Igračica iz Njemačke doživljava komplikacije prilikom provjere adrese e-pošte i dovršavanja provjere računa.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Arzu,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Primili smo dosta sličnih žalbi vašoj. Čini se da kasino ima nekih tehničkih problema povezanih s igračima iz Njemačke i provjerom adrese e-pošte.
Možete li potvrditi da je potvrda vaše adrese e-pošte jedina prepreka koja stoji između vas i vašeg dobitka? Da li ste pružili sve ostale relevantne dokumente potrebne za završetak postupka KYC (verifikacije)? Jeste li pokušali zatražiti ručnu provjeru e-pošte?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
PS: iz proslijeđenog e-maila shvatio sam da ste sredstva položili na svoj račun koristeći karticu treće strane, je li to točno?
Dear Arzu,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. We have received quite a few similar complaints to yours. It seems like the casino is experiencing some technical problem related to players from Germany and email address verification.
Could you please confirm that verifying your email address seems to be the only obstacle standing between you and your winnings? Did you provide all the other relevant documents needed to complete KYC (verification) process? Have you tried requesting the manual e-mail verification?
I hope we will be able to help you resolving this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
PS: from the forwarded email I understood that you have deposited funds into your account using third party’s card, is that correct?
Da, pokušao sam sve nekoliko puta, čak i s onima koji su zvali telefonom, postavili novi gmail, Manuel je to pokušao, ali nije bilo e-pošte s potvrdom.
Što se tiče kreditnih kartica, to se svodi na oca, ali on je to potvrdio jer i mi igramo zajedno.
Svi zahtjevi u KYC su ispunjeni.
Yes, I've tried everything several times, even with those who called on the phone, set up a new gmail, Manuel tried it, but there was no confirmation email.
With regard to credit cards, this is the way it is, that comes down to the father but he has confirmed this because we also play together.
All requirements at KYC are met.
Ja, ich habe alles probiert auch mehrmals mit denen telefoniert eine neue gmail eingerichtet, Manuel probiert, Werbung kommt aber keine Bestätigungsmail.
in Bezug auf Kreditkarte ist Das so, Das die auf den Vater läuft aber er diese bestätigt hat weil wir auch gemeinsam spielen.
Alle Anforderungen bei KYC sind erfüllt.
Hvala ti, Arzu, na odgovoru. Provjerio sam opće uvjete i ovo sam pronašaohttps://vulkanvegas.com/en/terms-and-conditions :
" Kompanija ne prihvaća depozite treće strane , tj. One koji su položeni od prijatelja, rođaka, partnera ili supružnika. Morate uplatiti sredstva sa računa / sistema / kreditne kartice koja je registrovana na vaše ime. Ako tijekom sigurnosnih provjera otkrijemo da je izvršen depozit treće strane, svi vaši dobici će biti izgubljeni i vraćeni u kazino. "
Uz to, možete li nas posavjetovati kako to mislite podrazumijevajući „Što se tiče kreditnih kartica, to je slučaj, to se svodi na oca, ali on je to potvrdio jer i mi igramo zajedno " ?
Ima li vaš otac račun i u ovom kasinu? Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Thank you, Arzu, for your reply. I have checked general terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://vulkanvegas.com/en/terms-and-conditions:
"The Company does not accept 3rd party deposits, i.e. those made by a friend, relative, partner or spouse. You must make deposits from an account/system/credit card that is registered in your own name. If we discover during our security checks that a 3rd party deposit has been made, all your winnings will be forfeited and returned to the casino."
Additionally, could you please advise what do you mean by "With regard to credit cards, this is the way it is, that comes down to the father but he has confirmed this because we also play together"?
Does you father has an account in this casino as well? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dobio sam zabranu u kazinu ... zašto? Tamo sam izgubio najmanje 3000 eura dok je igranje sve u redu za njih, a ako ne igrate bit ćete zabranjeni?
Još uvijek nisam primio e-mail s potvrdom. Postajem previše glup s prevarantima iz Vulkan Vegasa. Idem kod advokata!
I got banned from the casino ... why? I lost at least € 3000 there while playing is everything ok for them and if you don't play you will be banned?
I still haven't received a confirmation email. I'm getting too stupid with the scammers from Vulkan Vegas. I'm going to the lawyer!
