NaslovnaPritužbeSpinsy Casino - Pristup igrača igrama je blokiran.
Spinsy Casino - Pristup igrača igrama je blokiran.
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Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Greece was unable to access two games they had played using their own money since 5/1/25. Despite following multiple suggestions, including deleting cookies, they remained unable to play, and bonus coins that were supposed to be credited had not been deposited. The Complaints Team attempted to assist by requesting further details and extending the response time for the player. However, the case was currently rejected due to the player's lack of response, preventing any further investigation or solutions.
Igrač iz Grčke nije mogao da pristupi dvema utakmicama koje je igrao sopstvenim novcem od 1.5.25. Uprkos višestrukim sugestijama, uključujući brisanje kolačića, oni nisu mogli da igraju, a bonus novčići koji su trebali da budu kreditirani nisu deponovani. Tim za žalbe je pokušao da pomogne tražeći dodatne detalje i produžavajući vreme odgovora za igrača. Međutim, slučaj je trenutno odbijen zbog nedostatka odgovora igrača, sprečavajući bilo kakvu dalju istragu ili rešenja.
Pokušavam od 1.5.25. da pristupim dvema igricama koje sam igrao,
koristeći svoj novac, a ne od bonusa.
Razgovarao sam sa toliko ljudi o ovom pitanju i svi mi govore isto: da izbrišem kolačiće i pokušam ponovo. Uradio sam ovo, ali nisam mogao da mu pristupim sa računara, telefona ili bilo čega drugog.
Ove dve igre su automatski dodavale bonus novčiće,
koji su imali određene iznose koji nikada nisu završeni jer sam bio odjavljen zbog njihove greške. Imam slike kao dokaz.
Danima sam pokušavao da upotpunim svoj bonus, a on mi ne dozvoljava, a iznosi koji su trebali da budu uplaćeni nikada nisu uplaćeni. Pokušavam od 1.5.25.
I've been trying since 5/1/25 to access two games that I have been playing,
using my own money, not from a bonus.
I have spoken to so many people about this issue, and everyone tells me the same thing: to delete the cookies and try again. I did this, but I couldn't access it from a computer, phone, or anything else.
These two games had bonus coins added automatically,
which had certain amounts that were never completed because I was logged out due to an error on their part. I have pictures as proof.
For days, I've been trying to complete my bonus, and it won't let me, and the amounts that were supposed to be credited have never been deposited. I've been trying since 5/1/25.
Γεια σασ
Προσπαθώ από 5/1/25 να μπω σε 2 παιχνίδι που έπαιζα
Με δικα μου χρήματα και όχι από μπονους
Έχω μιλήσει με τόσους για το θέμα αυτό και όλοι Μ λένε τα ίδια να διαγράψω τα cookies και να ξανά μπω Το έκανα δεν μπήκε ούτε από υπολογιστή ούτε από το κινητό ούτε τιποτα
Στα 2 παιχνίδια αυτά είχε μπει μόνο του μπόνους νομίσματον
Που είχε κάποια πόσα στο οποίο δεν ολοκληρώθηκε ποτέ γιατί με έβγαλε σε σφάλμα από δικό τους προβλημα σασ έχω και φωτογραφίες
Προσπαθώ εδώ και μέρες να μπω να ολοκληρωθεί το μπόνους Μου και δεν μπαίνει και τα ποσά που είχαν βγει δεν μου τα πέρασαν ποτέ από 5/1/25 προσπαθώ
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za poteškoće koje ste imali pri pristupu svojim igrama i rešavanju ovog problema. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja da razjasnim situaciju i da vam dodatno pomognem.
Da li ste naišli na slične probleme sa bilo kojom drugom igrom na platformi ili je to ograničeno na ove dve igre?
Možete li podeliti više detalja o „bonus novčićima" koje ste spomenuli? Da li su ovo bili deo promotivne ponude ili su dodati zbog specifičnosti igara?
Što se tiče iznosa koji je trebalo da se pripiše: Da li su ovo bili dobici iz vašeg igranja ili su povezani sa nedovršenim bonus rundama?
Da li ste kontaktirali tim za podršku kazina u vezi sa ovim problemom? Ako jeste, možete li podeliti njihove odgovore?
Ako imate relevantne snimke ekrana, imejlove ili drugu komunikaciju, prosledite ih na tako da možemo bolje razumeti problem.
Vaša saradnja je ključna za nas da nastavimo sa slučajem i efikasno posredujemo u kazinu u vaše ime.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće.
Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear athinagiousef,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you’ve experienced accessing your games and resolving this issue. Please allow me to ask a few questions to clarify the situation and assist you further.
Have you encountered similar issues with any other games on the platform, or is it limited to these two games?
Could you share more details about the "bonus coins" you mentioned? Were these part of a promotional offer, or were they added due to a specific feature of the games?
Regarding the amounts that were supposed to be credited: Were these winnings from your gameplay, or were they associated with the uncompleted bonus rounds?
Have you contacted the casino’s support team about this issue? If so, could you share their responses?
If you have any relevant screenshots, emails, or other communication, please forward them to so we can better understand the issue.
Your cooperation is crucial for us to proceed with the case and mediate effectively with the casino on your behalf.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Ne, nisu samo one 2 igre koje sam igrao u to vreme u koje ne mogu ponovo da se prijavim zbog njihovog problema, mislim da se ostale igre igraju normalno.
