Dobro jutro.
Moje ime je Džordž.
Danas sam napravio nalog u Robi Casinu sa sledećom adresom e-pošte:
Moja registracija je napravljena sa bonus kodom:
FROSTIROBI25, koji je dao 100% iznosa depozita i 1000 besplatnih okretaja.
Nakon što sam završio registraciju, nastavio sam sa uplatom 20 €, kao što možete videti na drugom snimku ekrana.
Kada je depozit završen, primetio sam da ni 100% nije kreditirano ni 1000 besplatnih okretaja, što bi dalo 100 besplatnih okretaja/dan.
Dakle, u četovanju istog sajta tražio sam da mi se pripiše ono što je sam sajt rekao. Iz razgovora se pokazalo da su me konačno prevarili govoreći mi da ova ponuda ne postoji, iako je pored mene bio prijatelj koji je tu ponudu već dobio.
Pokušao sam ponovo da se registrujem, sa drugom e-poštom i istim bonus kodom, i ponovo je na sajtu pisalo: 100% bonus kapitala i 1000 besplatnih okretaja.
Vratio sam se na razgovor u njihovoj sobi za ćaskanje i ovaj put su odbili, ali ovaj put su nasilno zatvorili razgovor.
U trećem razgovoru u chatu, kada sam tražio obećano, rekli su mi da su dodali 20€ bonusa od registracije, pretpostavio sam da je problem rešen. Ali to nije bilo rešeno, jer kada je ponestalo pravog novca i bonusa i kada sam ponovo tražio 1000 besplatnih okretaja, dodali su mi samo 20.
Ovo je javno ruganje.
Citiram snimke ekrana koje sam i njima poslao, jer su to tražili od mene, kao i naše razgovore.
Molim vas recite mi kako mogu da rešim svoj problem.

Good morning.
My name is George.
Today, I made an account at Roby Casino with the following email address:
My registration was made with the bonus code:
FROSTYROBY25, which gave 100% of the deposit amount and 1000 freespins.
After completing the registration, I proceeded to deposit €20, as you can see in the second screenshot.
When the deposit was completed, I noticed that neither the 100% had been credited nor the 1000 freespins, which would give 100freespins/day.
So, in the chat of the same site, I asked to be credited with what the site itself said. From the conversation it emerged that they had finally fooled me, telling me that this offer did not exist, even though there was a friend of mine next to me who had already received this offer.
So I tried to register again, with another email and the same bonus code, and again the site said: 100% bonus capital and 1000 free spins.
I returned to the conversation in their chatroom and this time they refused, this time however closing the conversation violently.
In the third conversation in the chat, when I asked for the promised, they told me that they added a 20€ bonus from registration, I assumed that the problem was solved. But it had not been solved, because when the real money and the bonus ran out and I asked again for the 1000 free spins, they only credited me 20.
This is public mockery.
I am quoting the screenshots, which I have also sent to them, because they asked me to, as well as our conversations.
Please tell me how I can solve my problem.

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