Ich wurde vom Casino gesperrt... warum? Ich habe dort mindestens 3000€ verloren beim Spielen ist für die alles ok und wenn man nicht Spielt wird man gesperrt?
ich habe noch immer keine Bestätigungsmail erhalten. Mir wird Das echt zu doof mit den Betrügern von Vulkan Vegas. Ich gehe zum Rechtsanwalt!
Dragi Arzu,
Pretpostavljam da je vaš račun blokiran jer ste koristili način plaćanja treće strane za polaganje sredstava na vaš račun, što je strogo zabranjeno u većini kazina.
Možete li nas posavjetovati da li i vaš otac ima račun u ovom kasinu?
Dear Arzu,
I assume that your account has been blocked because you have used third party payment method to deposit funds into your account which is strictly prohibited in majority of casinos.
Could you please advise if your father holds an account in this casino too?
Odstupamo od teme, moj glavni problem je bio što nisam dobio e-mail s potvrdom!
Igrao sam i niko se nije žalio kad sam uplatio depozit! Tada bih htio vratiti svoj novac na očevu kreditnu karticu ako to treća strana ne prihvati !!!! Zatim vratite novac ako to nije dozvoljeno !!! Tada sve isplate nisu bile pravno obavezujuće! Zašto je KYC ček potvrđen zelenom kvačicom iako je postojala fotografija oca s kreditnom karticom u ruci !!!! Želim odmah vratiti novac na očev račun! Tada bi me morali blokirati od samog početka, ne samo nakon što sam izgubio 3000 €! Ovaj gubitak nije legalan i morate mi vratiti novac!
We deviate from the topic, my main problem was that I didn't get a confirmation email!
I played and nobody complained when I made the deposit! Then I would like my money back on the father's credit card if this is not accepted by the third party !!!! Then send the money back if that is not allowed !!! Then all the payments were not legally binding! Why is the KYC check confirmed with a green tick even though there was a photo of the father with the credit card in hand !!!! I want to return the money to my father's account immediately! Then they would have had to block me from the start, not only after I had lost 3000 €! This loss is not legal and you have to give me the money back!
Wir weichen vom Thema ab, mein Hauptproblem war, dass ich keine Bestätigungsmail bekommen habe!
Ich habe gespielt und bei der Einzahlung hat aber niemand sich beschwert! Dann möchte ich mein Geld zurück auf die Kreditkarte vom Vater, wenn dies vom Dritten nicht akzeptiert wird!!!! Dann schicken sie Das Geld zurück , wenn Das nicht erlaubt ist!!! Dann waren auch die ganzen Einzahlungen nicht rechtskräftig!!!! Warum wird dann die KYC prüfung mit einem grünen Haken bestätigt obwohl dort ein Foto vom Vater war mit der Kreditkarte in der Hand!!!! Ich möchte sofort Das Geld aufs Konto vom Vater zurück!!! Dann hätten man mich von Anfang an Sperren müssen, nicht erst nachdem nich 3000€ verloren habe!!! Dieser Verlust ist nicht rechtskräftig und sie müssen mir Das Geld zurückgeben!
Dragi Arzu,
Mislim da nismo odstupili od glavnog problema. Samo sam vam pokušavao objasniti zašto je vaš račun možda zatvoren.
Možete li nas posavjetovati da li ste prethodno obavijestili o mogućnosti deponovanja sredstava pomoću načina plaćanja treće strane? Ima li vaš otac račun u istom kasinu?
Dear Arzu,
I don’t think we deviated from the main problem. I was only trying to explain you why your account might have been closed.
Could you please advise if you have communicated a possibility of depositing funds with third party’s payment method beforehand? Does your father has an account in the same casino?
Ne, nije. Zbog toga je postojala njegova slika s kreditnom karticom i osobnom iskaznicom. Ako to nije bilo pravno efikasno, onda ni novac ne smijete zadržati. Molimo prenesite sve depozite natrag na kreditnu karticu. Ne možete zadržati novac treće strane, a zatim blokirati račun, jer plaćanja trećih strana nisu dozvoljena. Onda želim novac nazad!
No he did `nt. That's why there was a picture of him with a credit card and ID. If that was not legally effective, then you must not keep the money either. Please transfer all deposits back to the credit card. You cannot just keep third party money and then block your account because third party payments are not allowed. Then I want the money back!
