NaslovnaPritužbeWinshark Casino - Zahtev za povlačenje igrača je odložen i nivo naloga je opao.
Winshark Casino - Zahtev za povlačenje igrača je odložen i nivo naloga je opao.
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13.000 €
Winshark Casino
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Slučaj je zatvoren : 22/10/2024
Slučaj je zatvoren
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Igrač je prestao odgovarati
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pre 4 meseci
The player from Germany had won 13,000 at Winshark but faced issues when trying to cash out, as her account level unexpectedly dropped from Level 4 to Level 2, which limited withdrawals to 500 euros every 24 hours. After she contacted support for an explanation and deposited an additional 35 euros to play, the site went down for an update, which added to her frustration. Ultimately, the Complaints Team had to reject the case due to the player's lack of response to their inquiries, preventing any further investigation or resolution of the issue.
Igračica iz Nemačke je osvojila 13.000 na Vinshark-u, ali se suočila sa problemima kada je pokušavala da unovči, jer je njen nivo računa neočekivano pao sa nivoa 4 na nivo 2, što je ograničilo podizanje na 500 evra svaka 24 sata. Nakon što je kontaktirala podršku za objašnjenje i deponovala dodatnih 35 evra za igru, sajt je ugašen radi ažuriranja, što je povećalo njenu frustraciju. Na kraju, Žalbeni tim je morao da odbije slučaj zbog toga što igrač nije odgovorio na njihove upite, sprečavajući bilo kakvu dalju istragu ili rešavanje problema.
Danas sam ponovo igrao na VinSharku i veoma sam uznemiren. Igram na VinSharku prilično često. Onda sam osvojio nešto, 13.000, i hteo da unovčim. Pošto sam već bio na nivou 4, nakon pobede, iznenada sam pao na nivo 2. Nisam mogao da unovčim svoj novac u potpunosti, samo tri puta 500, što je još uvek na čekanju. Kontaktirao sam podršku i rekli su da se može unovčiti samo 500 evra svaka 24 sata. Nisu objasnili zašto je moj nivo pao na 2 i zašto je moj novac nestao. Imam fotografije ovoga. Posle toga sam položio još 35 evra da ponovo igram, misleći da će se novac verovatno ponovo pojaviti. Onda je sajt iznenada pao, sa porukom da se vratim kasnije pošto se ažuriranje sprovodi. Ovo se nikada ranije nije desilo.
I played at WinShark again today and I am very upset. I play at WinShark quite often. Then I won something, 13,000, and wanted to cash out. Since I was already at Level 4, after the win, I was suddenly dropped to Level 2. I could not cash out my money completely, only three times 500, which is still pending. I contacted support, and they said that one can only cash out 500 euros every 24 hours. They didn't explain why my level dropped to 2 and why my money disappeared. I have photos of this. After that, I deposited another 35 euros to play again, thinking the money would probably reappear. Then the site suddenly went down, with a message saying to come back later as an update was being carried out. This has never happened before.
Ich habe heute wieder bei WinShark gespielt ich bin sehr verärgert ich spiele sehr oft nur bei WinShark dann gewinne ich einmal was 13000 möchte sie abgeben da ich schon Level 4 war und nach dem Gewinn nur noch Level 2 und konnte mein Geld nicht komplett auszahlen lassen nur drei mal 500 das noch offen steht den Rest nicht als ich den Support kontaktierte meinten sie das Emre so nur alle 24 std dürfe man 500 Euro abgeben und keine Aussage darüber warum plötzlich Level 2 steht und das mein Geld verschwunden ist ich habe Fotos davon danach hatte ich 35€ noch mal eingezahlt zum spielen weil ich dachte das wird bestimmt wieder auftauchen dann gib die Seite nicht mehr plötzlich stand da kommen sie später wieder wie machen ein Update noch nie zuvor war es so passiert
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za frustrirajuće iskustvo koje ste imali u Vinshark-u.
Da biste nam pomogli da bolje razumemo situaciju i da vam efikasno pomognemo, da li biste mogli da razjasnite nekoliko tačaka?
Možete li da potvrdite datum i vreme kada ste primetili da je nivo vašeg naloga pao sa nivoa 4 na nivo 2?
