prvo sam mislio da ste ipak zatvorili slučaj
Kontaktirao sam nadležne organe za igre na sreću i oni vide moju poentu kako i zašto ne kazino još uvek nije uspostavio kontakt sa mnom!
drugo, mislio sam da zatvorite slučaj jer sam pokušao da dodam još dokaza i da kažem više, ali sam dobio poruku da je blizu ALI sada je otvoreno ohhhh !!! Da li je to pošteno NE
E sad šta je cela ova priča da se zbuni žalba!!! Prešli smo sve ovo i vi ste se složili !!!
nije mnogo, ali čak i ako odaberemo poslednji keš nazad ne ne svih 10% na poslednji kripto depozit, ali bi trebalo da bude više od 10%, ali čak i 10% me je prekratio !!!
opet zašto kazino NEĆE KONTAKTIRATI IGRAJU ZAŠTO ZAŠTO ZA BOGA ZA BOGA ZAŠTO SAM TAKO PREKO OVOG SAJTA KAKO MOJA DOZIRANjE IGRAČU TREBA DA DOKAZU DA JE TAMO SMELjIV I NIJE BRIGA ! I uzmi ti novac obećaj ti više i daću ti ono što žele i povrh toga da se osećaš kao đubre!!!
Ne, u stvari me je usko dupe čak iseklo na 10%
Imam dogovor i e-poruke da to dokažem ako bonus keš povraćaj ne bi kladio na ograničenje okretanja ako je 7,50$ i Ron am to vratio zašto?
zašto me neće kontaktirati Zašto?
svaki put kada ski odgovori ovde je tako otvoren odgovor i pametan i promenljiv…. Ali hej, pogrešili su u principu, ne, nisu dali 10%, ali ovo nije bio moj problem, moj problem je više i cela ova žalba se razlikovala od celog pitanja mog domaćina!! Pa Ski Crovn pitam te ovo ko je moj domaćin i ako odgovoriš Ron ! Pa zašto neće da komunicira i odgovori na moj zahtev? Zašto, sve dok dugo kažete, kontaktirajte Rona koji ste domaćini za pomoć i kada to učinite zašto je naterao da ne odgovori na pitanje koje postavljate! Hrpa lopova!!!
bonus termin lol vaše upućivanje da znam gde su !! A kada uđete u svoje opšte stanje tog bonusa njegovo stanje
8. Igrači sa visokom stopom bonusa (5-9 depozita, 70% bonusa; 10 ili više depozita, 50% bonus stope) ne ispunjavaju uslove za dodatne bonus ponude.
tako da radije neću da vam uzimam mrvice od 10% i da imate ono što promocija kaže .. ali ne vi panduri i menjaj se kad hoćeš !
sada dokaz o depozitu i bonusu, ali ne, nisam dobio 10% ali bi u svakom slučaju trebalo da bude više !!!! Ja sam na nivou 9 prema timovima na kripto-u bi trebalo da bude 50% ali opet su uradili čak i potpuno punjenje thv 10% !!!
uradili su još mnogo toga, ali hajde da se fokusiramo na poslednje, jer posle ovoga više neću da odgovaram na ovo samo da bih dokazao koliko je nepošteno i imaju još toliko vremena da smisle priču!!o poslednjem depozitu u urađenom iznosu!! 3 USDT of
depozit 137 USD + 242 USD + 112 USD ukupan USD = 491 USD sada kažu 10%, ali kažu da bi trebalo da bude 50%, ali na 10% je 49,1 USDt
Dobio sam 11,22 USDt !!!!!! Sada nije poenta da izražavam zašto neće da komuniciraju jer postoji nepoštovanje!! Ok !!
Ja se dokazujem svaki put na ovoj žalbi. Nadam se svim članovima da se konačno slažete i da prestanete da pokušavate da im date korist od sumnje!!!! Dosta !!!!! Kazino guru dosta je !! Neću odgovoriti tamo, jasno da me niste kontaktirali od novembra, a rekli su mi krajem decembra 2023. 5 puta da hoće. Neću gubiti vreme sa nepoštenim kazinom koji sam potrošio preko 100 hiljada dolara da bi me tretirali kao prljavštinu i kao da sam ja. m the issue !! Zaboga oni ne mogu da komuniciraju zamislite da ako igrač osvoji džekpot oni jednostavno neće da komuniciraju i u mojim očima je tako nisko !!!