Nein, hat er nicht. Deshalb war ja ein Bild von ihm mit Kreditkarte und Ausweis. Wenn Das nicht rechtswirksam war, dann dürfen Sie auch Das Geld nicht behalten. Bitte überweisen sie alle Einzahlungen zurück auf die Kreditkarte. Sie können nicht einfach Das Geld von Dritten behalten und dann Konto sperren weil die Zahlung von dritten nicht erlaubt ist. Dann möchte ich Das Geld zurück!
Da, nekoliko puta s e-poštom na koju sam se prvobitno prijavio, ali nikada nisam dobio potvrdu, i s novim Gmailom gdje dobivam samo oglašavanje i ništa drugo. Pored toga, zabranjen mi je i stoga ne mogu uspostaviti chat s njima na mreži!
Yes, several times with the email I originally signed up with but never received a confirmation and with the new Gmail where I only get advertising and nothing else. In addition, I was banned and therefore cannot establish an online chat with them!
Ja mehrmals mit der Mail mit der ich mich ursprünglich angemeldet hatte aber nie eine Bestätigung bekommen habe und mit der neuen Gmail wo ich nur Werbung bekomme und sonst nichts. Außerdem wurde ich ja gesperrt und kann somit kein online Chat mit denen aufbauen!
Dragi Arzu,
Razumijem. Možete li nas posavjetovati kada predate fotografiju svog oca s kreditnom karticom? Je li vas kazino ponukao? Jesu li sredstva položena nakon što ste dali sliku? Da li ste na svoj račun položili sredstva na svoj način plaćanja?
Molimo vas da shvatite da ne postoji čvrst razlog zašto biste imali pravo na povrat novca. Otac je svjesno dao svoju bankovnu karticu i prekršili ste jedno od osnovnih pravila kasina.
Dear Arzu,
I understand. Could you please advise when you have submitted a photo of your father with credit card? Have you been prompted by casino? Were any funds deposited after you have provided the picture? Have you deposited any funds into your account using your payment method?
Please understand that there is no solid reason why you should be entitled for a refund. Your father knowingly provided his bank card and you breached one of the essential casino rules.
Pitao sam prije nego što je gospođa Sabina iz Vulkan Vegasa rekla da bih trebala poslati fotografiju svog oca s kreditnom karticom u ruci. Učinio sam to, potvrđeno je i zelenom kvačicom. Naravno da sam tamo svirao jer sam mislio da je to u redu. U međuvremenu osvojio 7.000 €. Ali nikada nisu uspjeli promijeniti moju adresu e-pošte kako bi mi konačno poslali e-mail s potvrdom. To se nikada nije dogodilo, tako da nikada nisam mogao unovčiti novac. Zbog toga sam i došao k vama ovde. Gospođa Sabina rekla je da bih trebao postaviti Gmail, a zatim je rekla da moram poslati fotografiju svog oca, učinila sam sve i samo zato što sam se žalila i prijetila advokatu da li ću samo dobiti zabranu? Ako to nije bilo pravno valjano, onda mi se mora vratiti novac! Zašto se novac zadržava, a račun blokira? Zašto moja adresa e-pošte nikada nije promijenjena? Zašto nikad ne bih mogao preći na stvar? Ovo nije u redu sa onim što se ovdje radi! Znate da je moj brat u tisku i kad to objavim u javnosti, stvari za Vulkan Vegas izgledaju sasvim drugačije! UGOVOR IZMEĐU MENE I VULKAN VEGASA NIKADA NIJE ZAVRŠEN, TAKO DA NOVAC MORA DA SE VRATI !!! NIKAD NISAM PRIMIO POTVRDU E-MAILA NITKO NE SMIJEM ISPLATITI !!! ALI ČUVANJE NOVCA ČINI ŠTA ???? NE, OVO NE PRIHVATAM !!!!!
