Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem sredstava. Prigovor igrača je uspješno riješen.
Dobar dan,
Danas sam igrao dva puta sa svojom kreditnom karticom.
Hteo sam da podignem novac, otišao na sajt,
Postoji i nekoliko načina da se isplati
Uzeto isto kao depozitna kreditna kartica, dobijem podatke
isti popunjen. Idi na povlačenje ne odgovara.
Nakon dugo vremena naprijed-nazad na engleskom i njemačkom.
Razumijete na šta mislim, trebalo bi sačekati i raditi na ovoj stvari,
trebalo bi da pozovete drugi pretraživač i sačekate da proverite.
Duga vremena čekanja i taktike odlaganja.
bilo bi lijepo ako mi možete pomoći.
Good day,
I played twice with my credit card today.
Wanted to withdraw the money, went to the site,
There are also a few ways to pay off
Taken the same as deposit credit card, got the data
the same filled in. Go to withdraw is not responding.
After a long time back and forth in English and German.
You understand what I mean, should wait and work on this thing,
should call another browser and wait to check.
Long waiting times and delaying tactics.
would be nice if you can help me.
Guten Tag,
habe Heute gespielt mit der Kreditkarte 2x einbezahlt.
Wollte das geld auszahlen lassen,ging auf die Seite einzahlen,
steht auch ausbezahlen gibt ein paar Möglichkeiten,habe
die selbe genommen wie einzahlen Kreditkarte,habe die Daten
der selben ausgefüllt.Gehe auf auszahlen reagiert nicht.
Nach langem hin und her auf englisch und deutsch.
Sie verstehn wa ich meine,soll warten sie bearbeiten diese Sache,
soll einen andren Browser aufrufen und warten sie überprüfen.
Lange Wartezeiten und hinhalte Taktik.
wäre nett wenn Sie mir weithelfen können.
Dragi Klaus,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem s povlačenjem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih u potpunosti razumio cijelu situaciju. Možete li nam reći da li je vaš račun u potpunosti verificiran? Da li ste dobili savjet zašto ne možete podići svoje dobitke? Da li je to problem internog kazino sistema ili se odnosi samo na vaš račun?
Imajte na umu, bez verifikacije vašeg računa, nećete imati pravo na povlačenje sredstava.
Međutim, vjerujem da ćemo vam moći pomoći da riješite ovaj problem i dobijete svoje dobitke što je prije moguće. Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Klaus,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your withdrawal problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise if your account has been fully verified? Have you been advised why you can’t withdraw your winnings? Is it an internal casino system issue, or it’s related to your account only?
Please understand, without verifying your account, you won’t be entitled to any withdrawals.
However, I believe we will be able to help you to resolve this issue and receive your winnings as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dragi Klaus,
Tajmer produžavamo za 10 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne dostavite tražene informacije u zadatom roku, odbiti Vaš prigovor.
Dear Klaus,
We are extending the timer by 10 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Pozdrav i hvala na trudu.
Mogu samo da kažem da sam zaradio svoj novac, inače ne mogu da uplatim.
Otišao sam na stranicu za uplatu, jer piše da se također isplati.
Često sam isprobavao ovu kutiju sa isplatom koja ne odgovara.
Nakon duge prepiske, stigao je odgovor i dugo se obrađuje
odgovorite, ne znate pokušajte ponovo.
Bez uspeha, onda je zaposlenik napravio pauzu sa nemačkom korespondencijom, trebalo bi da nastavim da odgovaram na engleskom,
Gotov odgovor, on ne razumije, dok ja nepogrešivo vladam engleskim, 10 minuta kasnije
treba ponovo odgovoriti na njemačkom.
Tako je krenulo gore-dole, nakon određenog vremena takozvana blokada, više ništa nije radilo,
Tada sam odustao. Nadam se da sam mogao da vam pomognem sa ovim pitanjem.
Hvala unapred.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello and thank you for your efforts.
I can only say that I have earned my money, otherwise I cannot pay in.
