Dragi kailikaljund7 ,
Upravo sam primio poruku iz kazina, koja uključuje traženi dokaz. Snimci ekrana iz sistema kazina pokazuju dva naloga sa odgovarajućim adresama i, u nekim slučajevima, odgovarajućim IP adresama. Međutim, ne smatram da je ovo dovoljan dokaz za kreiranje više naloga.
Razumem koliko ova situacija mora da bude frustrirajuća za vas i želim da vas uverim da marljivo radim na rešavanju ovog problema. Budite sigurni, obaveštavaću vas čim dobijem nove informacije.
Imajte na umu da sam posvećen tome da se vaša zabrinutost shvati ozbiljno i da se postigne pravedno rešenje. Cenim vaše strpljenje i razumevanje dok čekamo odgovor kazina. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili dodatnih informacija koje možete da date, slobodno mi se obratite i rado ću vam pomoći.
Dragi Talismania Casino ,
Kao što je ranije pomenuto, jednostavno podudaranje adresa i IP adresa nije dovoljno da se konačno tvrdi da je igrač kreirao više naloga. Uobičajeno je da više osoba živi na istoj adresi, što znači da adresa može biti identična, a takođe mogu da dele istu IP adresu. Pored toga, igračica tvrdi da se preselila na drugu adresu i da ima dokaz o tome. Ovo ni pod kojim okolnostima ne bi trebalo da bude osnova za konfiskaciju njenog dobitka.
Igračica takođe tvrdi da je njen nalog u potpunosti verifikovan. Da li je ovo tačno? Na snimku ekrana drugog naloga izgleda da nema KIC zapisa. Da li je od drugog igrača zatraženo da prođe proces verifikacije?
Iz gore navedenih razloga, moram da tvrdim da stvaranje više naloga nije dokazano u dovoljnoj meri . Kao takav, igrač treba da ima pravo na povraćaj svog stanja. U interesu pravičnosti i transparentnosti, preporučio bih vam da ponovo sprovedete proces verifikacije za oba naloga kako biste u potpunosti istražili stvar i utvrdili stvarne okolnosti .
Važno je ponoviti da igrač ima pravo na svoja sredstva osim ako ne postoje ubedljivi dokazi o kreiranju više naloga ili bilo kakvom drugom kršenju uslova kazina. Pošten i temeljan proces verifikacije je ključan u takvim stvarima kako bi se izbeglo nepravedno kažnjavanje igrača koji su se pridržavali pravila.
Da bih omogućio pošteno rešenje za obe strane, ohrabrujem otvorenu komunikaciju i rado ću vam pomoći na bilo koji način u razjašnjenju bilo kakvih dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica koje imate. Cilj nam je da pronađemo transparentno i pravedno rešenje koje štiti i interese kazina i prava igrača.
Hvala vam na saradnji i radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Dear kailikaljund7,
I have just received the message from the casino, which includes the requested evidence. The screenshots from the casino’s system do show two accounts with matching addresses and, in some cases, matching IP addresses. However, I do not consider this to be sufficient proof of the creation of multiple accounts.
I understand how frustrating this situation must be for you, and I want to assure you that I am working diligently to resolve this matter. Rest assured, I will keep you updated as soon as I receive any new information.
Please know that I am committed to ensuring that your concerns are taken seriously and that a fair solution is reached. I appreciate your patience and understanding while we await the casino’s reply. If you have any further questions or additional information to provide, feel free to reach out, and I will be happy to assist.
Dear Talismania Casino,
As previously mentioned, a simple match of addresses and IP addresses is not enough to conclusively claim that the player has created multiple accounts. It is common for multiple individuals to live at the same address, meaning the address could be identical, and they may also share the same IP address. Additionally, the player claims she has moved to a different address and has proof of this. This should not be the basis for confiscating her winnings under any circumstances.
The player also asserts that her account was fully verified. Is this correct? On the screenshot of the second account, there appears to be no KYC record. Was the second player asked to undergo the verification process?
For the reasons outlined above, I must maintain that the creation of multiple accounts has not been proven to a sufficient degree. As such, the player should be entitled to a refund of her balance. In the interest of fairness and transparency, I would recommend that you re-conduct the verification process for both accounts to fully investigate the matter and determine the actual circumstances.
It is important to reiterate that the player is entitled to their funds unless there is conclusive evidence of multiple account creation or any other breach of the casino's terms. A fair and thorough verification process is crucial in such matters to avoid unfairly penalizing players who have complied with the rules.
To facilitate a fair resolution for both parties, I encourage open communication and would be happy to assist in any way possible in clarifying any further questions or doubts you may have. We aim to find a transparent and just resolution that protects both the casino's interests and the player's rights.
Thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to your response.
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