NaslovnaPritužbeVulkan Vegas Casino - Igrač je premašio ograničenje depozita uprkos zahtevima za samoisključivanje.
Vulkan Vegas Casino - Igrač je premašio ograničenje depozita uprkos zahtevima za samoisključivanje.
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7.000 €
Vulkan Vegas Casino
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Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Germany, who had a gambling addiction, exceeded the monthly deposit limit of €1000 in one day, despite having self-exclusion requests and protections supposedly in place. They believed the casino failed to enforce the deposit limit and adequately protect them according to the German license. The casino acknowledged the oversight and credited the player's account with €6615, the amount lost after reporting the gambling addiction. The player confirmed receiving the full amount, and the complaint was marked as resolved.
Igrač iz Nemačke, koji je imao zavisnost od kockanja, prekoračio je mesečni limit depozita od 1000 evra u jednom danu, uprkos tome što je navodno imao zahteve za samoisključivanje i zaštitu. Oni su verovali da kazino nije uspeo da primeni limit depozita i da ih adekvatno zaštiti prema nemačkoj licenci. Kazino je priznao previd i kreditirao račun igrača sa 6615 evra, iznos izgubljen nakon prijave zavisnosti od kockanja. Igrač je potvrdio da je primio ceo iznos, a žalba je označena kao rešena.
Više puta sam pomenuo svoju zavisnost od kockanja u kazinu i nekoliko puta sam bio blokiran. Zasada je dobro. Međutim, sa mojom poslednjom opkladom, premašio sam mesečni limit od €1000 u jednom danu. Prema nemačkoj licenci, trebalo bi da postoji standardno ograničenje od mak 1000 evra koje nisam smeo da pređem, ali ništa me nije sprečilo u tome. LUGAS je trebao da interveniše! Činjenica da sam već dva puta tražio da me blokiraju trebalo je da bude razlog da postavim ovo ograničenje da zaštitim igrača!
I have mentioned my gambling addiction to the casino multiple times and have been blocked several times. So far, so good. However, with my last bet, I exceeded the monthly limit of €1000 in a single day. According to the German license, there should be a standard limit of max €1000 that I should not have been able to exceed, but nothing prevented me from doing so. LUGAS should have intervened! The fact that I have already asked to be blocked twice should have been a reason to set this limit to protect the player!
Ich habe dem Casino mehrmals von meiner Spielsucht erwähnt, wurde auch mehrmals gesperrt, soweit so gut. Jedoch habe ich beim letzten Einsatz den Monatslimit von 1000€ an einem Tag überschritten, es müsste laut deutschem Lizenz einen Standard Limit von max 1000€ geben den ich nicht überschreiten durfte jedoch hat mich nichts dagegen gehindert, es müsste LUGAS einspringen! Allein das ich mich bereits 2x mal sperren lies sollte ein Grund gewesen sein diesen Limit einzustellen um den Spieler zu schützen!
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Imajte na umu da Vulkan Vegas Casino radi pod licencom Antilephone i stoga ne podleže nemačkim zakonima. Štaviše, mi u Casino Guru-u se ne bavimo pritužbama u vezi sa propisima i politikama licenciranja. Mi smo nezavisna onlajn kazino baza podataka koja deluje kao posrednik u rešavanju sporova igrača. Nemamo ovlašćenja da sprovodimo zakonitost pravila.
Možete li mi reći datum kada ste zatražili samoisključivanje zbog zavisnosti od kockanja i trajanje perioda samoisključenja?
Takođe, da li ste uplatili 1000 € nakon isteka perioda samoisključenja?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Matkap07,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Kindly be aware that Vulkan Vegas Casino operates under the Antillephone license and is therefore not subject to German laws. Moreover, we at Casino Guru don't deal with complaints related to licensing regulations and policies. We are an independent online casino database that acts as a mediator in resolving players’ disputes. We have no authority to enforce the legality of rules.
Could you please let me know the date when you requested self-exclusion due to gambling addiction and the duration of the self-exclusion period?
Also, have you made a €1000 deposit after the self-exclusion period ended?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Počeo sam na vulkanvegasu 5. februara 2022. i tražio da mi se nalog blokira 19. februara 2022. bez navođenja roka. 14. februara 2023. ukinuo sam blok i kockao sam se do 25. aprila 2023, a onda sam ponovo tražio blokadu jer me je zavisnost obuzela! 13. februara 2024. ponovo sam tražio da se moj nalog izbriše i 4. maja ponovo sam bio slobodan, sada ponovo blokiran.
