Dragi msheeler86,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za problem na koji ste naišli prilikom povlačenja i razumem vašu frustraciju.
Da biste nam pomogli da istražimo i rešimo ovaj problem, možete li nam objasniti sledeće tačke:
- Možete li da potvrdite da li ste uz svoj depozit dobili bonus ili besplatne okrete ili je to bio depozit bez bonusa?
- Spomenuli ste da ne verujete da ste prekoračili dozvoljeni maksimalni ulog od 7 dolara, da li biste mogli da navedete više detalja o igrama koje ste igrali, postavljenim opkladama i ograničenjima klađenja u ovim igrama?
- Možete li da podelite snimak ekrana ili bilo koju drugu dokumentaciju koja prikazuje istoriju bonusa na vašem nalogu? Ovo će nam pomoći da bolje razumemo situaciju i proverimo uslove povezane sa potencijalnim bonusom.
Vaša saradnja je od ključne važnosti da nam pomognete da napredujemo sa vašim slučajem. Bez ovih informacija, nećemo moći u potpunosti da istražimo problem niti da vam efikasno pomognemo.
Ako imate bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju ili dokumente koji bi mogli pomoći, slobodno mi ih prosledite na petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće.
Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Zbog izuzetno velikog obima pritužbi, molimo za strpljenje. Iako nastojimo da objavimo žalbe u roku od 48 sati, naknadni odgovori mogu da potraju i do 7 dana. Dodeljivanje vaše žalbe rešavaču takođe može da potraje duže, jer trenutno upravljamo sa blizu 1000 žalbi.
Hvala vam na razumevanju. Želimo vam divnu Novu 2025!
Dear msheeler86,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’ve encountered with your withdrawal, and I understand your frustration.
To help us investigate and resolve this matter, could you kindly clarify the following points:
- Could you confirm whether you received any bonus or free spins with your deposit, or was it a deposit with no bonus attached at all?
- You mentioned you don’t believe you exceeded the allowed max bet of $7, could you provide further details about the games you played, the bets placed, and the betting limits in these games?
- Could you share a screenshot or any other documentation showing your bonus history on your account? This will help us better understand the situation and verify the terms associated with any potential bonus.
Your cooperation is crucial in helping us move forward with your case. Without this information, we won’t be able to fully investigate the issue or assist you effectively.
If you have any relevant communication or documents that could help, feel free to forward them to me at petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Due to an exceptionally high volume of complaints, we kindly ask for your patience. While we strive to publish complaints within 48 hours, follow-up responses may take up to 7 days. Assigning your complaint to a resolver might also take longer, as we’re currently managing close to 1,000 complaints.
Thank you for your understanding. Wishing you a wonderful New Year 2025!
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