Draga Florentza_1990,
Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama o našoj veb stranici.
Želeo bih da dam nekoliko pojašnjenja u vezi sa ovim pitanjem.
Prvo, imajte na umu da je najlakši i najbrži način da nas kontaktirate putem našeg 24/7 onlajn ćaskanja. Odgovori putem e-pošte mogu potrajati malo duže. Primili smo dva e-poruka od vas juče 7. 11. 2024. u 19:08:38 (UTC), što je bilo van radnog vremena za odgovarajuće odeljenje. Međutim, danas ste dobili odgovor.
Što se tiče vaše verifikacije, da bismo završili proces, potreban nam je izvod iz banke ili snimak ekrana za bankovnu karticu koja se završava na 4897 i selfi na kom ste u ruci pasoša.
Drugi dokumenti nisu traženi. Ne tražimo IBAN izvod, jer se IBAN broj i broj bankovne kartice razlikuju.
Da biste završili verifikaciju, izvod iz banke mora da sadrži broj kartice 533317******4897 i vaše puno ime.
Vidim da ste postavili nekoliko dokumenata ubrzo nakon zahteva; međutim, odgovarajuće odeljenje ih još nije pregledalo, pošto ovaj proces obično traje od nekoliko minuta do nekoliko sati.
Nadam se da će ovo detaljno objašnjenje pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Vinnita Casino
Dear Florentza_1990,
Thank you for your feedback about our website.
I’d like to provide a few clarifications regarding this issue.
First, please note that the easiest and fastest way to contact us is through our 24/7 Online Chat. Email responses may take a bit longer. We received two emails from you yesterday on 2024-11-07 at 19:08:38 (UTC), which was outside business hours for the corresponding department. However, you received a response today.
Regarding your verification, to complete the process, we require a bank statement or screenshot for the banking card ending in 4897 and a selfie of you holding your passport.
No other documents have been requested. We are not asking for an IBAN statement, as the IBAN number and bank card number are different.
To finalize verification, the bank statement must contain the card number 533317******4897 and your full name.
I see that you uploaded a few documents shortly after the request; however, the corresponding department has not yet reviewed them, as this process typically takes a few minutes to several hours.
I hope this detailed explanation helps.
Best regards,
Winnita Casino
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