NaslovnaPritužbeSpace Casino - Dobici igrača su zadržani i njegov račun je zaključan.
Space Casino - Dobici igrača su zadržani i njegov račun je zaključan.
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Space Casino
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Kazina sa visokim indeksom sigurnosti obično imaju veliki broj posetilaca i mali broj nerešenih pritužbi. Igrači mogu očekivati da će igrati sigurno i da će prema njima dobro postupati u kazinima sa visokim indeksom sigurnosti.
Nije rešeno : 18/10/2024
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Čekanje odluke regulatora
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pre 2 nedelja
The player from Peru had deposited money at an online casino and won a substantial amount. When he tried to withdraw his winnings, the casino had demanded additional documents and subsequently locked his account. Despite having submitted the requested documents, the player's account had remained locked. The casino had ended their relationship with the player, confiscating his winnings without providing a clear reason. The player had only played live casino games and insisted he complied with all the casino's terms and conditions. We had contacted the casino for clarification but they advised the player to file a complaint with the official Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service. The player had since done so and the complaint was then awaiting a decision from the regulator.
Igrač iz Perua je deponovao novac u onlajn kazinu i osvojio znatan iznos. Kada je pokušao da podigne svoj dobitak, kazino je zatražio dodatne dokumente i nakon toga zaključao njegov račun. Uprkos podnošenju traženih dokumenata, račun igrača je ostao zaključan. Kazino je prekinuo vezu sa igračem, zaplenivši mu dobitak bez navođenja jasnog razloga. Igrač je igrao samo kazino igre uživo i insistirao je da se pridržava svih uslova i odredbi kazina. Kontaktirali smo kazino za pojašnjenje, ali su oni savetovali igrača da podnese žalbu zvaničnoj službi za alternativno rešavanje sporova (ADR). Igrač je od tada to učinio i žalba je tada čekala odluku regulatora.
Moje ime je Federiko RG 3. februara sam položio 10 hiljada PEN-a.Isti dan sam dostigao stanje od 43 hiljade PEN-a zbog bogatstva koje sam imao u igrama koje nude. Za ovo je već prošao proveru identiteta i adrese. Kada sam pokušao da podignem 20 hiljada PEN-a, pisali su mi i tražili izvod iz banke jer snimci ekrana nisu bili dovoljni. Da bi to uradili, zatvorili su pristup mom nalogu (što mi se činilo čudnim, pošto mi se to nikada nije desilo ni u jednoj drugoj kladionici)
Nastavio sam da pošaljem svu traženu dokumentaciju koju sam mogao da dobijem (pošto je bila nedelja i moja banka nije radila). Tokom nedelje sam poslao još dokumenata jer mi je služba za korisnike rekla da će me kontaktirati, ali to nije bio slučaj. Pitao sam da li bi bilo korisno poslati još dokumenata i rekli su da. Pošaljite dokument iz banke u kojoj im je otišao samo depozit. Cele nedelje sam čekao odgovor i u petak, 9. februara, rekli su mi da zatvaraju komercijalne veze sa mnom. U ovom trenutku sam završio krajnje uznemiren, jer sam im verovao, položio svoj novac i rizikovao da dobijem ili izgubim, ali sam pobedio. Odgovor nije jasan, šalju me da pregledam Uslove. Treba mi rešenje za ovu situaciju, ja sam običan građanin koji je imao sreće. Verujem da ćete moći da pružite rešenje za moj problem i ako vam zatrebaju dodatni dokumenti mogu da vam ga pružim. Hvala vam
Good morning,
My name is Federico RG On February 3, I deposited 10 thousand PEN. That same day I reached a balance of 43 thousand PEN due to the fortune I had in the games they offer. For this, he had already passed the identity and address validation. It was when I tried to withdraw 20 thousand PEN that they wrote to me and requested my bank statement since the screenshots were not enough. To do this, they closed access to my account (which seemed strange to me, since it had never happened to me with any other betting house)
