Upravo sam primio ovu e-poštu. Utičnica je i dalje u "na čekanju", ali odjednom izgleda svetlije. Hvala na pomoći! 👍👍
Odlične vesti - vaš nalog je verifikovan od strane našeg finansijskog odeljenja!
Hvala vam što ste dali sve podatke i dokumente.
Sada možete da uplaćujete depozite i povlačite dobitke bez potrebe da prolazite kroz bilo kakve dodatne procedure verifikacije podataka. Čestitam!
I just received this email. The outlet is still in "pending mode", but it suddenly looks brighter. Thanks for your help! 👍👍
Great news - your account has been verified by our Finance Department!
Thank you for providing all the data and documents.
You can now make deposits and withdraw winnings without having to go through any additional data verification procedures. Congratulations!
Jag fick detta mejl nyss. Uttaget är fortfarande i "pending mode" men det ser ju ljusare ut plötsligt. Tack för er hjälp! 👍👍
Great news - your account has been verified by our Finance Department!
Thank you for providing all the data and documents.
You can now make deposits and withdraw winnings without having to go through any additional data verification procedures. Congratulations!
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