I went to the deposit page, because it says to also pay out.
Have often tried this box with withdrawals not responding.
After a long correspondence, the answer came and is being processed for a long time
answer, you do not know try again.
No success, then the employee took a break with German correspondence, I should continue to answer in English,
Done answer, he doesn't understand, while I have an unmistakable command of English, 10 minutes later
should answer in German again.
So it went up and down, after a certain time so-called blockade, nothing worked anymore,
I then gave up. I hope I was able to help you with this matter.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards
Guten Tag und vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen.
Ich kann nur sagen ich habe mich verdiviziert ,sonst kann ich nicht einbezahlen.
Bin auf die Seite einzahlen gegangen ,da auch auszahlen steht.
Habe oft probiert dieses Kästchen auszahlen reagiert nicht .
Nach langer Korrespotenz hin und , kam die antwort wird bearbeitet lange pause
antwort, sie wissen nicht nochmals probieren.
Kein Erfolg,dann machte die Mitarbeiterin mit deutscher Korrespotenz Pause,ich sollte auf englisch weiter antworten,
getan Antwort er versteht nicht,dabei ich ein unmissverständliche englisch behersche,10 Minuten danach
sollte wieder auf deutsch antworten.
So ging es auf und ab,nach gewisser Zeit sogenannte Blockade ,ging gar nichts mehr,
habe dann aufgegeben.Ich hoffe ich konnte Ihnen in dieser Sache weiterhelfen.
Bedanke mich im voraus.
Zdravo, Klaus
Dozvoli mi da ti pomognem.
Prije svega, ne vidimo nikakav pokušaj povlačenja dobitaka. Da biste to učinili - jednostavno idite na odjeljak "Povlačenje", navedite način podizanja i unesite iznos novca koji želite podići.
Drugo – niste dostavili nikakve dokumente da biste završili KYC provjeru. Molimo vas da ih otpremite u okviru kartice "KYC verifikacija".
Hvala vam puno na saradnji!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello, Klaus
Let me try to assist you.
First of all, we do not see any attempt to withdraw the winnings. To do that - simply navigate to "Withdraw" section, specify the withdrawal method and input the amount of money you want to withdraw.
Secondly - you have not provided any documents at all in order to complete the KYC check. We kindly ask you to upload them within the "KYC Verification" tab.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Best regards,
Dodatni komentari igrača:
"Zdravo dobar dan,
Prvo hvala i sretna nova godina. Uznemiravanje se nastavlja, uradio sam sve što je traženo.
Lična karta kvačica krteditkarte kvačica je prihvaćena, samo faktura iz kancelarije nije prihvaćena
ponovno emitovanje starije od 3 mjeseca, odnosno 02.01.2022.
danas napišeš sliku sa ličnom kartom i kreditnom karticom na licu, sve gotovo.
Poslat ću vam ga ove sedmice, pa ćete možda primijetiti nešto drugačije u vezi sa uznemiravanjem.
Srdačni pozdravi
Additional comments from the player:
"Hi good afternoon,
First thanks and a happy new year. The harassment continues, I did everything that was asked.
Identity card a check mark krteditkarte a check mark was accepted, only the invoice from the office was not accepted
re-broadcast older than 3 months, that was on January 2nd, 2022.
today you write picture with ID card and credit card on face, everything done.
I'll send it to you this week, so you might notice something different about the harassment.
Kind regards
Additional comments from the player:
"Hallo guten Tag,
zuerst Danke und ein gute neues Jahr.Die schikanen gehen weiter,habe alles erfüllt was verlangt wird.
Akzeptiert wurde Ausweis ein Häkchen krteditkarte ein Häkchen,nur rechnung vom Amt nicht
älter als 3 Monate neu gesendet,das war am 2.jan 2022.
heute schreiben Sie Bild mit Ausweis und kreditkarte an Gesicht halten,alles gemacht.
Ich werde Ihnen diese in dieser Woche zusenden,vielleicht fällt Ihnen an den Schikanen was anders auf.