I proceeded to send all the documentation requested and that I could obtain (since it was a Sunday and my bank was not working). Over the course of the week I sent more documents because customer service told me that they were going to contact me but that was not the case. I asked if it would be useful to send more documents and they said yes. Send a document from the bank where only the deposit went to them. I waited all week for a response and on Friday, February 9, they told me that they were closing commercial ties with me. At this point I have ended up extremely dismayed, because I trusted them, deposited my money and ran the risk of winning or losing but I won. The answer is not clear, they send me to review the Terms and Conditions. I need a solution to this situation, I am an ordinary citizen who was lucky. I trust that you will be able to provide a solution to my issue and if you need any additional documents I can provide it. Thank you
Buenos días,
Mi nombre es Federico R. G. El día 3 de Febrero deposité 10 mil PEN ese mismo día llegué a tener mi saldo en 43 mil PEN por la fortuna que tuve en los juegos que ellos ofrecen. Para ello ya había pasado la validación de identidad y dirección. Fue cuando traté de retirar 20 mil PEN que me escribieron y solicitaron mi extracto bancario ya que los screenshot no eran suficientes. Para ello cerraron el acceso a mi cuenta (cosa que me pareció extraña, ya que nunca me había pasado con ninguna otra casa de Apuesta)
Procedí a mandar toda la documentación solicitada y que podía conseguir (ya que era un día Domingo y mi banco no trabajaba). En el transcurso de la semana mandé más documentos por que el servicio al cliente me decía que ya se iban a comunicar conmigo pero no era el caso. Pregunté si servía mandar más documentos y me dijeron que sí. Mande un documento del banco donde salía únicamente el depósito hacia ellos. Espere toda la semana para una respuesta y el día Viernes 9 de Febrero me dijeron que cerraban lazos comerciales conmigo. A esto yo he terminado súmamente consternado, por que confié en elllos, deposité mi dinero y corrí el riesgo de ganar o perder pero gané. La respuesta no es clara me mandan a que revise los Terminos y Condiciones. Necesito una solución a esta situación soy un ciudadano comun y corriente que tuve suerte. Confío en que podrán darle una solución a mi tema y si necesitan algún documento adicional lo puedo proporcionar. Gracias
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa Space Casino-om. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih se uverio da potpuno razumem vašu situaciju.
Da li su svi vaši dokumenti odobreni i verifikovani od strane kazina?
Možete li ljubazno da navedete koje vrste igrica ste igrali? Da li su to bili slotovi, kazino igre uživo ili ste učestvovali u sportskom klađenju?
Da li ste dobili neko bliže objašnjenje zašto je vaš nalog zatvoren?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear frgimagen,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with Space Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few questions to make sure I understand your situation completely.
Have all your documents been approved and verified by the casino?
Could you kindly specify what types of games you played? Was it slots, live casino games, or did you participate in sports betting?
Have you received any closer explanation as to why your account was closed?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Prvo su potvrdili moj lični dokument i potvrdu o mojoj adresi. Kada sam zatražio da podignem deo svog stanja, tražili su mi bankovne dokumente i istovremeno su mi zatvorili pristup računu. Ovo mi se nikada nije desilo sa drugim kockarnicama; Generalno, određene funkcije su ograničene dok se ne reši verifikacija, ali pristup nije zatvoren dok se rešavaju bankovni dokumenti, što mi se činilo preteranim.
U odgovoru na Vaše pitanje, jedino što je preostalo je da neko odeljenje overi moju bankovnu dokumentaciju, ali je trebalo neko vreme da mi daju odgovor do poznatog ishoda. Poslao sam im izvod iz banke, bankovne transakcije, detalje iz moje banke o depozitu, formalni dokaz moje banke da račun pripada meni i sve što je moguće da povratim pristup svom računu.
Igrao sam samo u kazinu uživo.