I asked before the lady named Sabina from Vulkan Vegas said I should just send a photo of my father with the credit card in hand. I did that, it was also confirmed with a green tick. Of course I played there because I thought that's okay. Had won € 7,000 in the meantime. But they never managed to change my email address in order to finally send me a confirmation email. That never happened and so I was never able to cash out. That is why I have come to you here. Ms. Sabina said I should set up a Gmail, then she said I should send a photo of my father, I did everything, and just because I complained and threatened a lawyer will I just be banned? If that was not legally valid then I have to be repaid my money! Why is the money kept and the account blocked? Why was my email address never changed? Why could I never get to the point? This is not okay with what is being done here! You know my brother is in the press and when I go public with it then things look very different for Vulkan Vegas! THE CONTRACT BETWEEN ME AND VULKAN VEGAS NEVER COMPLETED, SO THE MONEY HAS TO BE BACK !!! I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED AN E-MAIL CONFIRMATION NOR MAY I PAY OUT !!! BUT KEEPING MONEY DOES WHAT ???? NO, I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS !!!!!
ich habe mich vorher erkundigt die Dame namens sabina von Vulkan Vegas meinte ich solle dann einfach ein Foto vom vater mit der Kreditkarte in der Hand schicken. Das hab ich gemacht, Das wurde auch mit einem grünen Haken bestätigt. Da hab ich natürlich gespielt weil ich dachte Das ist so ok. Hatte auch in der Zwischenzeit 7000€ gewonnen. Aber die haben es nie geschafft meine Mail Adresse zu ändern um mir endlich mal eine Bestätigungsmail zu senden. Das ist nie passiert und ich konnte deshalb nie auszahlen. Deshalb habe ich mich hier an Sie gewendet. Die Frau Sabina meinte ich soll ne Gmail einrichten, dann sagte sie ich soll Foto vom Vater schicken, ich hab alles gemacht, und nur weil ich mich beschwert habe und mit Anwalt gedroht habe werde ich einfach so gesperrt? Wenn Das nicht rechtsgültig war dann muss man mir mein Geld zurückzahlen! Warum wird Das Geld behalten und Das Konto gesperrt? Warum wurde nie meine Mail adreSse angepasst? Warum konnte ich nie zum Punkt auszahlen kommen? Das ist nicht in Ordnung was hier gemacht wird! Wissen sie mein Bruder ist bei der Presse und wenn ich damit in die Öffentlichkeit gehe dann sieht die Sache ganz anders aus für Vulkan Vegas! DER VERTRAG ZWISCHEN MIR UND VULKAN VEGAS IST NIE ZUSTANDE GEKOMMEN, ALSO MUSS DAS GELD ZURÜCK!!! WEDER HABE ICH EINE MAILBESTÄTIGUNG BEKOMMEN NOCH DURFTE ICH AUSZAHLEN!!! ABER GELD BEHALTEN GEHT WAS???? NEIN ICH AKZEPTIERE DAS NICHT!!!!!
Nisam znao da je način plaćanja označen kao potvrđen, jer ga prije niste spomenuli.
Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Jozefa koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
I didn’t know that the payment method has been marked as verified as you didn’t mention it before.
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Da je potvrđeno zelenom oznakom. Ok hvala vam, onda ću pričekati odgovor vašeg kolege.
Yes was verified with a green tick. Ok thank you then I'll wait for your colleague to answer.
Ja wurde mit einem grünen Haken verifiziert. Ok vielen Dank dann warte ich bis Ihr Kollege sich meldet.
Zdravo Arzu.
Puno vam hvala što ste podijelili svoje negativno iskustvo s kasinom Vulkan Vegas. Sada ćemo pokušati stupiti u kontakt s njima.
Hello Arzu.
Thank you very much for sharing your negative experience with the Vulkan Vegas Casino. We will now try to get in touch with them.
Dobar dan Arzu,
Možete li mi učiniti uslugu i reći mi da ste podnijeli zahtjev za povlačenje od 7.000 eura i on je odbijen?
Također me ljubazno obavijestite da li ste položili sredstva putem svojih načina plaćanja?
Jer je zakoniti vlasnik načina plaćanja (gu*er.e***m@gmail.com) u potpunosti potvrđen i nastavlja igrati.
Molimo vas da pojasnite gore navedeno.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Hello Arzu,
Could you do me a favor and tell me, if you'd made a withdrawal request of 7,000 euros and it got declined?
Also kindly let me know if you deposited with your payment methods?
Because the rightful owner of the payment method (gu*er.e***m@gmail.com) is completely verified and keeps on playing.
Please be so kind to clarify the above.
Kind regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ova objava je privatna za sada. Čeka da ga odobri Casino Guru. Nove objave objavljujemo tek nakon ručnog pregleda, kako bismo bili sigurni da ne sadrže osetljive podatke koje bi trebale videti samo uključene strane.
