Dragi Mihal,
Primili smo ovaj snimak ekrana. Evolution nam je rekao da su dva igrača dala iste opklade na suprotne rezultate utakmice. Evo njihove poruke:
„Sumnjiva aktivnost igrača otkrivena je 31.08.
U nastavku prilažem snimak ekrana koji prikazuje sistem klađenja i strategiju koji se koristi u Opposite klađenju, a koji koriste igrač i njegov saučesnik (Igrač k). Oba igrača klade isti iznos u isto vreme na suprotne opcije."
Izgleda da nam neće dati više detalja ili bilo kakav zvanični dokument, ali uvek možete da ih kontaktirate direktno, da razjasnite da li su ove informacije istinite.

Dear Michal,
We've received this screenshot. Evolution told us, that two players made the same bets on the opposite results of the game. Here is their message:
"Suspicious player activity was detected on 31.08.
Below I attach a screenshot showing the betting system and strategy used in Opposite betting , which is used by the player and his accomplice (Player x). Both players bet the same amount at the same time on opposite options."
Looks like they won't give us more details or any sort of official document, but you can always contact them directly, to clarify if this information is truthful.

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