Rekao bih da sam često ostavljao trag svojom zavisnošću. Pominjao sam to svaki put kada sam bio blokiran i kazino je znao za to. Nažalost, kazino nije uradio ništa po tom pitanju. Blok depozita ili ograničenje depozita trebalo je da bude postavljeno najkasnije sa drugim blokom.
I started at vulkanvegas on February 5th, 2022 and asked for my account to be blocked on February 19th, 2022, without specifying a deadline. On February 14th, 2023 I had the block lifted and gambled until April 25th, 2023, then I asked for a block again because the addiction had overtaken me! On February 13th, 2024 I asked again for my account to be deleted and on May 4th I was free again, now blocked again.
I would say that I had often made my mark with my addiction. I mentioned it every time I was blocked and the casino knew about it. Unfortunately the casino did nothing about it. A deposit block or deposit limit should have been put in place at the latest with the second block.
Ich startete am 05.02.2022 bei vulkanvegas und bat am 19.2.2022 um die Sperrung meines Accounts, ohne genannte Frist. Am 14.02.23 habe ich die Sperre aufheben lassen und gezockt bis 25.04.23 dan bat ich erneut um Sperre da die Sucht mich überholt hatte! 13.02.24 bat ich erneut um eine Löschung meines Accounts und am 04.05 war ich wieder frei ,nun erneut gesperrt.
Ich würde sagen das ich so oft ein Zeichen gesetzt hatte mit der Sucht habe das bei jeder Sperre erwähnt und es war dem casino bekannt, leider Unternahm das Casino nichts dagegen eine Einzahlsperre bzw. EINzahl Limit wäre spätestens bei der 2 Sperre erfolgen müssen.
Molimo vas da mi prosledite sve zahteve za zatvaranje naloga koje ste poslali kazinu od februara, zajedno sa odgovorima kazina i bilo kojom drugom komunikacijom i dokazima koji bi mogli biti relevantni za istragu vašeg slučaja. Moja mejl adresa je . Hvala vam.
Please forward me all the account closure requests you sent to the casino since February, along with the casino's replies and any other communication and evidence that could be relevant to the investigation of your case. My email address is Thank you.
Hvala vam na vašim imejlovima. Možete li mi, molim vas, proslediti i vašu e-poštu kazinu od aprila 2023, kada ste tražili da se vaš nalog ponovo blokira? Možete li da navedete zašto je blokada ukinuta u februaru 2023. Ako imate bilo kakvu e-poštu od ovog datuma, prosledite je i meni.
Thank you for your emails. Could you please forward me also your email to the casino from April 2023, when you asked your account to be blocked again? Could you please specify why was the blockage lifted in February 2023? If you have any email from this date, please forward it to me as well.
Hvala vam puno, Matkap07, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu preneti kolegi Jozefu ( ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Matkap07, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Uživao sam da igram na Vulkan Vegasu i preporučio sam ga svima, ali me je kazino izneverio zbog moje zavisnosti od kockanja. Uspeo sam da uplatim 6000 evra za jedan dan, iako sam više puta pisao o svojoj zavisnosti od kockanja. Čak mi je ponuđen i bonus da nastavim da igram, IAKO SAM ŽELEO DA SE BLOKIRAM! Možete li mi objasniti zašto bi pokušali da ubede zavisnika od kockanja bonusom?
I enjoyed playing on Vulkan Vegas and recommended it to everyone, but the casino let me down because of my gambling addiction. I was able to deposit 6000 euros in one day, even though I wrote about my gambling addiction several times. I was even offered a bonus to keep playing, EVEN THOUGH I WANTED TO BLOCK MYSELF! Can you explain to me why they would try to persuade a gambling addict with a bonus?
Ich habe gern auf vulkanvegas gespielt und das auch jedem empfohlen, jedoch hat mich das Casino mit meiner Spielsucht im Stichgelassen, habe an einem Tag 6000euro einzahlen können, obwohl ich mehrmals von meiner Spielsucht geschrieben habe. ES wurde mir sogar ein Angebot gemacht mit einem Bonus um weiter zu spielen,OBWOHL ICH MICH SPERREN WOLLTE! Können Sie mir das erklären wieso man einen Spielsüchtigen überreden will mit einem Bonus?
Hvala vam na odgovoru. Bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mogli da se pozabavite obema temama. Želeo bih da znam što više detalja kako bih mogao da razumem obe strane temeljno.
Dear Vulkan Vegas Casino team,
thank you for your reply. I would appreciate it if you could address both of the topics. I would like to know as many details as possible so I can understand both sides thoroughly.
1) Proverili smo istoriju ograničenja odgovornog kockanja i nismo uspeli da pronađemo istoriju primene limita depozita. Igrač nikada nije postavljao nikakva ograničenja.