A igrice mi jednostavno ne idu jer se moj partner pridružio i na njemu rade normalno
To je bonus igra sa novčićima
Pokazujem vam snimak ekrana iz Demo-a!!! Takođe ima i bonus piramidu u setu
Mora biti 3
Uneo sam novčić bonus koji se nije završio jer me je izbacio njihovom greškom.
U drugoj igri opet sa novčićima
Da, na mnogo načina su mi rekli isto: da izbrišem kolačiće, da se prijavim sa druge aplikacije, da se prijavim sa računara.
Sve sam uradio, ali ne ide.
Samo sam mu poslao toliko poruka, razgovarao sam sa podrškom, oni ništa ne rade
Mislim da ne žele da osvojim iznose koje je on zaradio u obe utakmice.
Good evening
No, it's not just those 2 games I was playing at the time that I can't log in to again due to a problem of theirs, I mean the other games play normally.
And the games just don't work on me because my partner joined and they work normally on him
It is a coin bonus game
I'm showing you a screenshot from Demo!!! It also has a bonus pyramid in the set
It must be 3
I entered the coin bonus that didn't complete because it took me out through their error.
In the other game again with coins it is
Yes, in many ways they told me the same thing: to delete cookies, to log in from another application, to log in from a computer.
I did everything, but it doesn't work.
I've only sent him so many messages, I've talked to support, they don't do anything
I think they don't want me to win the amounts he had earned in both games.
Όχι δεν έχω μόνο σε αυτά τα 2 παιχνίδια που έπαιζα εκείνη την ώρα που από προβλήμα δικό τους δεν μπορώ να ξανά μπω εννοώ τα άλλα παιχνίδια παίζουν κανονικά
Και τα παιχνίδια μόνο σε εμένα δεν παίζουν γιατί μπήκε ο σύντροφός μου και παίζουν κανονικά σε αυτόν
Είναι παιχνίδι μπόνους κέρματος
Σας δείχνω ένα στιγμιότυπο από Demo !!!Έχει και μπόνους μια πυραμίδα στο σύνολο
Πρέπει να είναι 3
Εγώ μπήκα στο μπόνους κέρματος που δεν ολοκληρώθηκε γιατί με έβγαλε από σφάλμα δικό τους
Στο άλλο παιχνίδι πάλι με κέρματα είναι
Ναι με πολλούς τρόπους μου λέγαν τα ίδια και ίδια να κάνω να διαγράψω τα cookies να μπω από άλλη εφαρμογή να μπω από υπολογιστή
Τα έκανα όλα δεν μπαίνουν
Μόνο σε εμενα του έχω στείλει τόσα μηνύματα έχω μιλήσει με υποστήριξη τίποτα δεν κάνουν
Νομίζω δεν θέλουν να κερδίσω τα ποσά που είχε βγάλει και στα 2 παιχνίδια
Jasno je da je problem koji imate specifičan za vaš nalog ili uređaj, jer vaš partner može da igra bez problema.
Preporučujem sledeće:
Očistite kolačiće i keš još jednom i odjavite se sa svog naloga. Nakon ponovnog pokretanja uređaja, prijavite se ponovo i proverite da li problem i dalje postoji.
Testirajte sa potpuno različitih uređaja: Nemojte da koristite isti uređaj kao uređaj vašeg partnera , jer to može da izazove sukobe. Pokušajte da pristupite igrama sa zasebnog telefona, tableta ili računara. Ovo nam može pomoći da utvrdimo da li je problem specifičan za uređaj.
Proverite svoju internet vezu: Ponekad problemi sa mrežom mogu uticati na vašu sposobnost igranja igrica. Pokušajte da se prebacite između Vi-Fi i mobilnih podataka da biste videli da li će to rešiti problem.
Pored toga, možete li pojasniti sledeće:
Koji je tačan iznos bonus novčića ili dobitaka koji ste očekivali da dobijete od ovih igara?
Da li ste ponovo kontaktirali tim za podršku u vezi sa ovim problemom i da li su ponudili neka nova rešenja?
It’s clear that the problem you’re experiencing is specific to your account or device, as your partner is able to play without issues.
I recommend the following:
Clear cookies and cache once again, and log out of your account. After restarting your device, log in again and check if the issue persists.
Test from completely different devices: Please do not use the same device as your partner's, as that could cause conflicts. Try accessing the games from a separate phone, tablet, or computer. This can help us determine if the issue is device-specific.
Check your internet connection: Sometimes, network issues can affect your ability to play games. Try switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data to see if that resolves the problem.
Additionally, could you please clarify the following:
What is the exact amount of bonus coins or winnings you were expecting to receive from these games?
Have you contacted the support team again regarding this issue, and did they offer any new solutions?
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear athinagiousef,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavamo da moramo da odbacimo ovaj konkretan slučaj zbog nedostatka odgovora igrača na naše poruke i pitanja. Kao rezultat toga, nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa bilo kakvom daljom istragom niti da pružimo potencijalna rešenja za rešavanje ovog problema. Međutim, želimo da naglasimo da igrač zadržava mogućnost da ponovo otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku u budućnosti ako odluči da to učini. Ostajemo otvoreni i voljni da pomognemo u rešavanju problema ako igrač odluči da nastavi komunikaciju.
We regret to inform you that we must reject this particular case due to the lack of response from the player to our messages and questions. As a result, we are unable to proceed with any further investigation or provide potential solutions to address the issue at hand. However, we want to emphasize that the player retains the option to reopen this complaint at any time in the future should they decide to do so. We remain open and willing to assist with resolving the matter should the player choose to resume communication.
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