Zdravo Arzu
Dvaput sam provjerio informacije.
Depoziti su izvršeni putem načina plaćanja koji vam ne pripada. Ovo krši Casinove opće uvjete.
Dalje - teško mi je naći bilo koji iznos od 7 hiljada eura. Jesi li ga osvojio? Da li je transakcija otkazana ili nešto drugo?
Srdačni pozdravi,
Hello Arzu
I've double checked the info.
The deposits were made via the payment method that does not belong to you. This breaches the Casino T&Cs.
Next - I find it hard to find any amount of 7k euros. Did you win it? Was the transaction cancelled or something else?
Kind regards,
Pozdrav, zašto ovdje niko ne razumije u čemu je moj problem. Dao sam tačan polog na očevu kreditnu karticu, ali je odobren. Depoziti su zadržani. Tada sam dobio zabranu nakon pokušaja povlačenja! Želim VRATITI sve depozite položene kreditnom karticom !!!!! Šta ne razumiješ !!! Uvijek postoje nova pitanja i novi zaposlenici! Vratimo naše depozite !!!! Neću se više ponavljati! Pročitajte razgovore sa kolegama !!! Ne želim da se objašnjavam svakom novom zaposleniku od početka !!!!
Hello, why nobody here understands what my problem is. I made a correct deposit with my father's credit card, but it was authorized. The deposits were kept. Then I got banned after trying to withdraw! I want to BACK all deposits made with the credit card !!!!! What do you not understand!!! There are always new questions and new employees! We want our deposits back !!!! I will not repeat myself again! Read through the conversations with your colleagues !!! I don't want to have to explain myself to every new employee from the beginning !!!!
Hallo, warum versteht es hier keiner was mein Problem ist. Ich habe mit der Kreditkarte des Vaters eingezahlt richtig, es wurde aber autorisiert. Die Einzahlungen wurden behalten. Dann wurde ich nachdem ich auszahlen wollte gesperrt! Ich möchte alle Einzahlungen die ich mit der Kreditkarte gemacht habe, ZURÜCK!!!!! Was verstehen Sie nicht!!! Immer kommen hier neue Fragen auf und neue Mitarbeiter! Wir möchten unsere Einzahlungen zurück haben!!!! Ich werde mich nicht nochmal wiederholen! Lesen sie die Konversationen mit ihren Kollegen durch!!! ich möchte mich nicht ständig bei jedem Neuen Mitarbeiter von Anfang erklären müssen!!!!
Dragi Arzu,
Ja nisam neka vrsta zaposlenika, da tako kažem.
Prilično pažljivo pogledam vaš račun i postavljaju mi se pitanja:
1) Zašto ste položili depozit načinom plaćanja koji vam ne pripada? (Jasno je da ste pročitali Uvjete prilikom registracije)
2) Komplicirano mi je definirati traženi iznos - 7.000 eura, kada je ukupan iznos depozita oko 1.200 eura.
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear Arzu,
I am not some kind of employee so to say.
I take a look at your account rather scrupulously, and questions do pup up:
1) Why did you make deposits with the payment method that does not belong to you? (Clearly you'd read the T&Cs at registration)
2) I find it complicated to define the amount requested - 7k euros, when the total amount of the deposits is around 1,200 euros.
Kind regards
Na samom početku sam vam rekao zašto sam platio očevom kreditnom karticom ... Razgovarao sam sa damom koja se zove Sabina, rekla je da je to u redu, moram poslati fotografiju oca i kreditne kartice. Učinio sam to i to je potvrđeno zelenom kvačicom. Zbog toga su položeni depoziti u iznosu od 1200 €. U međuvremenu smo osvojili 7.000 €, a onda je odjednom zabrana došla bez razloga. Nekoliko puta sam se žalio jer nisam dobio e-mail s potvrdom. Eto, sada smo igrali za 1200 €, a između toga je bilo 7000 € dobitaka koje nikada nisam mogao isplatiti. Jer nisam imao e-mail s potvrdom. Onda se odjednom zaključam. Ali novac od 1200 € će se zadržati? Ne, želim novac odmah vratiti! Bilo na Papin račun koji je registriran u Vegasu, bilo na bankovni račun. Ako je prekršio uvjete i odredbe, tada Vegas ne smije zadržati novac! Tada niste trebali potvrditi zelenom kvačicom. Ako sam blokiran i ne mogu više igrati, želim povrat novca u iznosu od € 1200 koji je neovlašteno na Vegas banci! To ne smiju zadržati !! Obično moramo dodati kamatu na 1200 €!