Što se tiče vašeg objašnjenja, ono je bilo veoma široko i vi mi ne ukazujete na detalje u poglavlju 3.5 vaših Odredbi i uslova, gde ja nisam kriv prema vašim smernicama. Moj način postupanja je bio legalan i u skladu sa svime što je tamo navedeno. Nikada nisu tražili od mene dodatne stvari; Ja sam poslao dodatne informacije kako bi detalji bili jasniji i pomogao u procesu verifikacije. Njihov konačni odgovor je bio vrlo nejasan i bez ikakvih detalja (prekidanje našeg poslovnog odnosa i konfiskacija mog novca prema njihovim uslovima 3.5).
Imam transkript mojih razgovora sa korisničkom službom gde mi ne daju nikakvo rešenje i traže da nastavim da čekam bankovnu verifikaciju i gde mi potvrđuju stanje koje sam imao ali mi je nalog suspendovan.
Hello Veronika,
In the first instance, they validated my Identity Document and my receipt to confirm my address. When I requested to withdraw a part of my balance, they asked me for bank documents and at the same time they closed my access to the account. This has never happened to me with other casinos; Generally, certain functions are restricted until verification is resolved, but access is not closed while the bank documents are resolved, which seemed excessive to me.
In answer to your question, the only thing left was for a department to validate my banking documents, but they took a while to give me an answer until reaching the known outcome. I sent bank statement, bank transactions, a detail from my bank about the deposit to them, a formal proof issued by my bank that the account belongs to me and everything possible to regain access to my account.
I only played in the Live Casino.
As for your explanation, it has been very broad and you point out no detail to me in chapter 3.5 of your Terms and Conditions, where I am not at fault according to your guidelines. My way of acting was legal and in compliance with everything mentioned there. They never asked me for additional things; I was the one who sent additional information to make the details clearer and help with your verification process. Their final response was very vague and without any details (the severing of our business relationship and the confiscation of my money according to their terms and conditions 3.5).
I have a transcript of my conversations with customer service where they do not give me any solution and ask me to continue waiting for the bank verification, and where they confirm the balance I had but my account was suspended from access.
Hola Veronika,
En una primera instancia, validaron mi Documento de Identidad y mi recibo para confirmar mi dirección. Cuando solicité retirar una parte de mi saldo, me pidieron documentos bancarios y, al mismo tiempo, cerraron mi acceso a la cuenta. Esto nunca me había sucedido con otros casinos; por lo general, se restringe ciertas funciones hasta resolver la verificación, pero no se cierra el acceso mientras se resuelve lo de los documentos bancarios, lo cual me pareció excesivo.
Respondiendo a tu pregunta, solo quedaba pendiente que un departamento validara mis documentos bancarios, pero demoraban en darme una respuesta hasta llegar al desenlace conocido. Envié extracto bancario, movimientos bancarios, un detalle por mi banco sobre el depósito a ellos, una constancia formal emitida por mi banco que la cuenta me pertenece y todo lo posible para recuperar el acceso a mi cuenta.
Únicamente jugué en el Casino en Vivo.
En cuanto a su explicación, ha sido muy amplia y ningún detalle me señala en el capítulo 3.5 de sus Términos y Condiciones, donde no estoy en falta según sus directrises. Mi forma de actuar fue legal y en cumplimiento con todo lo mencionado allí. Nunca me pidieron cosas adicionales; fui yo quien envió información adicional para hacerles más claros los detalles y ayudar en su proceso de verificación. Su respuesta final fue muy vaga y sin ningún detalle (el corte de nuestra relación comercial y la confiscación de mi dinero de acuerdo a sus terminos y condiciones 3.5).
Tengo transcripción de mis conversaciones con servicio al cliente en donde no me dan solución alguna y me piden que siga esperando la verificación bancaria, y en donde confirman el saldo que tenía pero mi cuenta estaba suspendida de acceso.
Zdravo Veronika, hvala vam puno unapred. Evo dve kladionice (Marathon Bet i Bet Safe) u kojima bez problema odobravaju moju verifikaciju i gde sam bez problema imao depozite i isplate. U stvari, na Marathon Bet-u sam napravio povlačenje i stiglo je danas.