Imam novac koji mi ne treba tamo da podelim ovo je bila u potpunosti pritužba na Rona, ali njih nije baš briga pa sam ovo preneo nadležnim organima za igre i sada ću promovisati ove laži na drugim oblicima. Imam dosta novca, zapravo sam bogat. Ovo je bilo samo glavno da se pokaže koliko je nepošten taj kazino odvratan.!! opet neću više odgovarati jer sve što sam uradio je dokazano iz vremena na vreme koliko greše i sve što rade je da pošalju e-poštu govoreći bla bla bla bla bla da nema nikakvog smisla i onda rade odbacivanje , oni samo rade bacanja treba da se nazivaju nebo bacanje kazino ne nebo kruna

first I thought you had closed the case nevertheless
I have contacted the gaming authorities and they see my point how and why not the casino still has not made contact with me !
secondly I thought you close the case because I tried to add more evidence and say more but I got a message saying it’s close BUT now is open ohhhh !!! Is that fair NO
Now what this whole story is to confuse the complaint!!! We gone over all this and you agreed !!!
its no much but even if we pick the last cash back no not all the 10% on the last crypto deposit but it should be more then 10% but even the 10% the g short cut me !!!
again why will the casino NOT CONTACT A PLAY WHY WHY WHY FOR GOD SAKES WHY IM SO OVER EVEN THIS SITE HOW MYCH DOSE A PLAYEER NEED TO PROVE THAT THERE A SHIFTY AND DO NOT CARE ! And take you money promise you more and give you what thaey want and on top make you feel like garbage!!!
No actually the tight ass even cut me on the 10%
I have a deal and emails to prove it if that the bonus cash back would have not bet spin cap restriction if $7.50 and Ron am has added that back why ?
why will they not contact me Why?
every time sky replied here is so open reply and smart and shifty …. But hey they got this wrong on principle no they did not give the 10% but this was not my issue my issue are more and this whole complaint has difed away from the whole issue of my host!! So Sky crown I ask you this whom is my Host and if you answer Ron ! Well why will he not communicate and answer my request? Why as so as you long on your say contact Ron you host for assistance and when you do why made he not answer the question you ask! Bunch of crooks !!!
bonus term lol your referring yes I know where they are !! And when you go into your general condition of that bonus its state
8. Players with a high Bonus rate (5-9 deposits, 70% Bonus rate; 10 or more deposits, 50% Bonus rate) are not eligible for additional bonus offers.
so I rather not take you crumbs of 10% and have what the promotion says .. but no you cop and chang when you like !
now evidence of the deposit and the bonus but no I did not get the 10% but it should be more anyhow !!!! I’m on level 9 as per the teams on crypto should be 50% but again they did even full fill thw 10% !!!
they so much more there done but let’s just focus on the last one because after this I’m not going to reply to this anymore just to prove how dishonest and they have add so much time to come up story!!on last deposit in made 3 USDT of of
deposit $137 USdt + $242 USdt + $112 USdt total USdt = $491 now they say 10% but is say should be 50% but at 10% is $49.1 USDt
I received $11.22 USDt !!!!!! Now it not the point I expressing why will they not communicate because there disrespectful !! Ok !!
I prove my self time after time on this complaint I hope on all member that you finally agree and stop trying to give them the benefit of the doubt!!!! Enough enough!!!!! Casino guru enough is enough !! I will not reply there clearly not contacting me since November and they said in late Dec 2023 5 time they will I will not waste my time with a dishonest, disrespectful casino that I have spent over $100k to be treated like dirt and like I’m the issue !! god sake they can’t communicate imagine if a player won a jackpot they just will not communicate and in my eyes the low so low !!!
I have money I don’t need there hand out this was entirely a complaint about Ron but they don’t really care so I’ve escalated this to the gaming authority and now I’ll be promoting this lies on other forms. I’ve got plenty of money I’m actually rich. This was just principal to just show how dishonest that casino is disgusting.!! again I will not be replying any more because all I’ve done is proven proven time after time how wrong they are and all they do is they send an email saying blah blah blah blah blah blah not making no sense whatsoever and then doing throw offs , they just do throw offs should be called sky throw casino not sky crown

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