Da li je bilo obaveštenja ili ažuriranja od Vinshark-a u vezi sa promenama na nivou vašeg naloga ili ograničenjima gotovine pre vašeg pokušaja povlačenja?
Da li ste dobili konkretna objašnjenja od korisničke podrške u vezi sa razlozima za pad vašeg nivoa ili ograničenja za isplatu?
Pored toga, ako imate bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju ili fotografije u vezi sa ovim problemom, prosledite ih na .
Vaša saradnja je ključna za nas da nastavimo sa ovim slučajem i radimo na rešavanju problema. Bez vašeg doprinosa i dodatnih informacija, nećemo moći da preduzmemo dalje korake da vam pomognemo.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće.
Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Miri0201,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the frustrating experience you’ve had at Winshark.
To help us understand the situation better and assist you effectively, could you please clarify a few points?
Can you confirm the date and time when you noticed your account level dropped from Level 4 to Level 2?
Were there any notifications or updates from Winshark regarding changes to your account level or cashout limits prior to your withdrawal attempt?
Have you received any specific explanations from customer support regarding the reasons for the drop in your level or the cashout restrictions?
Additionally, if you have any relevant communications or photos related to this issue, please forward them to
Your cooperation is crucial for us to proceed with this case and work towards resolving the issue. Without your input and additional information, we won’t be able to take further steps to assist you.
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Rekao sam podršci i slikao to, ali oni nisu mogli ništa da kažu o tome i morao sam da napišem mejl. Drugi nivo je došao odmah nakon što sam pobedio.
kada sam pre nekoliko nedelja dostigao nivo 5, takođe je bio slučaj da, iako igram tamo svaki dan, često sam bio spušten na nivo 2, moram da pogledam, već sam tada bio uznemiren zbog toga i rekli su da je to kako je bilo pa moram da vidim da li imam snimak ekrana. Veoma sam razočaran. Mislim da to nije iskreno. Ja sam VinShark samo zato ne mogu sve da unovčim iako sam VIP 4.5 nakon što je sve nestalo samo dobio sam odgovor u nedelju da li da im ga pošaljem ovde ili e-poštom i igrao sam sa preostalih 11 hiljada za oko 100, odjednom je moj novac nestao i sajt je zatvoren, navodno ažuriranje koje se nikada ranije nije desilo, moj dobitak je nestao. tada sam mogao da unovčim samo 1500 i samo od ponedeljka pa nadalje samo 500 tri puta pre toga sam uvek tražio podršku, rekli su mi da ne brinem na nivou četiri možete da unovčite mnogo više ili sve kada je više od 11 hiljada nestalo, otkazao sam 500 povlačenja tri puta i igrao sam sa njima u nadi da će se novac vratiti i da ću ponovo pobediti Pitam se da li bi se to desilo dva puta nakon što se sajt ponovo povećao, sva mesta su bila zatvorena što je značilo da više niste imali šanse za pobedu bilo šta dobro, frustriran sam što sam od početka proverena lojalna stalna mušterija, igram samo retko tamo, pa s vremena na vreme kod drugih i onda se desi ovako nešto dobio sam odgovor da sam prokockao novac Mislim da je to bilo neposredno pre nego što je sajt zatvoren ili ceo kazino zatvoren na sat vremena zemlja koja je pre toga nestala kada su rekli da sam ga prokockao, što nije tačno, prokockao sam povećanje uprkos tome što sam bio lojalan redovan kupac Spušten sam na nivo dva, oni to rade namerno tako da prokockaš svoj novac, to je nepravedno. Tako sam tužan što sam deponovao tamo svaki dan iako sam samo izgubio jer sam mislio da je samo VinShark siguran i isplaćen bez ikakvih problema znate za drugi kazino koji takođe sve isplaćuje odmah, a ne nedeljama kasnije i onda samo koristeći nepoštena sredstva
I told support and took a photo of it, but they couldn't say anything about it and I would have to write an email. Level two came straight after I won.
