NAPOMENA - iznos spora je - 50 besplatnih okretaja
Subotnji bonus na ovoj veb stranici navodi - Možete dobiti 50 FS na svaki depozit koji napravite u subotu koristeći kod SAT. Min. depozit je 35 AUD. U uslovima i odredbama stoji da - Možete dobiti 50 FS na svaki depozit koji napravite u subotu.
Dana 25.1.25. napravio sam dva depozita od 35 dolara. Prvi depozit, dobio sam svojih 50 besplatnih okretaja. Na drugom depozitu, iako sam uneo kod, nisam dobio 50 besplatnih okretaja. Odmah sam kontaktirao podršku tražeći da poprave ovu grešku. Na ovo mi je odgovorila da dobijam samo jedan bonus dnevno. Tvrdio sam jer to nije ono što piše u bonusu. Tada mi nije dala moje besplatne okrete i rekla mi je da će to razmotriti i da moram da se vratim kasnije da vidim da li je to rešeno. Vratio sam se i problem nije bio rešen. Bilo je 'eskalirano'. Ovo se nastavilo 3 nedelje. Prijavljivao sam se svakih 1-3 dana. Niko mi nije mogao dati odgovore. Danas, 25.13.2025., proverio sam, konačno, pokazao nekome uslove, na koje su se složili sa mnom da sam u stvari u pravu. Zatim je otišla i proverila moj nalog i odbila da mi da besplatne obrtaje jer ih nisam odmah tražio. Pokazao sam joj snimke ekrana na kojima sam odmah tog dana pitao damu i bio odbijen. Zatim je izjavila da ne može da mi da taj bonus danas i da moram da se vratim i rešim problem u subotu. Nije mogla da mi da bonus na koji sam imao pravo, ali ga nikada nisam dobio 25.1.25. jer nije bila subota. Ovo je smešno u ovom trenutku. Ne poznaju pravila ili uslove i odredbe. Znam više od njih. Ne postoji način da se razgovara sa bilo kim višim ili da se konflikt reši ili pozabavi. Znam da nije mnogo, ali koliko ljudi to rade?
NOTE - dispute amount is - 50 Free Spins
Saturday Bonus on this website states - You can get 50 FS on each deposit you make on Saturday using code SAT. Min deposit is $35 AUD. In the terms & conditions it states that - You can get 50 FS on each deposit you make on Saturday.
On 25/1/25, I made two deposits of $35. The first deposit, I received my 50 free spins. On the second deposit, even though I entered the code, I did not receive the 50 free spins. I contacted support immediately requesting they fix this error. To this, she responded that I only get one bonus per day. I argued as that’s not what the bonus wording states. She then would not give me my free spins & told me she would look into it & I needed to come back later to see if it was resolved. I came back & issue was not resolved. It had been ‘escalated’. This continued for 3 weeks. I checked in every 1-3 days. No one could give me answers. Today 13/2/25, I checked, finally, I showed someone the terms & conditions, to which they agreed with me that I was in fact correct. She then went & checked my account & refused to give me the free spins because i didn’t ask for them immediately. I showed her the screenshots where I asked the lady immediately that day & was denied. She then stated that she could not give me that bonus today & id need to come back & get the issue resolved on a Saturday. She could not give me the bonus that I was entitled to but never received on the 25/1/25 because it was not a Saturday. This is just ridiculous at this point. They do not know the rules or terms & conditions. I know more than them. There is no way to speak to anyone higher or to get the conflict resolved or dealt with. I know it’s not a lot but how many people are they doing this to?
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