Uredno sam uploadovao sve dokumente,
a opet se uvijek traže ponovo, sljedeći put kreditna kartica za pasoš
i tako naizmenično, ako želite da vam pošaljem postavljene zahtjeve molim,
javite mi.
Srdačni pozdravi
I uploaded all documents properly,
and yet they are always requested again, the next time the passport credit card
and so alternately, if you want me to send you the uploaded requests please,
let me know.
Kind regards
Habe alle Dokumente ordungsgemäß hochgeladen,
und trotzdem werden sie immer neu angefordert,eimal der pass nächstesmal Kreditkarte
und so im Wechsel,wenn ich Ihnen die Hochgeladenen anforderungen senden soll bitte,
sagen Sie bescheid.
Dragi klaus,
Vaš dokument za "dokaz adrese" je odbijen jer je izdat 14. jula 2021. (što je duže od 3 mjeseca)
Za sada nedostaje samo jedan dokument - selfi sa ličnom kartom.
Čim ga dostavite i bude potvrđeno, povlačenje će biti odobreno za tren oka.
Hvala na saradnji!
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear klaus,
Your provided document for the "proof of address" was declined since it was issues on July 14, 2021 (which is greater than 3 months)
As per the moment being, there is only one missing document - selfie with ID card.
As soon as you provide it, and it gets verified, the withdrawal will be approved in no time.
Thank you for cooperation!
Kind regards
Hvala puno, Vulkan Vegas Casino tim , na pojašnjenju.
Dragi Klaus ,
Molimo da dostavite posljednji traženi dokument i obavijestite me. Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Thank you very much, Vulkan Vegas Casino team, for the clarification.
Dear Klaus,
Please provide the last requested document and keep me informed. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Trenutni dokaz adrese iz decembra 2021. je već skeniran, kao i odgovarajući selfi sa identifikacijom.
Ovo bi konačno trebalo da ispuni sve uslove, da bi se konačno izvršila uplata.
A current proof of address from December 2021 has already been scanned, as has a corresponding selfi with ID.
This should finally meet all requirements, so that a payment should finally be made.
Ein aktueller Adress Nachweis vom Dezember 2021 wurde bereits eingescannt, ebenso ein entsprechendes Selfi mit Ausweis.
Damit sollten doch endlich alle Forderungen erfüllt sein, so daß nun endlich eine Auszahlung erfolgen sollte.
Dragi klaus,
Oprostite, ali provjerili smo poštansko sanduče, chat, vaš lični račun i nismo uspjeli pronaći selfi sa ID-om.
Jeste li potpuno sigurni da ste ga dostavili?
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru!
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear klaus,
Pardon, but we've checked mailbox, chat, your personal account and were unable to find a selfie with ID.
Are you completely sure you'd provided it?
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards
Dragi Klause
Mogu potvrditi da smo dobili traženi dokument 06.01.2022. 09:32:37 (UTC)
Vaš račun je sada verifikovan, slobodno zatražite dobitke.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Klaus
I can confirm we received the required document on 06.01.2022 09:32:37 (UTC)
Your account is now verified, feel free to request the winnings.
Best regards
Sada kada je traženi selfi poslat po treći put, nadam se da će ovoj dosadnoj stvari sada doći kraj.
Jako se nadam da opet nesto ne fali, ili da bi neki drugi dokument koji je poslat trebalo ponovo da bude odbijen.
Obavijestite nas nakon završetka testa kako bi se plaćanje moglo brzo nastaviti.
Srdačni pozdravi
želio sam ponovo priložiti selfi, nažalost ovaj program ne prihvata fotografiju
Now that the requested selfi has been sent for the third time, I hope that this annoying matter will now come to an end.
I very much hope that something shouldn't be missing again, or that another document that has been sent should be rejected again afterwards.
Please notify us after the test has been completed so that the payment can now proceed quickly.