when I reached level 5 a few weeks ago it was also the case that even though I play there every day I was often downgraded to level 2 I have to take a look I was already upset about it at the time and they said that was the way it was so I have to see if I have any screenshots I am very disappointed I don't think that's honest I'm WinShark just so I can't cash out everything even though I'm VIP 4.5 after everything was gone I only got a reply on Sunday should I send it here or by email to them and I had played with the remaining 11 thousand for around 100 suddenly my money was gone and the site was closed supposedly an update which had never happened before was my winnings gone I was then only able to cash out 1500 and only from Monday onwards only 500 three times before that I always asked support they told me not to worry at level four you can cash out a lot more or everything when the over 11 thousand was gone I cancelled 500 withdrawals three times and played with them in the hope that the money would come back and I would win again I wonder if that would happen twice after the site went back up all the spots were closed which meant you no longer had a chance of winning anything well I'm frustrated that I've been a verified loyal regular customer since the beginning, I only play there rarely, then at others every now and then and then something like this happens I got the answer that I had gambled away the money time I think it was just before the site was closed or the whole casino was closed for an hour country that was gone before that they said I had gambled it away which isn't true I had gambled away the increase despite being a loyal regular customer I was downgraded to level two they do it on purpose so that you gamble away your money it's unfair I'm so sad I deposited there every day even though I only lost because I thought that only WinShark was safe and paid out without any problems do you know of another casino that also pays out everything immediately, not weeks later and then only using unfair means
Ich teilte es dem Support mit hab Foto davon gemacht das sie dazu nichts sagen können ich eine email schreiben müsste Level zwei Kamm direkt nach dem ich gewonnen hatte.
als ich Level 5 erreichte vor paar Wochen war es auch der Fall das ich obwohl ich jeden da spiele oft auf Level 2 abgestuft ich muss mal schauen hatte mich damals schon deswegen aufgeregt und die sagten das wäre so da muss ich schauen ob ich noch Screenshots habe bin sehr entäuscht finde das nicht ehrlich bin WinShark nur damit ich nicht alles auszahlen kann obwohl ich vip 4,5 bin nach dem alles weg war wurde mir erst Sonntag geantwortet soll ich das hier senden oder ihnen per email und die restlichen 11 tausend hatte ich 100 ungefähr mit gespielt plötzlich war mein Geld weg und die Seite wurde geschlossen angeblich Update was vorher noch nie passierte war mein Gewinn weg hatte dann 1500 nur auszahlen lassen können und erst ab Montag nur drei mal 500 vorher fragte ich immer das Support sie sagten mir machen sie sich keine Sorgen bei Level vier können sie viel mehr bzw. alles auszahlen lassen als die über 11 tausend weg war hatte ich drei mal 500 abhebungen storniert und damit gespielt in der Hoffnung das das Geld wieder kommt und ich noch mal gewinne ob das 2 mal passiert nach dem die Seite wieder ging waren alle Spots zu das bedeutet man hatte keine Chance mehr was zu gewinnen naja bin frustriert das ich verefiziert bin loyaler Stamm Kunde seit Anfang an nur dort spiele selten dann bei anderen ab und zu nur und dann sowas passiert ich bekamm die Antwort ich hätte das Geld verspielt Uhrzeit glaube kurz bevor die Seite geschlossen wurde bzw das ganze Casino eine std Land das war davor weg sie sagen ich hätte es verspielt was nicht stimmt die Anhebung g hatte ich verspielt trotz loyale Stamm Kundin war Level zwei runter gestuft das machen die extra damit man sein Geld verspielt das ist unfair ich bin so traurig hatte dort jeden Tag eingezahlt obwohl ich nur verlor weil ich dachte das nur WinShark sicher ist und auch problemlos auszahlt kennen sie ein anderes Casino was auch alles auszahlt sofort nicht erst Wochen später und dann nur unfairen Mitteln handeln
Tek nakon što je sve nestalo, stigao je ovaj mejl. Šaljem vam sve mejlove. Hvala vam puno. Tako sam tužan. Bio sam tako srećan što sam konačno mogao nešto da povučem. 13 hiljada i ne dobijam ovaj novac. Deponovao sam preko 30.000 ukupno i nisam pobedio ni jednom osim u subotu 😞🥺😭
Only after everything was gone did this email come. I am sending you all the emails. Thank you so much. I am so sad. I was so happy to finally be able to withdraw something. 13 thousand and I don't get this money. I had deposited over 30,000 in total and didn't win once except on Saturday 😞🥺😭
Erst nach dem alles weg war kamm diese email ich sende ihnen alle E-Mails zu ich danke ihn so sehr ich bin so traurig ich habe mich so gefreut endlich etwas auszahlen lassen zu können 13 tausend und dieses Geld bekomme ich nicht Mals ich hatte da ingesamt über 30000 eingezahlt und nicht einmal gewonnen außer Samstag 😞🥺😭
Na snimku ekrana koji ste dali, vidim da ste 21. septembra tražili dva (verovatno tri) povlačenja od 500 evra, a u to vreme je vaš aktivni bilans već bio pao na 0,21 evra.