I told you at the very beginning why I paid with father's credit card ... I had spoken to a lady named Sabina, she said it was okay, I have to send a photo of father and the credit card. I did that and it was confirmed with a green tick. That is why the deposits were made in the amount of 1200 €. In the meantime we had won € 7,000 and then suddenly the ban came for no reason. I complained several times because I did not receive a confirmation email. Well, now we have played for 1200 € and in between there were 7000 € winnings that I could never pay out. Because I didn't have a confirmation email. Then suddenly I get locked. But the money 1200 € will be kept? No, I want the money back immediately! Either to Papa's account, which is registered with Vegas, or to the bank account. If it has violated the terms and conditions, then Vegas is not allowed to keep the money! Then you shouldn't have confirmed with a green tick. If I am blocked and can no longer play then I want the money back € 1200 which is unauthorized on Vegas Bank! They are not allowed to keep that !! Normally we have to add interest to the 1200 €!
Ich habe das ganz am Anfang mitgeteilt, warum ich mit Vaters Kreditkarte gezahlt habe... ich hatte mit einer Dame namens Sabina gesprochen, sie sagte es wäre in Ordnung ich muss ein Foto schicken vom Vater und der Kreditkarte. Das habe ich gemacht und es wurde auch mit grünen Haken bestätigt. Deshalb sind die Einzahlungen in Höhe 1200€ entstanden. Zwischendurch hatten wir 7000€ gewonnen und dann kam plötzlich die Sperre ohne Grund. Ich hatten mich mehrfach beschwert weil ich keine Bestätigungsmail bekommen habe. So, nun haben wir für 1200€ gespielt hatten zwischendurch 7000€ Gewinn die ich nie auszahlen konnte. Weil ich keine Bestätigungsmail hatte. Dann werden ich plötzlich gesperrt. Aber das Geld 1200€ wird behalten? Nein das Geld will ich sofort zurück! Und zwar entweder auf das Konto von Papa der bei Vegas registriert ist oder auf das Bankkonto. Wenn es gegen die AGB verstoßen hat, dann darf Vegas das Geld auch nicht behalten!!! Dann hätte man nicht mit grünen Haken bestätigen dürfen. Wenn ich gesperrt bin und nicht mehr weiterspielen darf dann will ich das Geld 1200€ was unberechtigt auf Vegas Bank liegt zurück! Das dürfen die dann nicht behalten!! Normal müssen wir auf die 1200€ noch Zinsen Draufrechnen!
Zdravo Arzu.
Molim vas, imate li dokaz o komunikaciji?
Na samom početku sam vam rekao zašto sam platio očevom kreditnom karticom ... Razgovarao sam sa gospođom koja se zove Sabina, rekla je da je to u redu, moram poslati fotografiju oca i kreditne kartice.
Hello Arzu.
Please, do you have any proof of communication?
I told you at the very beginning why I paid with father's credit card ... I had spoken to a lady named Sabina, she said it was okay, I have to send a photo of father and the credit card.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
U međuvremenu sam razgovarao telefonom sa gospođom Sabinom !!! Šta sad želiš od mene? Šta još moram učiniti da vratim novac? Sad se stvarno umaram! Želim rješenje sada i nema više pitanja !!!!!!!! Pitajte ostale iz Vegasa !!!!!
I kept talking to Ms. Sabina on the phone in between !!! What do you want from me now? What else do I have to do to get my money back? I'm really getting tired now! I want a solution now and no more questions !!!!!!!! Ask the others from Vegas !!!!!
Ich habe immer wieder dazwischen mit der Frau Sabina telefoniert!!! Was wollen sie jetzt noch alles von mir? Was muss ich denn noch alles tun um mein Geld zurück zu bekommen? Mir reicht es jetzt wirklich langsam! Ich möchte jetzt eine Lösung und keine weiteren Fragen mehr!!!!!!!! Fragen sie die anderen von Vegas!!!!!
Dragi Arzu.