2) Nakon ponovnog aktiviranja naloga, pronašli smo sledeću e-poštu maturskog igrača:
1) We've checked the responsible gambling limits history and were not able to find any history of deposit limit application. Player never set any limits at all.
2) Re the account re-activation, we've found the following e-mail prom the player:
Nekoliko puta sam se blokirao i ponovo aktivirao, a ovo je nekoliko puta pomenuto! Međutim, jasno je da je ograničenje depozita postavljeno da zaštiti igrača. Ovo je problem, ali imam i vaš e-mail koji potvrđuje da niste želeli da mi pomognete, već da me zadržite!
Hello dear VulkanVegas team,
I have blocked and reactivated myself several times, and this has been mentioned several times! However, it is clear that a deposit limit is set to protect the player. This is the issue, but I also have an email from you confirming that you did not want to help me, but rather keep me!
Hallo liebes VulkanVegas Team,
Ich habe mich mehrmals gesperrt und reaktiviert, diese wurde auch mehrfach erwähnt! Jedoch ist es eindeutig das man ,als Schutz für den Spieler einen Einzahlungslimit setzt um dieses Thema geht es, jedoch habe ich auch eine Email von Ihnen, das bestätigt, das Sie mir nicht helfen wollten, sondern eher behalten!
Ono što me ovde brine je činjenica da sam nekoliko puta dozvolio da me blokiraju. U ovom slučaju trebalo je da me klasifikujete kao zavisnika i da mi ograničite ograničenje uloga i da prođete neko vreme. Umesto toga, lagali su me ponudama kao što je gore objavljeno! Nikada nisam dobio 500 evra koliko je trebalo da dobijem, iako sam prihvatio ponudu! U svom poslednjem mejlu tražio sam dobru volju i ukazao na ograničenje uloga od 1000 evra. Tada sam odmah blokiran i komunikacija je prekinuta, ledeno! Kao velika onlajn kazino platforma, niste postali bogati kao rezultat i ne biste bili siromašni čak i da ste pokazali dobru volju. Imam još mnogo toga da kažem i dokažem, ali ne želim da klevetam vašu platformu ovde. Ako nije moguće rešenje neću odustati, insistiram na limitu uloga.
Dear VulkanVegas Team
What I am concerned about here is the fact that I allowed myself to be blocked several times. In this case you should have classified me as an addict and restricted my stake limit and let some time pass. Instead I was lied to with offers as posted above! I never received the 500 euros that I was supposed to receive, even though I accepted the offer! In my last e-mail I asked for goodwill and pointed out the stake limit of 1000 euros. I was then immediately blocked and communication was broken off, ice cold! As a large online casino platform you have not become rich as a result and would not have been poor even if you had shown goodwill. I have a lot more to say and prove, but I do not want to badmouth your platform here. If no solution is possible I will not give up, I insist on the stake limit.
Liebes VulkanVegas Team
Es geht mir hier um die Tatsache ,daß ich mehrfach mich sperren ließ, Sie hätten den Spieler in diesem Fall mich als süchtig einstufen müssen und meinen Einsatzlimit beschränken und etwas Zeit vergehen lassen, statt dessen wurde ich mit Angeboten wie oben bereits gepostet angelogt! Die 500euro die ich angeblich bekommen sollte , habe ich auch nie erhalten und obwohl ich das Angebot auch einging! In Meiner letzten E- Mail bat ich um Kulanz und hab nach dem Einsatzlimit von 1000euro aufmerksam gemacht, daraufhin wurde ich sofort gesperrt und die Kommunikation wurde abgebrochen, eiskalt! Sie als als Großes Online Casino Plattform sind dadurch nicht reich geworden und wären auch bei Kulanz nicht arm. Ich hätte da noch viel mehr zuschreiben mit beweisen, jedoch will ich ihre Plattform hier nicht schlecht reden, ist keine Lösung möglich gebe ich nicht auf, ich bestehe auf den Einsatzlimit.
Ponovo bih vas zamolio da pregledate ovaj slučaj i date mi objašnjenje. Za mene je to mnogo novca, za vaš kazino nije mnogo, ali to je vaša reputacija. Siguran sam da ne želite da razočarate mnoge kupce zbog tolike količine!
Dear VulkanVegas Team,
I would like to ask you again to review this case and give me an explanation. For me, it is a lot of money, for your casino it is not a lot, but it is your reputation. I am sure that you do not want to disappoint many customers because of such an amount!