Kind regards
wanted to attach the selfi again, unfortunately this program does not accept a photo
nachdem nun zum dritten male das angeforderte Selfi gesendet wurde, hoffe ich nun das diese leidige Angelegenheit nun zum Ende Kommt.
Ich hoffe sehr, daß nun nicht nochmal etwas fehlen sollte, oder nachträglich wieder ein gesendetes Dolument wieder abgelehnt werden sollte.
Bitte um Mitteilung nach Abschluß der Prüfung, damit die Auszahlung nunmehr zügig vonstatten gehen kann.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
wollte hier das Selfi nochmals anhängen, leider akzeptiert dieses Programm kein Foto
Dragi klaus
Molimo pogledajte moju poruku iznad:
"Mogu potvrditi da smo dobili traženi dokument 06.01.2022. 09:32:37 (UTC)
Vaš račun je sada verifikovan, slobodno zatražite dobitke."
Molimo Vas da nastavite sa zahtjevom za povlačenje.
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear klaus
Please kindly refer to my message above:
"I can confirm we received the required document on 06.01.2022 09:32:37 (UTC)
Your account is now verified, feel free to request the winnings."
Please, kindly proceed with the withdrawal request.
Kind regards
zahtjev za povlačenje još je učinjen jučer popodne.
Onda je došao nagoveštaj da bi transfer mogao potrajati nekoliko minuta!
Trenutno samo ponovo provjereno, cijeli iznos je još uvijek na računu igrača.
Shodno tome, ništa još nije preneseno. I dalje odugovlačite sa taktikom?
the withdrawal request was still made yesterday afternoon.
Then came the hint that the transfer could take a few minutes!
Currently just checked again, the entire amount is still in the player's account.
Accordingly, nothing has been transferred yet. Still stalling tactics?
der Auszahlungsantrag wurde gestern Nachmittag noch gestellt.
Darufhin kam dann der Hinweiß, das die Überweisung einige Minuten dauern könnte!!!
Aktuell gerade nochmals überprüft, der gesamte Betrag steht noch immer auf dem Spieler Konto.
Demnach wurde noch nichts überwiesen. Weiterhin Hinhalte-Taktik??
U potpunosti razumijem tvoju frustraciju, Klause. Međutim, postaviću tajmer za dodatna 4 dana i ako ne bude razvoja do srijede, intervenisaćemo. Ostanimo pozitivni i ostavimo malo vremena kazinu da obradi vaše povlačenje. Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na strpljenju.
I fully understand your frustration, Klaus. However, I will set the timer for additional 4 days and if there’s no development by Wednesday, we will intervene. Let’s stay positive and allow some time to casino to process your withdrawal. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Dragi klaus,
Molimo vas da razumete, mi ne možemo podneti zahtev za povlačenje umesto vas.
Samo igrač može otići u odjeljak "Povlačenje" na web stranici i kreirati zahtjev za povlačenje.
Draga Petronela, želio bih potvrditi da igrač nije ni pokušao podnijeti zahtjev za povlačenje.
Dragi Klause, još jednom, molim vas da podnesete zahtjev za povlačenje.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear klaus,
Please kindly understand, we cannot make a withdrawal request instead of you.
Only the player can go to the "Withdrawal" section of the website and create a withdrawal request.
Dear Petronela, I would like to confirm that the player has not even attempted to make a withdrawal request.
Dear Klaus, once again, please kindly make a withdrawal request.
Best regards
Postaje smešno.
Prilikom isplate trebalo je uneti broj kartice, a zatim je stigla poruka da transfer može potrajati nekoliko minuta.
Misliš da si glup?
Ali nažalost takvih slučajeva na relevantnim forumima ima mnogo.
Ali OK.
Još jedan pokušaj nakon toga moram rezervisati dalje korake za sebe.
Kako vam mogu poslati ovo obavještenje o navodnoj isplati sa ekrana?
It's getting ridiculous.
During the withdrawal process, the card number had to be entered, then the message came that the transfer could take a few minutes.
Think you are stupid?