Imajte na umu da smo mi besplatna neovisna usluga za igrače, stoga moramo ostati objektivni. Vaš slučaj bi obično bio odbijen jer niste koristili vlastiti način plaćanja koji je strogo zabranjen u većini kazina. Međutim, ako je podrška bila obaviještena da ćete koristiti karticu svog oca, postoji šansa da to riješimo.
Dokazi koje ste dostavili nisu dovoljni jer o depozitima na drugoj kartici nema ništa. Jeste li to spomenuli tokom poziva (imajte na umu da većina kazina bilježi svoje pozive)?
Dear Arzu.
Please, be aware that we are a free independent service for the players, therefore, we have to stay objective. Your case would normally be rejected since you have not used your own payment method which is strictly forbidden in most of the casinos. However, if the support was informed that you are going to use the card of your father then there is a chance we can resolve this matter.
The proofs you have provided are not sufficient since there is nothing about deposits with a different card. Have you mentioned it during the calls (be aware that most of the casinos record their calls)?
Da, naravno da sam to spomenula ... Gospođa Sabina rekla je da bih trebala poslati fotografiju s očevom kreditnom karticom.
rado i molim vas da preslušate snimak.
Yes, of course I mentioned it ... Mrs. Sabina said I should send a photo with my father's credit card.
gladly and I ask that you listen to the recording.
Ja, selbstverständlich habe ich es erwähnt... die Frau Sabina hat gesagt, ich soll ein Foto mit Vaters Kreditkarte senden.
gerne und ich bitte darum das man die Aufzeichnung anhört.
Pozdrav i oprostite zbog odlaganja odgovora
Slušali smo sve telefonske pozive uređaja.
Svaki put kada je operater VulkanVegas potvrdio i izjavio da je zabranjeno plaćati načinom plaćanja koji ne pripada igraču (prema općim odredbama).
Operator NIKADA nije spomenuo da je to dozvoljeno. Ipak potvrđujem da će nam biti potrebna fotografija vlasnika kartice da bi se prošlo kroz postupak CDD-a.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Hello and pardon for a delay in reply
We've listened to all the phone calls by the player.
Every single time the VulkanVegas operator confirmed and stated that it is prohibited to pay with the payment method that does not belong to a player (according to T&Cs).
The operator NEVER mentioned that it is allowed to do so. I do confirm though, that we will require a photo of the owner of the card to go through the CDD procedure.
Kind regards,
Dragi Arzu.
Žao mi je što ovo ponovo pitam, ali jeste li 100% uvjereni da vas je podrška obavijestila da možete koristiti karticu svog oca? Molim vas, možete li odrediti datume i vrijeme poziva / a?
Dear Arzu.
I am sorry that I am asking this again but are you 100% convinced that the support informed you that you can use the card of your father? Please, could you specify the dates and times of call/s?
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Zdravo Arzu.
Hvala i sretna Nova 2021., i vama 🙂.
Završili smo s ocjenom poziva i vašeg slučaja. Nažalost, vjerujemo da nemate pravo na osporeni iznos. Iako smo tijekom poziva čuli mali nesporazum kada je agent za podršku rekao da možete prenijeti datoteke, ali agent za podršku jasno vas je obavijestio (više puta) da ne biste trebali koristiti kartice treće strane, već samo svoje. Stoga smo prisiljeni zaključiti vašu žalbu kao "odbijenu".
Ako se ne slažete s našom odlukom, postoji još jedna mogućnost, možete podnijeti službenu žalbu ADR-u i / ili tijelu za izdavanje dozvola u kazinu. Rado ću vam pomoći u tome. Javite mi ako imate pitanja ili vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć.
Srdačan pozdrav, Jozef
Hello Arzu.
Thank you and Happy New Year 2021, to you too 🙂 .
We have finished with an evaluation of the calls and your case. Unfortunately, we believe you are not entitled to the disputed amount. Although we have heard small misunderstanding during the call where the support agent told that you can upload the files, but the support agent clearly informed you (multiple times) that you should not use third party cards and only your own. Therefore, we are forced to close your complaint as 'rejected'.
If you do not agree with our decision there is another option, you can file an official complaint at ADR and/or licensing authority of the casino. I will gladly help you with it. Let me know if you have any questions or require further assistance.
Best regards, Jozef
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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