Možete li, molim vas, pojasniti kada ste umanjili svoj preostali dobitak?
Ako vam je teško da se uzdržite od umanjivanja dobitaka, preporučujem vam da razmislite o pauzi od kockanja. Uvek savetujemo našim igračima da ostanu strpljivi dok čekaju da se njihova povlačenja obrađuju, jer ne možemo uticati ili ubrzati vreme obrade u bilo kom kazinu.
Kao deo naše Globalne inicijative za samoisključivanje, udružili smo se sa BetBlocker-om, dobrotvornom organizacijom registrovanom u Velikoj Britaniji koja pruža besplatnu uslugu za podršku ljudima širom sveta. Više informacija o našoj inicijativi možete pronaći ovde i o BetBlocker- u ovde .
BetBlocker, koji podržava sedam jezika, se brzo i lako instalira na više uređaja, za samo 2 minuta. Jednom instaliran, blokira pristup preko 84.230 veb lokacija za kockanje i radi tiho u pozadini. Usluga se može koristiti anonimno i pomaže pojedincima da bezbedno i na odgovarajući način upravljaju svojim pristupom kockanju, bilo da to znači potpuno ograničenje ili ograničavanje pristupa tokom ranjivih perioda.
Pored toga, BetBlocker uključuje listu od 824 sajta sa informacijama o kockanju. Ovi sajtovi prvenstveno informišu korisnike o uslugama kockanja i reklamiraju ih. Možete izabrati da uključite ove sajtove u svoje ograničenje tako što ćete označiti polje. Međutim, ako imate stalnu žalbu protiv operatera kockanja, nemojte označiti ovo polje, jer će vas to sprečiti da pristupite i veb lokaciji Casino.Guru.
Hi Miri0201,
From the screenshot you provided, I can see that you requested two (possibly three) withdrawals of €500 on the 21st of September, and at that time, your active balance was already down to €0.21.
Could you please clarify when you played down your remaining winnings?
If you find it difficult to refrain from playing down your winnings, I strongly encourage you to consider taking a break from gambling. We always advise our players to remain patient while waiting for their withdrawals to be processed, as we cannot influence or expedite the processing times at any casino.
As part of our Global Self-Exclusion Initiative, we've partnered with BetBlocker, a UK-registered charity providing a free service to support people worldwide. You can find more information about our initiative here and about BetBlocker here.
BetBlocker, which supports seven languages, is quick and easy to install on multiple devices, taking just 2 minutes. Once installed, it blocks access to over 84,230 gambling websites and runs quietly in the background. The service can be used anonymously and helps individuals manage their access to gambling safely and appropriately, whether that means complete restriction or limiting access during vulnerable periods.
Additionally, BetBlocker includes a list of 824 gambling information sites. These sites primarily inform users about and advertise gambling services. You can choose to include these sites in your restriction by ticking a box. However, if you have an ongoing complaint against a gambling operator, do not check this box, as it will prevent you from accessing the Casino.Guru website as well.
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear Miri0201,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavamo da moramo da odbacimo ovaj konkretan slučaj zbog nedostatka odgovora igrača na naše poruke i pitanja. Kao rezultat toga, nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa bilo kakvom daljom istragom niti da pružimo potencijalna rešenja za rešavanje ovog problema. Međutim, želimo da naglasimo da igrač zadržava mogućnost da ponovo otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku u budućnosti ako odluči da to učini. Ostajemo otvoreni i voljni da pomognemo u rešavanju problema ako igrač odluči da nastavi komunikaciju.
We regret to inform you that we must reject this particular case due to the lack of response from the player regarding our messages and questions. As a result, we are unable to proceed with any further investigation or provide potential solutions to address the issue at hand. However, we want to emphasize that the player retains the option to reopen this complaint at any time in the future should they decide to do so. We remain open and willing to assist with resolving the matter should the player choose to resume communication.
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