But unfortunately there are numerous such cases in the relevant forums.
But OK.
One more attempt after that I have to reserve further steps for myself.
How can I send you this alleged payout notification from the screen?
Das wird ja langsam lächerlich.
Beim auszahlungsvorgang musste noch die Karten Nummer eingegeben werden danach kam die Meldung das die Überweisung einige Minuten dauern könnte.
Denken die man ist blöd??
Aber in den einschlägigen Foren gibt es ja leider zahlreiche solcher Fälle.
Aber ok.
Nochmals Ein Versuch danach muss ich mir doch weitere Schritte vorbehalten.
Wie kann ich die diese angebliche Auszahlung Mitteilung vom Bildschirm ihnen senden?
Možete poslati bilo koje snimke ekrana na petronela.k@casino.guru .
You can send any screenshots to petronela.k@casino.guru.
Dragi svi,
Blagoslovljeni smo što vidimo zahtjeve za povlačenje, koji su danas konačno predati (10.01.2022. 09:09:03 (UTC))
Sva povlačenja su odobrena od strane kazina, dio novca bi već trebao biti na kartici igrača.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear all,
We are blessed to see the withdrawal requests, that were finally committed today (10.01.2022 09:09:03 (UTC))
All the withdrawals have been approved by the Casino, part of the money should be on player's card already.
Best regards
onda ću pričekati i vidjeti hoće li nešto zaista doći na moj račun.
Što se pak čini neshvatljivim, zašto je to samo djelimičan iznos?
Cijeli iznos je izbrisan sa računa igrača.
Zar onda ne bi trebalo isplatiti cijeli iznos?
then I'll wait and see if something really goes into my account.
Which in turn seems incomprehensible, why is it only a partial amount?
The entire amount has been deleted from the player account.
Then shouldn't the entire amount be paid out?
dann warte ich mal ab ob wirklich etwas auf meinem Konto eingeht.
Was wiederum unverständlich erscheint, weshalb nur Teilbetrag?
Auf dem Spielerkonto wurde der Gesamte Betrag gelöscht.
Dann sollte doch wohl auch der gesamte Betrag ausbezahlt werden?
Još nekoliko transakcija je uspješno obrađeno, jedna transakcija (dc45bd64-235b-47fb-baa3-566cfd3f07b0) nije uspjela iz tehničkih razloga. Molimo Vas da ponovo podnesete zahtjev za povlačenje.
Hvala unaprijed!
Several more transactions got processed successfully, one transaction (dc45bd64-235b-47fb-baa3-566cfd3f07b0) failed due to technical reasons. Please kindly make a withdrawal request again.
Thank you in advance!
Čitava stvar postaje sve nejasnija.
Prvo, zašto višestruke isplate?
Nema očiglednog razloga za to?
Ukupan iznos igre od 860,40 je u potpunosti rezerviran, onda Bog zna da pretpostavite da će i ovaj iznos biti zanemaren.
Umjesto toga, navodno je prebačen iznos od 165 eura i još jedan iznos od 155,40 eura.
Koje još nisu primljene!!
Čak i da je to slučaj, ako oduzmem ova dva iznosa od salda od 860,40, na računu igrača bi još uvijek trebalo biti 540,00. Ali ako sada provjerim, ima ih samo 165, - ????
Napravio sam fotografiju na ekranu svake stranice kako bi se mogao pratiti ovaj zlokobni proces. Drago mi je da vam ovo pružim.
Želio bih sada da budem razjašnjen
gde su ti navodni ekscesi?
gde je nestala razlika.
The whole matter is becoming more and more opaque.
For one, why multiple payouts?
There is no obvious reason for that?
The total amount of the game of 860.40 was completely booked out, then God knows you should assume that this amount will also be overlooked.
Instead, an amount of 165 euros and another amount of 155.40 were allegedly transferred.
Which have not yet been received !!
Even if this is the case, if I deduct these two amounts from the 860.40 balance, there should still be 540.00 on the player account. But if I check now, there are only 165, - ????
