno, bio sam zadovoljan što bonusi nisu lepljivi. Uzgred, osvojio sam promociju bez depozita sa malom opkladom sa strimera, odvrnuo sam je, ali nisam mogao da je povučem. Generalno, prvi utisak o kazinu je do sada dobar, neka tako i ostane, ali za sada gledamo. Ovom kazinu nisu potrebne preporuke, veoma je dobro reklamiran.
I registered in this new casino for me not immediately after the exit, but a couple of days ago. There were no problems with registration, I wanted to immediately submit documents for account verification, but when communicating with support, it turned out that it may be required when withdrawing funds. The first deposit was made under the welcome bonus, the money was credited instantly. The first time I did not manage to conquer this casino, but with the second deposit I was lucky to win a small amount, the slots play pretty well, bonuses are knocked out. I always take welcome bonuses, since this is an additional chance to win, and here they are very good, but I do not always win them back, plus the wager on them is decent. Naturally, I was pleased that the bonuses are not sticky. By the way, I won a no deposit promo with a small wager from a streamer, I unscrewed it, but I could not withdraw it. In general, the first impression of the casino is good so far, let it remain so, but we are watching for now. This casino does not need recommendations, it is very well advertised.