Hello Veronika, thank you very much in advance. Here are two Betting Houses (Marathon Bet and Bet Safe) where they approve my verification without any problem and where I have had deposits and withdrawals without any problem. In fact at Marathon Bet I made a withdrawal and it arrived today.
Hola Veronika, muchas gracias de antemano. Aqui dos Casas de Apuestas(Marathon Bet y Bet Safe) donde aprueban mi verificación sin ningún problema y donde he tenido depósitos y retiros sin ningún problema. De hecho en Marathon Bet hice un retiro y llegó hoy.
Hvala vam puno, frgimagen, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, frgimagen, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hvala vam frgimagen što ste nam pružili sve informacije. Nadam se da ćemo zajedno uspeti da rešimo ovaj problem.
Sada bih zamolio Space Casino za njihovu pomoć u rešavanju ove žalbe. Želeli bismo da znamo zašto su igraču konfiskovana sredstva i blokiran račun.
Hvala vam!
Hello there,
Thank you frgimagen for providing us with all the information. I hope we'll be able to resolve this issue together.
I would now like to ask Space Casino for their help in resolving this complaint. We would like to know why were the player's funds confiscated and account blocked.
Hvala puno Petre! Nadam se da se to može rešiti na pošten način. Ne tražim ništa što druge kladionice nisu ispunile ili trenutno ispunjavaju sa mnom. Dobar dan
Thank you very much Peter! I hope it can be resolved in a fair way. I am not asking for anything that other bookmakers have not fulfilled or currently fulfill with me. Good day
Muchas gracias Peter! Espero que se pueda resolver de una manera justa. No estoy pidiendo nada que otras Casas de Apuestas no hayan cumplido o cumplan conmigo en la actualidad. Buen día
Poštovani frgimagen , bio sam u kontaktu sa predstavnikom kazina i nažalost, oni nisu u mogućnosti da direktno razgovaraju o žalbi sa nama. Preporučili su vam da podnesete žalbu zvaničnom ADR-u i ja se slažem. Možete kontaktirati EADR – servis za alternativno rešavanje sporova ( ) i podneti im žalbu. Sarađuje sa Upravi za igre na sreću i ima bolje opcije i alate za pomoć igračima. Sledeći korak bi bio kontaktiranje same Malteške uprave za igre na sreću ( ). Obavestite me ako vam treba pomoć oko popunjavanja obrasca ili kako je ADR reagovao. Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nisam mogao biti od veće pomoći.
Dear frgimagen, I was in contact with a casino representative and unfortunately, they are not able to discuss the complaint with us directly. They have recommended you file a complaint to the official ADR and I agree. You can contact the EADR – an alternative dispute resolution service ( and submit a complaint to them. It collaborates with the Gaming Authority and has better options and tools to help players. The next step would be contacting the Malta Gaming Authority itself ( Please let me know if you need help with filling out the form or how the ADR responded. I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Hvala puno Petre, Space Casino me tretira kao da sam počinio neki zločin ili prekršaj koji nisam učinio. Proveo sam istu dinamiku kao i kod drugih onlajn kazina sa kojima trenutno igram i nemam problema. Nedostatak jasnoće i tajnosti sa kojima mi odgovaraju isto je kao i vama. Ali najvažnije je da ne kažu da se to upravo dogodilo.
Nažalost, sa malo nade i veoma iscrpljen čitavim ovim iskustvom, savetujem da niko ne prođe kroz ovo kao ja, da moje iskustvo posluži kao primer i da ne koristim Space Casino. Da li ću ići u ove institucije, prvo EADR, a zatim Malta Gaming Authoriti, ili paralelno? Dobar dan
Thank you very much Peter, Space Casino treats me as if I had committed some crime or misdemeanor that I have not done. I have carried out the same dynamics as with other Online Casinos that I currently play with and I have no problems. The lack of clarity and secrecy with which they respond to me is the same as it does to you. But the most important thing is that they do not say that it was exactly what happened.
