Draga Petronela
Dobio sam novu poruku "blok tim":
Dragi Korisniče,
Ljubazno vas molimo da nam dostavite snimak ekrana poruke potvrde koja dokazuje transakciju depozita na vaš račun za igre broj *6761. Potvrda plaćanja treba da sadrži datum uplate, datum kada su sredstva zadužena, iznos i ID transakcije.
Moj odgovor:
Kada ćete shvatiti da se ne sećam ovog broja računa? Da li čitate mejlove koje vam šaljem? Ne znam ovaj nalog! Želim da mogu da izvršim isplatu sa računa 83****805 za koji sam uplatio 1750 eur.
Zašto su vam potrebne informacije sa ovog naloga? Da li ste razumeli da mi je ovaj nalog nepoznat!
Smeješ mi se.
Moje stanje na računu 83****805 je 714,31 pošteno osvojeno! Želim svoj dobitak!
Prestanite da me pitate za informacije za račun *6761, nemam informacije o ovom nalogu!
Moguće je imati pravu podršku!
Draga Petronela,
Govorim francuski i ne govorim dobro engleski. Kada će shvatiti da se ne sećam računa *6761 i da sam dobronamerno otvorio tekući račun 832831805.
Ova podrška me iznervira jer imam utisak da čine sve da ne isplate moj dobitak.
Kada će mi zapravo pomoći?
Hvala što pratite.
Dear Petronela
I receive a new message of "block team" :
Dear User,
We kindly ask you to provide us with a screenshot of the confirmation message that proves a deposit transaction to your gaming account № *6761. The payment confirmation should include the date of the payment, the date when the funds were debited, the amount, and the transaction ID.
My response :
When will you understand that I don't remember this account number ? Do you read the emails I send you? I don't know this account ! I want to be able to make a withdrawal from the account 83****805 for which I made 1750 eur deposits.
Why do you need information from this account? Have you understood that this account is unknown to me!
You are laughing at me.
My balance of my account 83****805 is 714,31 honestly won! I want my winnings !
Stop to ask me in formation for the account *6761, I have no information on this account !
It's possible to have a real support !
Dear Petronela,
I am French speaking and I don't speak English well. When will they understand that I have no memory of account *6761 and that I opened my current account 832831805 in good faith.
This support puts me on edge because I have the impression that they are doing everything not to pay my winnings.
When will they actually help me?
Thank you for following.
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