I took a screen photo of each page so that one can follow this ominous process. I am happy to provide this to you.
I would like to be clarified now
where are these alleged excesses?
where has the difference gone.
Die ganze Angelegenheit wird immer undurchsichtiger.
Zum einen, weshalb mehrere Auszahlungen??
Dafür ist doch kein Grund ersichtlich??
Der Gesamte Spielbetrag von 860,40 wurde komplett ausgebucht, dann sollte man doch weiß Gott davon ausgehen das dieser Betrag auch zu Überweißung kommt.
Stattdesen wurde angeblich ein Betrag über 165,- Euro und ein weiterer Betrag über 155,40 überwiesen.
Welche bisher noch nicht eingegangen sind!!
Selbst wenn dies der Fall sein sollte, wenn ich von dem Guthaben 860,40 diese zwei Beträge abziehe, müssten ja noch 540,- auf dem Spielerkonto stehen. Wenn ich aber jetzt überprüfe, stehen lediglich 165,- ????
Ich habe von jeder Seite jedesmal ein Bildschirm foto erstellt, damit man diesen ominösen Vorgang verfolgen kann. Gerne kann ich Ihnen diese auch zur Verfügung stellen.
Ich möchte nun geklärt wissen
wo bleiben diese angeblichen Überweißungen
wohin ist die Differenz verschwunden.
Možete poslati bilo koje snimke ekrana na petronela.k@casino.guru .
You can send any screenshots to petronela.k@casino.guru.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Da li se dobro sjećam da ste sredstva podigli putem bankovnog transfera? Molimo sačekajte malo vremena za međunarodne transakcije i ako još uvijek ima sredstava na vašem kazino računu, podnesite još jedan zahtjev za povlačenje. Unaprijed se zahvaljujemo na saradnji.
Do I remember correctly that you have withdrawn your funds via bank transfer? Please allow some time for international transactions and if there are still funds inside your casino account, please place another withdrawal request. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation.
Prethodne uplate su sada izvršene i sada sam zatražio ostatak.
Želio bih da vam se zahvalim na vašoj podršci i da vam pokažem svoju zahvalnost za to.
Molim te reci mi kako da ti nešto donesem.
The previous payments have now been made and I have now requested the rest.
I would like to thank you for your support and show my appreciation for it.
Please tell me how I can get something to you.
Die bisherigen Zahlungen sind mittlerweile erfolgt und den Rest habe ich nunmehr angefordert.
Ich möchte mich für Ihre Unterstützung bedanken und mich dafür auch erkenntlich zeigen.
Bitte teilen Sie mir doch mit, wie ich Ihnen etwas zukommen lassen könnte.
Hvala vam puno na lijepim riječima, međutim, ne naplaćujemo nikakve naknade niti primamo bilo kakve donacije.
Najmanje što mogu učiniti je zadržati ovaj slučaj otvoren do vaše daljnje potvrde o uspješnom povlačenju. Obavještavajte me.
Thank you very much for your kind words, however, we don't charge any fees nor accept any donations.
The least I can do is to keep this case opened till your further confirmation regarding successful withdrawal. Please keep me informed.
Sve je ok, i još jednom hvala.
Možda mi možete navesti kazino koji nema poteškoća
radi prilikom isplate.
Srdačni pozdravi
Everything is ok, and thank you again.
Maybe you can name me a casino that has no difficulties
does when paying out.
Kind regards
Es ist alles ok,und bedanke mich nochmal bei Ihnen.
Vielleicht können Sie mir ein Casino nennen das keine Schwierigkeiten
macht bei der Auszahlung.
Kako je problem uspješno riješen, sada ćemo zatvoriti žalbu kao 'rešenu' u našem sistemu. Puno vam hvala, Klaus, na saradnji i potvrdi, i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati naš Centar za rješavanje žalbi ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
As the problem has been successfully resolved, we will now close the complaint as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thank you very much, Klaus, for your cooperation and confirmation, and please don’t hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
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