Unfortunately, with low hope and very worn out by this whole experience, I advise that no one goes through this like me, that my experience serves as an example and not to use Space Casino. Will I go to these institutions, first EADR and then the Malta Gaming Authority, or in parallel? Good day
Muchas gracias Peter, Space Casino tiene un trato conmigo como si hubiera cometido algún delito o falta cosa que no he hecho. He realizado la misma dinámica que con otros Casino Online con los que juego actualmente y no tengo ningún problema. La falta de claridad y hermetismo con que me responden es igual que a ti. Pero lo más importante no dicen que fue puntualmente lo sucedido.
Lamentablemente con baja esperanza y muy desgastado por toda esta experiencia, aconsejo a que nadie pase por esto como yo, que mi experiencia sirva de ejemplo y no usen Space Casino. Acudiré a estas instituciones, primero EADR y luego la Autoridad del Juego de Malta, o en paralelo? Buen día
Preporučio bih da počnete sa Evropskim centrom za alternativno rešavanje sporova. Od nekih kazina se zahteva da svoje žalbe rešavaju putem ADR-a zbog svoje licence kao u slučaju Space Casino-a. Obavestite me ako vam treba pomoć oko popunjavanja obrasca ili kako je ADR reagovao. Hvala na saradnji!
I would recommend starting with the European Alternative Dispute Resolution Center. Some casinos are required to resolve their complaints through ADRs due to their license like in the case of Space Casino. Please let me know if you need help with filling out the form or how the ADR responded. Thank you for your cooperation!
Hvala Piter, uradio sam to. Šta god da je rezultat (nemam mnogo nade), igram na različitim platformama dugi niz godina i ovo mi se nikada nije desilo. Nadam se da su ove informacije javne i da niko ne mora da prolazi kroz ono kroz šta sam ja prošao. Lečenje koje mi je pružio Space Casino i loša vremena, uz emocionalnu iscrpljenost, nikome ne bih poželeo. Bez obzira da li je moj problem rešen ili ne, to stvara nepoverenje u igranje na mreži. Šta mogu da uradim iz Perua? Kada se sve rešava na Malti? ili London? Odavde se osećam bespomoćno i prevareno. Ne koristite ovu platformu. Kako će zadržati vaš depozit? Profit je u ovom trenutku nebitan. Čuvanje depozita je krađa
Thanks Peter, I did that. Whatever the result (I don't have much hope), I have been playing on different platforms for many years and this has never happened to me. I hope this information is public and no one has to go through what I have gone through. The treatment that Space Casino has given me and the bad times, along with the emotional exhaustion, I wouldn't wish on anyone. Whether my issue is resolved or not, it creates distrust in playing online. What can I do from Peru? When everything is handled in Malta? or London? From here I feel helpless and cheated. Do not use this platform. How are they going to keep your deposit? Profits are irrelevant at this point. Keeping your deposit is theft
Gracias Peter, eso hice. Sea cual sea el resultado (que no tengo mucha esperanza), vengo muchos años jugando en distintas plataformas nunca me había pasado esto. Espero que esta información sea publica y nadie tenga que pasar por lo que he pasado yo. El trato que me ha dado Space Casino y lo malos momentos, junto con el desgaste emocional no se lo deseo a nadie. Sea que mi tema se resuelva o no, genera desconfianza en jugar en linea. Que puedo hacer desde Perú?cuando todo se maneja en Malta? o Londres? Desde aquí me siento impotente y estafado. No usen esta plataforma. ¿Cómo se van a quedar con tu depósito? Las ganancias son irrelevantes a estas alturas. Quedarse con tu depósito es robo
Dragi frgimagen , hvala vam na saradnji. Žalbu ću zatvoriti kao „čekanje na odluku regulatora". Obavestite me kako je ADR odgovorio na moju e-poštu. ( ) Žao mi je što nisam mogao biti od veće pomoći ovom prilikom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear frgimagen, thank you for your cooperation. I will close the complaint as "waiting for a decision from the regulator". Please let me know how the ADR responded to my email. ( I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Dragi frgimagen, Nadamo se da ste dobro. Želeli smo da vas informišemo o vašem slučaju koji je prethodno označen sa "Čekajući na regulatora" na našoj stranici. Vaš prigovor je sada automatski otvoren ponovo i želimo da znamo da li je bilo nekih pomaka od naše poslednje komunikacije. Ako je regulatorno telo rešilo vaš prigovor u vašu korist, molimo vas da ažurirate vaš prigovor. Alternativno, ako je odlučeno u korist kazina, feedback je jednako bitan. Razumemo da je određeno vreme prošlo, ali ažuriranje prigovora nam omogućava da preduzmemo određene korake, kao što je davanje negativnih poena za kazino, ili upozoravanje igrača da regulator podržava radnje kazina. Zaista smo zahvalni na vašoj kooperaciji i vaš odgovor bi nam zaista bio značajan. Hvala u napred na vremenu i odgovoru.