Liebes VulkanVegas Team,
Ich möchte Sie erneut darum bitten diesen Fall zu überprüfen, und mir eine Erklärung abgeben, es geht für mich um viel Geld, für Ihr Casino ist das nicht viel, jedoch geht es um Ihren Ruf .Ich bin mor sicher das Sie wegen solch einem Betrag nicht viele Kunden enttäuschen wollen!
Molimo Vas da pronađete odgovore na gornja pitanja:
1) limit od 1000 eur.
Proverili smo istoriju ograničenja kockanja (što zahteva GDPR) i nismo našli zapise o postavljanju ni ograničenja depozita ni ograničenja opklada, niti bilo koje druge vrste odgovornih funkcija kockanja. Igrač nikada nije postavljao ograničenja koja su dostupna u bilo kom trenutku. Pošto se sve aktivnosti kockanja obavljaju u okviru nadležnosti Curacao-a - trenutno ne postoji prag koji nameće regulator.
2) Ponovno aktiviranje naloga.
Morali smo da prođemo kroz svu prepisku koja datira još od 2022. I nismo uspeli da nađemo bilo kakvo pominjanje zavisnosti od kockanja. Naprotiv, operateri su nudili različite limite kockanja, uključujući i samoisključivanje. Kao što je gore pomenuto, igrač se nikada nije odlučio ni za jedno od ograničenja koja veb lokacija nudi.
Dragi Josef,
U slučaju da smo propustili da je e-mail igrač pominjao probleme kockanja, ljubazno vas molimo da pošaljete dokaz ovog e-maila.
Hvala unapred!
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear all,
Please kindly find the responses to the above queries:
1) 1000 eur limit.
We have checked the gambling limits history (which is required by GDPR) and found no record of setting neither Deposit limit nor Wager limit, nor any other kind of responsible gambling features. Player never set any limits, that are available at any time. Since all the gambling activity is undertaken within the Curaçao jurisdiction - there is no threshold imposed by the regulator at the moment.
2) Account re-activation.
We had to go through all the correspondence dating back to 2022. And we were unable to find any mentioning of gambling addiction. Vice versa, the operators offered various gambling limits, including the self-exclusion. As mentioned above, the player never opted for any of the limitations, that the website offers.
Dear Josef,
In case we missed the e-mail player was mentioning the gambling issues, we are kindly asking you to send the proof of this e-mail.
Nekoliko puta sam bio neopozivo zaključan i nema potrebe da ponovo aktiviram svoj nalog! Umesto toga, nude mi bonus od 500 evra! I žele da obeshrabre kupce da to rade.
I have been locked out irrevocably several times, and there is no need to reinstate my account! Instead, they are offering me a bonus of 500 euros! And they want to discourage customers from doing this.
Ich habe mich mehrmals unwiderruflich aussperren lassen, eine Wiederaufnahme müsste erst nicht geschehen! Sie bieten mir statt dessen einen Bonus von 500euro an! Und wollen die Kunden davon abhalten.
U ime Vulkanvegas-a, izražavamo najiskrenije izvinjenje zbog propusta koji se dogodio tokom 2022. Duboko žalimo zbog bilo kakve nevolje izazvane vašom bolešću i želimo vam brz i potpun oporavak.
Uplatili smo na vaš račun 6615 EUR, koliko ste izgubili od trenutka kada ste prijavili svoju zavisnost od kockanja. Ljubazno vas molimo da povučete ova sredstva što je pre moguće. Ako vam je potrebna bilo kakva dodatna pomoć u vezi sa vašim stanjem, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku.
On behalf of Vulkanvegas, we extend our sincerest apologies for the oversight that occurred during 2022. We deeply regret any distress caused by your illness and wish you a swift and full recovery.
We have credited your account with 6615 EUR, the amount lost from the time you reported your gambling addiction. We kindly request that you withdraw these funds at your earliest convenience. If you require any further assistance regarding your condition, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
Nakon uspešnog rešavanja problema, žalbu ćemo označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Cenimo vašu saradnju i potvrdu, Matkap07, i ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš Centar za rešavanje žalbi. Naš cilj je da vam pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak i podelili svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugamana Trustpilot-u . Iskreno razmatranje i sve sugestije koje ćete možda imati za poboljšanje našeg procesa rešavanja žalbi i posredovanja bili bi veoma cenjeni. Vaše povratne informacije mogu biti od pomoći drugima koji razmišljaju da nas kontaktiraju u vezi bilo kakvih problema vezanih za onlajn kazino. Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav, Jozef
Dear Matkap07,
After successfully resolving the problem, we will mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We appreciate your cooperation and confirmation, Matkap07, and if you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center. Our goal is to assist you.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would appreciate if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot. An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues. Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards, Jozef
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