Dear frgimagen, We hope this finds you well. We would like to ask you to provide an update regarding this case, which was previously marked as "Waiting for Regulator" on our website. Your complaint has now been automatically reopened, and we are eager to know if there have been any recent developments or resolutions since our last communication. If the ADR or the Licensing Authority has resolved things in your favor, please update the thread and send over the official statement to my email. Alternatively, if the ruling favored the casino, your insights are just as crucial. We understand that some time has passed, but updating your complaint will allow us to take appropriate action, such as issuing black points to the casino in case the ruling is in your favor or warning other players and users about instances where the authority supports the operator. We truly appreciate your cooperation, and your response would be of great assistance to us. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Zdravo Piter, ni centar za rešavanje sporova ni organ za izdavanje dozvola nisu me kontaktirali. Od njihove poslednje komunikacije, Kazino je zatvorio moj račun i zadržao moje depozite, kao i moje dobitke. Bar sam se nadao da će mi vratiti depozite, a ne dobitak. Nadam se da niko neće proći kroz ono što sam ja prošao. Hvala vam na interesovanju da mi pomognete i što ste ponovo otvorili slučaj.
Hi Peter, neither the dispute resolution centre nor the licensing authority have contacted me. Since their last communication, the Casino has closed my account and kept my deposits, as well as my winnings. I at least hoped that they would return my deposits rather than my winnings. I hope that no one goes through what I have gone through. Thank you for your interest in helping me and for reopening the case.
Hola Peter, ni el centro de resolución de conflictos o la autoridad licenciataria se han comunicado conmigo. El Casino desde su última comunicación cerró mi cuenta y se quedó con mis depósitos, tanto como ganancias. Yo al menos tenía la esperanza que me devolvieran mis depósitos mas que mis ganancias. Espero que nadie pase por lo que yo he pasado. Gracias por tu interés en ayudarme y por reabrir el caso.
Dragi frgimagen , žao mi je što čujem za vaše iskustvo, nažalost, niste sami jer je regulator pod kojim kazino funkcioniše ono što smatramo pasivnim. Na sreću, zbog promena u zakonodavstvu u Kurasau počevši od sledeće godine, postojaće novo jedinstveno regulatorno telo kojim će upravljati vlada Kurasaa umesto trećih strana. Preporučio bih da kontaktirate ovog regulatora kada kazino pređe na ovu novu licencu i da ih kontaktirate tamo. Za sada ću ponovo zatvoriti ovu žalbu i kada obrazac za žalbu nove licence bude dostupan, biće ponovo otvoren i pomoći ću vam da ih kontaktirate. Hvala vam na strpljenju tokom ovog vremena!
Dear frgimagen, I'm sorry to hear about your experience, unfortunately, you are not alone as the regulator which the casino operates under is what we consider a passive one. Fortunately, due to changes in the legislature in Curacao beginning next year, there will be a new singular regulatory body operated by the government of Curacao instead of third parties. I would recommend contacting this regulator once the casino moves over to this new license and contact them there. I will close this complaint once again for now and once the new license's complaint form is available it will be reopened and I will assist you in contacting them. Thank you for your patience during this time!
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